Jumpingo, I think you're right about EOD...I get stressed out about the timing thing...what happened this cycle is this:
My Cycle is 26 days consistently
CD11- Ultrasound- shows egg about to "pop" as Dr. said. He guessed I would ovulate in a day or 2 (which would be cd 12 or 13)
-I decided to start SMEP the next day CD 12, because of the ultra sound, and bc we BD the night before. (didn't test w opk)
Well, on CD 13 and 14 I got (+) opk. So this totally threw me off, Obviously an ultra sound is the most accurate, but could the egg have waited 3-4 days to drop?
So we BDed CD 10, 12, 13, 16 (missed the cd 14 bc hubby was too tired, missed 15 bc I fell asleep)
Here's what I'm worried about, did I miss our window according to the opk, or should I go by the ultrasound and dr's ovulation estimate? AHHHH driving myself nuts. maybe I caught the fall of LH surge on the opk?
Hope my explanation is not too complicated
My Cycle is 26 days consistently
CD11- Ultrasound- shows egg about to "pop" as Dr. said. He guessed I would ovulate in a day or 2 (which would be cd 12 or 13)
-I decided to start SMEP the next day CD 12, because of the ultra sound, and bc we BD the night before. (didn't test w opk)
Well, on CD 13 and 14 I got (+) opk. So this totally threw me off, Obviously an ultra sound is the most accurate, but could the egg have waited 3-4 days to drop?
So we BDed CD 10, 12, 13, 16 (missed the cd 14 bc hubby was too tired, missed 15 bc I fell asleep)
Here's what I'm worried about, did I miss our window according to the opk, or should I go by the ultrasound and dr's ovulation estimate? AHHHH driving myself nuts. maybe I caught the fall of LH surge on the opk?
Hope my explanation is not too complicated