After the BFP...TTC #1 "Graduates"

Floridasian! Omg! So so exciting!!! Have yall thought about names at all?
Hi ladies! So sorry I've been MIA!! It seems like life just started speeding up as my due date got closer and I hardly ever opened my laptop! I am about to go back and read the posts I missed, but first I will update you guys on me.

Theo arrived on his due date, April 11, via induction. I decided to induce because I wanted the full time with my husband home. He took two weeks off...can't believe we're halfway through the second week already. Also I was dilated to a 4 by the time I went into the hospital and had been dilated 2-3 for several weeks, so my doctor thought I would be an excellent candidate for induction.

A little about my birth story. I went into it with a lot of knowledge but not really a definitive "birth plan." I had read so many different birth stories that I felt like anything could happen so I would just make each decision as it came. But I did plan on an epidural. When I went in at 7:30 am they started me on pitocin immediately. My contractions were very regular according to the monitor, but I really did not feel them until I was at about a 7, and they did not hurt until I was about an 8. I got the epidural, and that went perfectly. Very quick and easy, and numbed me up before the pain became unbearable.

At that point my nurse had me lay on my side with one leg up in the stirrups, then move to the other side. She said this change of position helped stimulate dilation and helped him move down, similar to walking if I hadn't gotten an epidural. That took me to a 10 within about an hour. She wanted me to give a "test push" to see what kind of pusher I was before she called the doctor. I guess I was pretty good, because she said we weren't going to push anymore until the doctor got there. When she did, he moved down pretty quickly but had trouble moving past a certain part of my pelvis. It got scary for a minute when his heart rate started dropping and she had to push him back in a bit so he could recover. Then after that it was two or three more sets of pushing with contractions, and out he came! I ended up pushing for about an hour and a half total. It was exhausting toward the end, but I would just close my eyes and breathe in between contractions and focus on how I would push and be strong when the next time came.

When she put him on my chest, he was just so hot and heavy, and I started sobbing hysterically with joy and emotion. It was like an out of body experience. (Just noticed that could be a pun since he actually did come out of my He was 8lbs 15oz and 21.5 inches long. This was truly the shock of the day as I was doing so well late in the pregnancy. I literally walked 3 miles every day the week before having him. I mean I was obviously uncomfortable and ready to be done being pregnant, but nothing like what people describe.

The whole experience was just calm and peaceful...and I'm really not one to place a huge importance on the birth experience. For me, I wanted a healthy baby, and I was prepared to deal with whatever complications might arise...but none did. I almost don't want to tell people about it in case they had just sounds like bragging. But I'm just super grateful.

He latched right on and suckled on colostrum in two hour stretches, interrupted by sleep. After we came home, he has been just eating, sleeping and pooping. He also thinks it's really funny to pee straight up into the air the minute we take his diaper off. :)

We took him in for his weight check and he is within an ounce of his birth weight (he went down to 8 lbs at his first appt a week milk had just come in the night before that, so he's been playing catch up this week.)

The roughest part so far has been recovery. I did have a second degree tear and hemorrhoids from pushing out a 9 pounder. They were healing really well and my pain was decreasing until a couple days ago it started getting worse. I had my hubby look to see if my stitches were getting infected, and it turns out I have a UTI. Turns out it's fairly common after having a catheter (which you have to get with an epidural.) So I got on some antibiotics today and hopefully will feel better soon. At least I know my tear is not infected.

He's been doing great. My hubby has been keeping him until 3am so I can get some sleep (giving him a bottle of pumped milk as needed) then I let him sleep until noon. I'm going to be sad when he has to go back to work, but I will do what I need to in order to make it work. I'm so in love with this little guy already :)

Here are some pictures of Theo and one of us as we were leaving the hospital. I am going to catch up on what's going on with you ladies now. Can't wait to hear how you are all doing. Again, sorry for my absence. Life just sped up!!


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Woohoo Floridasian!!! Congrats on your big news!!

Sarah! Congratulations!!! I was figuring you must have had Theo by now and haven't had time to come online. He is beautiful!! So glad that everything went well and that you didn't have any complications. It is nice that your hubby can be home for the first few weeks with you. Keep us posted when you have time!

I don't think I want another nanny. While I was glad to have her in the beginning when I was getting my routine down and pumping a million times a day, now I feel very comfortable with the twins and end up doing most of the feedings myself. I think as time goes on it will get easier as they play more. The only thing that bothers me is taking them out alone, I wouldn't feel comfortable unless I was meeting a friend. Luckily there is a young girl down the street that could help me in the summer if I wanted to go to the zoo or shopping. After this whole experience I have learned it is hard to have someone living with you and I look forward to it being just the four of us! :)
Huge congrats Sarah!! Thanks for sharing your birthing story. I've been trying to avoid the labor part of any pregnancy book because I'm just not ready for it yet but I really need to start getting myself prepared for it.

Sounds like you went through a lot! A hour and half of pushing must have been exhausting!! I think 10-15 minutes is the norm? But it's so worth it though. Theo is absolutely adorable! You look great too! Love your family photo!

Congrats again!
Congrats, Sarah! I loved your birth story. Sounds amazing actually and I hope I get a nice calm day. Lol
I'm hanging in there! I get off of bed rest tomorrow!!! I'm so excited. If doc gives me the ok I'll start walking and doing light exercise. I just get so tired and the contractions I get really are uncomfortable. I'm ready for her to come at anytime. I remember getting the tightening feeling in my uterus around 26 weeks but these are more intense. Like I have to stop and catch my breath! Over the weekend I started getting lots of pressure in my back and legs like I need to go to the bathroom but I don't have to go. Plus I've been super regular the last week. I'm all cleaned out! That's a nice break from constipation though so I can't complain. DH took a lot of call days at the hospital in May. I bet she will come right after Mother's Day!
Hi everyone!
Only now have I had the time to take a minute and update you all. My beautiful baby boy was born on April 8th, one week after his due date. I had to be induced at 41 weeks seeing he wasn’t planning on coming out any time soon. I checked into the hospital at 9 am and started with the induction straight away. However I wasn’t dilating at all. The doctor would come over every hour or so to check my progress but my cervix remained way up there and hard, making those hourly checks very unpleasant. I was having contractions all along but they were still bearable, just uncomfortable. Finally at around 6 pm we decided to do a C section seeing I wasn’t even close to dilating. I think I managed to dilate 1,5 or 2. I went in for the C section at 6 pm and Francisco was born at 6:26 pm. When I saw him, tears started rolling down my face. It was a very emotional, special and peaceful moment. Hubby was with me the whole time. He was the first one to hold our baby but then came back to sit next to me. Afterwards he told me that he was worried about me because I looked so “calm”.
Francisco is a very good baby. He doesn’t cry too much I think. And he is so sweet and funny. He makes the funniest faces. And I love holding him and cradling him. I’m totally and completely in love with him :kiss:! I’m just so happy :flower:


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Congrats Suzy! What an adorable precious little boy you have there!!
We finally announced on Facebook over the weekend.

I posted the ultrasound pic of Baby A in my status update and said I was expecting a girl. Then 10 minutes later I posted the ultrasound pic of Baby B and said I was expecting a boy.

Hehe..I think I succeeded in confusing a lot of people after comments poured in! LOL! Then finally someone picked up on the twins a little later and I followed up by thanking everyone and confirming that yes we were having twins - a boy and a girl.

I think I'm finally feeing the babies move - the "twitches" are now more prominent and more frequent so I'm pretty sure those are from the babies.I'm continuing to have bi-weekly appointments and monthly scans but nothing 3D/4D. What are your thoughts on the 3D/4D scans? Are they worth the money?

By the way this is my fav ultrasound pic so far - Baby B's left hand!
I plan to do the 3d. The way I see it you can't go back and do this pregnancy again. So enjoy everything you can.
Congrats Suzy!! What a cutie!! So excited to have more babies on this thread!

Floridasian, I love your announcement idea! How cool!

I would totally do a 3d ultrasound, I regret I didn't get one. I totally forgot and was going to ask at my next appointment if they could do one there...too bad I had the twins 2 days before the appointment. Still bummed I missed my ultrasound that week. By the way make sure you copy your ultrasound pics incase something happens to your original!
Congrats Suzy!!

I loved doing my 3D/4D. So much fun to see some of their features! Totally worth the $150 bucks!! Do it!
Congrats Suzy and Sarah!! It sounds like that was a busy week....

Oliver Max was born at 5:27pm on April 7th. He was 5 weeks early and 5lbs 13 ounces and 17.5 inches at birth. My water broke in the middle of the night and they ended up needing to give me Pitocin to get the contractions progressing. I made it about 4 hours after the Pitocin before I got the epidural – best decision ever! I delivered 3 hours later after about 30 minutes of pushing.

Oliver needed to go into the NICU and stayed there for 8 nights. (The hospital let me stay in an extra bed after my discharge so I could continue to breastfeed throughout the night). My days consisted of 3 hour incriments – go to the NICU – breastfeed for about 20-30 minutes (they didn’t want me to tire him out too much), give Oliver a bottle with breastmilk and spend a little time with him. Go back to my room to pump for 20 minutes and maybe have about an hour to 1.5 hours to eat, sleep or do anything – so pretty much no time at all.

Now that we are home, things are a bit better but I am still breastfeeding and pumping, but he sometimes goes 4 hours between feedings. He gained 11 ounces last week - so finally back to his birth weight! I am totally in love!

Here are a couple of pics!

Hope all is well with everyone else!


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Congrats Moni!! What a sweetheart! I love his NICU pic, reminds me of the twins. Glad you are home with Oliver and he is doing well.

Wow, lots of babies in a few days...Moni was first with her sweet boy on April 7th, Suzy had her beautiful boy on April 8th and Sarah had her cutie on April 11th! All boys!

The twins are totally outnumbered...Jen you are having a girl, right? Less than 5 weeks to go for you? So exciting!!

Hope everyone is having a great week!
Yep! Girl for me! We are thinking in the next 3 weeks with how my body has been acting. I had a contraction free day for the most part yesterday. Just so tired. I slept literally all day
Jen, get some rest now! Enjoy the last few weeks of putting your feet up and relaxing in quiet!
Suzy and Moni!! Congrats to both of you! They're both adorable!

Floridasian, I love the announcement! How creative!

I don't remember who asked about the 3d ultrasounds, but we did 2 of them and I'm so glad we did. Its so cool to see the similarities after they're born. It's amazing how much you can really see what they'll look like.

So excited for you Jen! Anytime now!!!

How is everyone else doing?? We're doing ok, Owen has been having some sleeping issues again, but I'm sure it's just a phase and we'll get past it.
Oh my the other day when I posted I caught up on recent posts but Theo needed me before I could respond. Now I log on to finally respond a week later and look at all the news!!! How exciting!! Three baby boys in just a few days! Huge congrats Suzy and Moni!! They are both so beautiful!

Re: 3D ultrasound. I wasn't planning on paying for one, but the office I went to for the assessment of risk of down's, etc., was pretty high tech and had 3d there. I swear he's a spitting image of his 28 weeks pic...even holds his hands up by his face like he did in the u/s. It's fun...not completely necessary, but I'm glad to have those pictures. Like something said that I read, you don't have many souvenirs from pregnancy (other than the obvious lol).

Here are my responses from catching up the other day. I jotted down notes as I was reading cause otherwise my brain is mush. If something is off topic, I'm probably misunderstanding my notes so sorry ;)

Savvy--we have a rock and play and love it. He sleeps in it at night next to our bed, and naps in it during the day. I think it helps fight acid reflux with its gentle incline. Glad you and the girls are doing well and you're finding it more manageable on your own. I totally understand how you're saying that adding another person to the equation can end up being no good. Especially if she's supposed to be helping and is making things harder. Or making you uncomfortable or bringing any negativity into the house... I have so much respect for you taking care of two wee ones! You rock! :)

Beagle mom it's so fun to read your posts preparing for baby. I feel like I've talked to you and followed your journey for so long, and I'm just so happy that you are at this point right now. You will be a great mom. The nursery looks fabulous...I love the bold color choices! :)

Ok, he's fussing...I have a few more replies but I'm going to post this now before I lose it
Thanks Sarah! The rock n play definitely helps with reflux and the twins also love when I rock them while I pump. I think it is just comfortable for them to lay in.

Our favorite item is the light projector...they are fascinated by it and love watching it as they fall asleep. Best $30 I ever spent!!

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