After the BFP...TTC #1 "Graduates"

Update: they finally put the pessary in and did an internal exam. My cervix is still closed and not dialated at all and it even felt like there's some length to it so that's good. Both babies are still doing great - they are not in distress in any way shape or form and are kicking away with great heart rates. The contractions have also slowed down significantly (it was once every 1-4 minutes yesterday.)

I've been given indocin to relax the uterus and slow down contractions and progesterone too to help do the same. Hopefully the pessary will keep the cervix from further deteriorating and the babies will stay in there and keep growing like they should.

I'm staying at the hospital for at least one more night but I'm hoping I get to go home soon and won't have to stay here until they are born.

Savvy - did you have to stay at the hospital overnight?
That sounds like a relief! Tell those babies to behave!!!

We are naming her Charli. I'm so swollen today it's scaring me a little!
Floridasian, I am glad you posted a good update and that both you and the babies are doing good! I spent one night in the hospital at 28w5d, I was having contractions and didn't even feel them. I was hooked to the monitors, couldn't get out of bed and couldn't eat or drink anything. Luckily they were able to stop the contractions and sent me home on modified bed rest...they told me to be lazy, if I went out of the house to do a short trip to the store and rest a lot. I will be thinking about you and hoping you can get out of the hospital soon and that the twins will stay safe and grow inside until the right time! Take care and don't hesitate to ask questions!

Jen, Charli is a cute name! If you are taking bump pics make sure you take a final picture before you go into labor! :)

Sarah and Suzy, how are the newborn boys? I am sure you are busy but if you are following along "hi!"
Babies continue to do well today and I have almost no contractions. However I'm on hospital bed rest until at least next Wendesday when I'll be 23 weeks because apparently that is when they consider them viable and will resuscitate them at my hospital. So they want to keep me here to make sure the babies can make it to at least 23 weeks.

A NICU person came and talked to us today to get us prepared for what might happen at different gestational age. Basically if they are to be born right now they won't do anything at all but try to create "memories" with them while waiting for them to die. And at 23 weeks they have a 8% chance of survival without developing major issues. At 24 weeks that percentage goes up to 25%.

I pretty much bursted into tears when she said that. I'm still tearing up as I type here. I'm just totally not prepared to deal with any of that just yet. I'm still thinking that I am going home soon and everything will fine until they are full term.

They performed an ultrasound this morning to check on babies' fluid levels and my cervix. It looks like their fluid levels are fine and the cervix hasn't changed much since the pessary was put in yesterday. I'm still waiting for a doctor to come and go over the results with me but so far I'm taking the "no news is good news" approach since it's been over six hours and no one has said anything so I'm assuming there's nothing alarming.
Hey all - getting tougher and not easier to come online to check on everyone!

Floridian - I am hoping the no news is great news!! FXed they stay in at least a few more weeks.

Jen - crazy, we though you would be the early one and here you are full term!! good job!

Hope all is well with everyone else. I will try to download pics for the next time I make it on here - not sure when that will be, but if you want to follow, I created a private facebook group to put Oliver's pics and news on - look for Oliver Max Root group on facebook and ask to join...or friend me (Monica Snitily Root).
Floridasian, big hugs. I hope you and the babies are still doing good. I was thinking about you all weekend and hoping to see some good news here when I logged in. Every day the babies grow stronger and hopefully on hospital bed rest you are able to keep the babies growing inside. I met quite a few early babies in our NICU (23+ weeks). Thinking of you and hoping everything is okay. Update us when you can.

Moni, I joined Oliver's group! Love seeing pics of babies! :)

We took the girls to my parents lake house this weekend, they travel great in the car. It was nice to get out of the house and see some friends and family!
I joined your group too, Moni! I'm glad yall are doing well! It's definetly hard to do a lot of things those first few weeks. It gets easier!

I hope you're still doing good, floridasian! Those babies are going to do just fine, don't worry! Keep us updated though!

Still pregnant, Jen?? Is Charli here? That's a really cute name, btw!

Glad the girls are doing good, savvy. And glad yall got to get away for a bit. It's always nice to be somewhere different.
Hi everyone! So turns out this baby is in no hurry to come but is already measuring at 8 pounds 7 ounces today so we are doing a c section this Thursday. Figure if I wait for her to be ready, she will be even bigger and I could labor forever and just end up with a c section anyways. I'm excited and nervous but glad it's kind of planned so it's my dr and DH along with my family can be there. I can't believe how big this monster is! I was a little nervous about having a c section and I've been obsessing the last 39 weeks about vaginal delivery so I guess I'm a little thrown off by this sudden change but at least I won't be in labor really!
That's a big baby!! Lol. It's defintely better to just have the csection, than go thru pushing and all of that just to have a csection anyways. And honestly, it's not that bad. You don't feel anything, and your vagina gets to stay nice and in one piece. Lol. You'll obviously have a different recovery, but the pain subsides after about a week or so. I won't lie, I did feel like I kinda missed out on something by not having a vaginal delivery, just bc you don't get to hold them right away, but there are a lot of pros to the csection also. Glad she'll be here soon though! Post pictures when you can! Good luck, I'll be thinking about you on Thursday!
Great job Owen! You are so super cute!

Jen, sorry you are still waiting! I will be honest, I figured I would end up with a c-section with the twins and was a bit worried but it was seriously not bad. It took a bit for me to get numb, which was kind of a hassle but the surgery didn't hurt one bit and was very quick. I healed up nicely too. No matter what happens, as soon as you are holding Charli you won't care what you went through, you will just be so excited! Good luck and I can't wait to see pics and hear your big announcement here! Take care of yourself! :)
Thanks everyone for keeping me in your thoughts. I'm scheduled to get the magnesium & steroid shots tomorrow and Thursday and after that they'll reevaluate and see if I can go home. I haven't had any pain or discomfort and the contractions are almost completely gone now. I'm sure they'll do another ultrasound in the next two days and hopefully it'll show that my cervix has stabilized so I can go home.

Good luck Jen on your c-section on Thursday. Can't wait for pictures of Charli!

Yay for being able to sit up, Owen! He's a big boy now!

Glad you were able to get away with the girls, savvy! We had a mini-getaway booked at a nearby resort for Memorial Day weekend but unfortunately we had to cancel it due to my hospitalization. I was so looking forward to it. Oh well! Maybe later.
Thanks everyone for keeping me in your thoughts. I'm scheduled to get the magnesium & steroid shots tomorrow and Thursday and after that they'll reevaluate and see if I can go home. I haven't had any pain or discomfort and the contractions are almost completely gone now. I'm sure they'll do another ultrasound in the next two days and hopefully it'll show that my cervix has stabilized so I can go home.

So glad to hear that the contractions are almost gone and you haven't been in pain. Is 23 weeks the earliest that they can give the mag and steroid shots? I am so glad they gave me the steroid shots since I had the twins early. Unfortunately the magnesium isn't so fun to be on but totally worth it. I am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts (and prayers) that your next ultrasound has good results and you can go home soon. :hugs:
I hope you get to go home really soon, Floridiasian!!!

I didn't realize there were already so many c sections! I'm freaking out about being cut open but glad for no labor ing and pushing. Just doing last minute things today. All laundry is caught up and my house is clean so I feel good. I have the worst heartburn this week and I'm so excited for it to go away. So, I'll take stitches in my stomach over a fire in my throat this week! My mom and DH will be in with me so I figure DH will look after the baby and my mom will stay with me during all of the craziness in there. DH is excited at the awesome pics he will be getting. Lol blood and insides everywhere...yay. I'm so glad we are doing this tomorrow instead of next week. I would have had anxiety for a week instead of just two days!
Jen, it is nice that you are able to get everything set today so you are all ready for Charli tomorrow! It was very organized and calm in the OR for my c-section. There were quite a few people but they knew what they were doing and were very helpful to me, they kept asking me how I was doing and telling me what they were doing, etc. They put on some music and that was relaxing too. Hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow. Enjoy Charli's big day!! :)
Wow...I haven't been on here in almost a month, but I think you must have been sending me vibes, Jen! It's just so hard to open my laptop these days it seems like lol.

I will be anticipating news of Charli's arrival! :) I totally understand how you feel kind of at peace. I originally hadn't wanted induction, but we decided to induce on his due date. I just felt really at peace with the decision. And with the whole process really. It went wonderfully. But I was so thankful we did when he came out an oz short of 9 lbs!! They never gave me an "estimated weight" so it was a shock! I did tear but have healed very well. But we had a scary moment when she had to push him back in because his heart rate was dropping as he was not fitting through my pelvis easily. I am almost 5'6 and have pretty narrow hips, but I think I remember you saying you were more petite so I think you're probably making a good call by doing the c section! Like Allison said, it would really suck to have to have an emergency one like she did and basically get the trauma to your body from a vaginal and csection. Anyway, will be sending out thoughts and prayers for a wonderful, healthy delivery for mama and baby!

Floridasian, it breaks my heart that you are having to deal with such horrible issues right now. I can't imagine having to hear the doctor talk about trying to just let you "create memories" before they pass...what a horrible thing! I am glad that you seem to be keeping them in there well and they are not in distress. It must be frustrating to be in the hospital, but I sure hope you stay in there long enough to secure them for several more weeks. Poor little sweethearts! It is amazing how much they can do for very young preemies these days though. I will be praying for you guys for sure!

Savvy, so glad you guys are doing well without the nanny. You are doing great, strong mama! I have my hands so full with just this one full term guy, I have so much admiration for you!!

Beaglemom, how's the pregnancy going? Hope you're doing great!

Moni, glad you put that up about FB...I friended you!

I'd love to friend anyone else here who would like to. Either search for Sarah Partin or [email protected] or PM me your info. I'd love to see pics of your babies and share mine. I'm sorry I've been bad about getting on here, but it's way easier to get on FB as I can do that one handed with my phone while nursing! :) And sorry to anyone I missed!

Theo and I are doing great. It's a fun, challenging ride being mom of a newborn. Our biggest challenge right now is sleep...but I'm very thankful he's healthy and eating well and has a good temperament. I will get more sleep eventually! I included a couple of pics of my sweetie :)


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Thanks for sharing the new adorable pics of Theo, Sarah! Do you actually bathe him in that cup?

I got my first steroid shot this morning. Yes I think 23 weeks is the earliest they'd do them here because they won't attempt to save then at all if they are born before 23 weeks. Tomorrow I'll get my second steroid shot and also start the magnesium. Why does it suck, savvy? Does it hurt, makes you nauseous or weak or some other reason?

They will be monitoring the babies' hearts via thorough scans of the hearts at the ped cardiovascular dept weekly and I had my first one this morning and they looked good. Also had another ultrasound to check their fluid levels and so far everything is just fine. Baby B continues to be the bigger baby and is now measuring one week ahead. I'm disappointed they didn't measure my cervix today. A good measurement will definitely put my mind at ease!!

Will be thinking of you tomorrow, Jen!! Good luck!!!!
Floridasian, I am not sure what they will do in your situation but since I was in pre-term labor with regular contractions I was given a bolus of mag sulfate. It wasn't terrible but uncomfortable. Unfortunately its side effects are flushed skin - I felt very warm - they gave me ice cold washcloths to cool off. I wasn't allowed food or drink but allowed to have a few ice chips. I think they didn't want me to eat or drink in case I needed to deliver the babies. I was on constant monitoring, they had heart rate monitors strapped to me and they kept loosing baby B's heart beat...every time they couldn't find it they had to give me another ultrasound. B's heart didn't stop, it was just where she was that made her hard to find and keep the monitors on her. I couldn't get out of bed in case I became dizzy and had to have a catheter. I was on the magnesium for around 18-20 hours until my contractions stopped. I am glad the twins fluid levels are looking good and they are monitoring you so well. Hang in there, sending positive vibes your way.

Sarah, thank you for your kind words. I have been doing good on my own, I am sure there will be rough days ahead but I have so much love for these two girls! So glad you posted an update and I will find you on facebook! Theo is adorable! I never thought I would sleep again and now we get around 8 hours a night (we go to bed about 30 minutes after we put the twins to bed) - everything falls into place eventually! :)
Would yall want to make a facebook group so we can share pictures a little more privately? I'd love to see yalls babies more!!
I created a private facebook group called "AFTER THE BFP TTC #1 "GRADUATES"" just like this thread - I set it to secret so I think I would have to invite you to join. PM me if you are interested!

Allison I will PM you the information.

Moni and Sarah I think I invited you to join?

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