lol jump. I thought you were driving this train, what happened?
Hubby looked at me last night and said that I had to go to sleep early so that I would be all rested for tonight
so I guess he's on board for SMEP!
I hope we can stick to it, because we do have a tendency of starting out strong and finishing kind of pathetically... I look forward to the TWW for a break
yeah, slacker conductor over here
but here's what happened in the last 3 weeks:
husband's grandma has been sick and got worse, so we flew to seattle with 4 days notice. she died the day after we saw her, stayed for 5 days total, then we came home and AF showed up after being
convinced i was pregnant.
i helped organize and went to a wedding and after party for a good friend who is due 3 weeks before i was supposed to be due (and visibly showing and multiple mentions of baby during the wedding and reception and after party
). my husband is struggling/miserable at work, had (what i can only assume was) a panic attack at work and was taken to mental health and is now starting meds that are messing with him, and i am STILL a wreck from the MC; i have cried most days the last 2 weeks. so, uhh, yeah.
that's what happened. heh.
i'm just a wonderful ray of sunshine and rainbows huh!? HA!
We haven't been good little SMEPers either! CD8 was February 27 for me, and we've skipped so many days in between BDing ever since! So, CD8, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21 and today makes 22. I got my +OPK on CD20. I would feel a lot more confident if we had BD on CD19, but I had had a TERRIBLE day, and just couldn't bring myself to do it. I dunno! What do you guys think?? I think I O'd late on CD20. So I guess DH and I are the exact oppose of you and yours Tankel! Weak start, strong finish!
Funny thing... every time DH and I get going this cycle, I think in my head "CHOO CHOO!!" because we're climbing aboard the SMEP train!
if you got a positive on CD20, and BDed 20, 21, 22, you should be SET!! that sounds like a great chance at getting pregnant this month! if you chart in FF, i'm pretty sure that would give you a "High" ranking in timing.
and LOL at the "choo choo"!!
too funny!!