All aboard the SMEP train!

17 DPO and still BFNs. Are you KIDDING me?!

Oh that's so frustrating! I'm reading many different tests have you tried?

Dollar Store Cheapie
First Response digital
Regular Clear Blue
Clear Blue digital
Clear Blue that tells you weeks pregnant

I am alsmot wondering if I O-ed later than I thought. I got a positive OPK on the 21st, we BD-ed for the last time for a week on the 22nd (were too sick to BD the day after O and two days later) so if sperm can live 5 days the latest I could have gotten pregnant is the 27th, which would put me at 12 DPO. Almost wonder if I geared up to O, failed and missed the second gearing up. Argh...
17 DPO and still BFNs. Are you KIDDING me?!

Oh that's so frustrating! I'm reading many different tests have you tried?

Dollar Store Cheapie
First Response digital
Regular Clear Blue
Clear Blue digital
Clear Blue that tells you weeks pregnant

I am alsmot wondering if I O-ed later than I thought. I got a positive OPK on the 21st, we BD-ed for the last time for a week on the 22nd (were too sick to BD the day after O and two days later) so if sperm can live 5 days the latest I could have gotten pregnant is the 27th, which would put me at 12 DPO. Almost wonder if I geared up to O, failed and missed the second gearing up. Argh...

Sending good vibes your way! I hope this is a good sign for you! Frustrating, but maybe a good thing! :)
alchemy, hoping you get something one way or the other soon! i dislike most "phases" of ttc, but that limbo might be the worst:growlmad::nope: fingers crossed that + is just being shy!:thumbup:
I'm not sure what to think. Either I have had 2 LH surges and internet cheapies are not picking them up or the Clear Blue Digital OPKs are crap.

My internet cheapies are starting to show a line and it's been getting darker for a couple of days....

My CB showed a false on CD10 and a "Peak" at CD11 Then yesterday showed a false and today a "Peak". Today is CD16.
I need opinions! I'm CD19 today. On CD14-16, my wondfo opk was starting to get a darker line. Still a fair amount lighter than the control though. When I tested on CD17, there was no line at all and yesterday, it was very very faint. Do you think I may have just missed the surge or maybe I haven't surged yet? I was testing twice/day until yesterday when I just tested once. Unfortunately, my urine was not concentrated at all the last like 6 days because I was in Mexico and drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated. I don't temp track because I wake up at sporadic times to pee during the night so I don't think it would be accurate. We were BDing every-every other day before we left for vacation and while we were on vaca, but now we have guests staying at our house for a few days and lots of plans so I don't think we will be able to.

winnipegk- How frustrating! Do you chart your temps at all? I got a false +OPK last month around CD11 & then failed to actually O. I got another CD24, & Od that time. Sometimes your body can gear up for O,but doesn't actually go through with it for whatever reason. Temping will help you to decipher your OPKs as it will tell you whether or not you have infact Od or not. xx

Pruili01 - Hopefully someone can offer some better advice, but I don't think OPKs on their own are 100% accurate. They can only really tell you when your body is trying to O, but can't actually confirm it. Temping is probably the only way to confirm it, but if you have erratic sleeping patterns then it won't be accurate :( I wish I could be more help. FX

AFM - I got my first flashing smiley this morning!! So excited. Took an IC to see what that says & it was -, but I suppose it would be as the flashing smiley doesn't indicate LH, but the E surge right before the LH surge! Hurrah. I'm just wondering when is best to BD now? I understand that some people can have smiley faces for days! Do I BD 3 days in a row or every other day still until I get the full smiley? xx
I'm not sure what to think. Either I have had 2 LH surges and internet cheapies are not picking them up or the Clear Blue Digital OPKs are crap.

My internet cheapies are starting to show a line and it's been getting darker for a couple of days....

My CB showed a false on CD10 and a "Peak" at CD11 Then yesterday showed a false and today a "Peak". Today is CD16.

how long are your cycles usually? does that help give any insight into a probable O day, or no? if the lines are getting darker on the internet cheapies, and you are at CD16, i would guess you're about to ovulate in the next couple days?:shrug:

I need opinions! I'm CD19 today. On CD14-16, my wondfo opk was starting to get a darker line. Still a fair amount lighter than the control though. When I tested on CD17, there was no line at all and yesterday, it was very very faint. Do you think I may have just missed the surge or maybe I haven't surged yet? I was testing twice/day until yesterday when I just tested once. Unfortunately, my urine was not concentrated at all the last like 6 days because I was in Mexico and drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated. I don't temp track because I wake up at sporadic times to pee during the night so I don't think it would be accurate. We were BDing every-every other day before we left for vacation and while we were on vaca, but now we have guests staying at our house for a few days and lots of plans so I don't think we will be able to.


same question: how long are your cycles usually? if adding your LP to 14, 15, or 16 and that's how long your cycles are usually, then it seems like maybe you just have a really short surge and you missed it?:shrug:

sorry things are so up in the air for both of you!:dohh: i also would say if there's a chance you haven't ovulated, then keep trying to BD when you can, just in case:thumbup:

am CD9 over here and finally getting to DO something!:haha: we started our every other day schedule yesterday, and i'm going to start OPKs tomorrow. there are some other health things happening with my husband at the moment, so things are a little up in the air but for now, trying to stick to the plan:shy:
Pruili01 - Hopefully someone can offer some better advice, but I don't think OPKs on their own are 100% accurate. They can only really tell you when your body is trying to O, but can't actually confirm it. Temping is probably the only way to confirm it, but if you have erratic sleeping patterns then it won't be accurate :( I wish I could be more help. FX

Pruili, i am a pretty light sleeper and wake up at weird times in the night, but still manage to temp. while my chart isn't as "nice and clean" as a lot of other people's, i can definitely see patterns and have been able to figure out if and when i've ovulated. if you got up in the night or didn't get 3 hours of solid sleep before taking your temp, just check the "Sleep Deprived" box on FF and it'll just keep in mind that that temp might be off when it predicts.:thumbup:

obviously when traveling though, it's tough. i'm not sure what i'm going to do when we travel this time around...we have to go back to preventing for a couple months, so maybe not temping post-O will get me off of it?:roll: also wondering if i should keep up temping even though we will be preventing. for data's sake? for actively avoiding my fertile window? we'll see...because temping is sort of a pain in the butt. i'm glad i do it in addition to using OPKs while actively trying. i started with only temping at first, but it was hard to anticipate ovulation, so i started OPKs last cycle. i can see how only using OPKs would leave a lot of "did i ovulate? did i not ovulate?" wondering:shy:
I have officially given up. 18 DPO I should have had at least a pale line by now, right?
I have officially given up. 18 DPO I should have had at least a pale line by now, right?

i'm sure you've said before, but i am totally scatterbrained right now: when was/is AF due?

everything on FF says if your temp stays up for 18 days, that's a pretty good sign you're pregnant...could you go get a blood test?:shrug:
I have officially given up. 18 DPO I should have had at least a pale line by now, right?

i'm sure you've said before, but i am totally scatterbrained right now: when was/is AF due?

everything on FF says if your temp stays up for 18 days, that's a pretty good sign you're pregnant...could you go get a blood test?:shrug:

Four days ago. And I just switched insurances so no one will give me a blood test without having me come in for a well-woman appointment first then make a second appointment for a blood test, and the first OB who can see me can't see me until thr 21st. sucks.
My cycle is usually around 29 days I think. I'm really bad at charting....doing better this month. My temps are staying around the same mark....I am not consistent with times or doing it every day though. Trying to get better!!! Today it dropped a bit, but not lower than the lowest point this cycle yet. Here is my OPK from just now. The line is definitely getting darker!!! I have NEVER had this on an OPK before so this is a really good sign, I think!

We'll continue EOD until this for sure is a nice dark line, then every day for a few days....unless my temp actually can tell me something.
Today my temp is way up ... but I didn't temp the right way at the right time so it's probably off. My OPK is negative today and we didn't BD last night because Dh was driving me crazy. I hope we are still ok to BD today and catch it!
AF made her greeting this morning. Ugh. I knew it was coming but I still didn't want it to lol! Seems I scheduled a massage perfectly! Perhaps some relaxing this afternoon will start me on the right path for this cycle! Thinking of giving acupuncture a try, too. I used to go for back pain and migraines but never found a new provider when we moved.

Alchemy, how are things going for you? Hopefully you're not still in limbo and have gotten some results, hopefully of the BFP style? :flower:

Winnipegk, hope if your temp is accurate you still caught that eggy or that you still have a chance to do so! Gotta love when the DH drives one crazy.
My cycle is usually around 29 days I think. I'm really bad at charting....doing better this month. My temps are staying around the same mark....I am not consistent with times or doing it every day though. Trying to get better!!! Today it dropped a bit, but not lower than the lowest point this cycle yet. Here is my OPK from just now. The line is definitely getting darker!!! I have NEVER had this on an OPK before so this is a really good sign, I think!

We'll continue EOD until this for sure is a nice dark line, then every day for a few days....unless my temp actually can tell me something.

that OPK is looking pretty close to positive to me!:thumbup: hope it gets obviously positive and you get busy girl!:winkwink:

AF made her greeting this morning. Ugh. I knew it was coming but I still didn't want it to lol! Seems I scheduled a massage perfectly! Perhaps some relaxing this afternoon will start me on the right path for this cycle! Thinking of giving acupuncture a try, too. I used to go for back pain and migraines but never found a new provider when we moved.

Alchemy, how are things going for you? Hopefully you're not still in limbo and have gotten some results, hopefully of the BFP style? :flower:

oh MrsG:hugs: i'm sorry...need me to take the witch out back?:growlmad::trouble:

a massage sounds so amazing! i sat in the massage chair at the furniture store the other day - that's probably about as close as i'm gonna get!:haha:

and yes, alchemy, any news??:telephone:

afm, CD11. was trying to BD on even cycle days, but already missed 10. got 11 instead:winkwink: have Oed on CD15 for the last 2 months, so hoping that stays the same. last month i got positive OPKs on 12 and 13 and then a temp rise on 15, so i am thinking if it's positive tomorrow, i'll wait until 13 to start the 3 days in a row. don't want anyone to get burnt out before O day again:blush:
Yes Alchemy, let us know!

My OPKs yesterday and today have been really faint.

What if I O'd on Friday and we didn't BD that day but we BDd late last night? We also BDd on we have a good shot?
alchemy, impressive! after 3 days, my husband gives me puppy dog eyes and claims he needs a break from all the sexin'.:roll::rofl:

I wish mine did. He wanted to go for a straight week. I thought male sexual drive was supposed to drop off after the teens. He must be a woman, as his has INCREASED. :dohh:

perfect for TTC!:winkwink: bound to cover all your fertile days that way! haha!!

my husband is only 27, but the military has kinda taken its toll, so he's a kid stuck in an old man's body.:haha:

totally unrelated: a couple just moved into the apartment next door. i met them as they were moving in and i was coming back from the grocery store. after the last guy who lived there, who was loud and always parked in our spot, i'm sure it's an upgrade...but she's about 6-8 months pregnant.


having definitely not-on-my-diet chips and loaded salsa/dip to make myself feel better.:dohh:

we didn't make it 3 days in a row, so don't feel bad. eod after af, then 2 days in a row after +opk.... My hubby needs breaks too. I fell asleep while he was watching football, and he didn't wake me.. oh well

Jumpingo, everywhere I look, I see a pregnant woman, and I'm just dying to ask her, "how long did it take you?" but I refrain bc I don't want to hear, "oh, it just happened the first try"... fx its a good sign for you, and you are next!!
Yes Alchemy, let us know!

My OPKs yesterday and today have been really faint.

What if I O'd on Friday and we didn't BD that day but we BDd late last night? We also BDd on we have a good shot?

winni, so you mean BD on wednesday and saturday with O being on friday? the wednesday might give you a chance, but i'm guessing the saturday is too late?:shrug: but then again, you never know!

i used an OPK at 9:30 this morning (technically fmu) and it was really faint, so will try again later this afternoon. my husband, as predicted, tried to start something today, but had to say, nope, sorry!:haha: hopefully the OPK goes positive and we'll start 3 days in a row tomorrow.

we didn't make it 3 days in a row, so don't feel bad. eod after af, then 2 days in a row after +opk.... My hubby needs breaks too. I fell asleep while he was watching football, and he didn't wake me.. oh well

Jumpingo, everywhere I look, I see a pregnant woman, and I'm just dying to ask her, "how long did it take you?" but I refrain bc I don't want to hear, "oh, it just happened the first try"... fx its a good sign for you, and you are next!!

before TTC we probably had sex 2, sometimes 3 times a week, so every other day and then 3 days in a row is tough for us:blush: i'm sure there are couples who have sex much more, but i'm also guessing they are more likely to get pregnant before coming to online message boards since they're already doing more than SMEP:roll:

the neighbor thing was weird too, because of the conversation i had with them. when i said, "oh, are you guys moving in?," the guy was hesitant and said, "yeah, well, kinda..." and when i asked where they were coming from (which, as far as i have experienced, is a normal military question. it's assumed they were transferred from another base.) one of them said they were already here. at this point in the conversation, i'm totally confused, so asked if they were moving from a house or...? and one of them said, "well, we're getting married..." but it seemed really awkward. when i retold the story to my husband, he said, "oh, yeah, that sounds like *someone* messed up: 'oops, guess we're getting married now.'" so they are probably one of those couples where you don't want to hear the answer:roll: sigh...:dohh:
Yeah....I'm not 100% that I Od on Friday but it's CD17 and I got that super dark opk. I hope Wednesday's BD would catch it if it was Friday.
Jumpingo, oh boy, sounds like your neighbors have a little road ahead of them. We can look at it this way, at least we get to enjoy our DH's selfishly before our little miracle gets here. We must not forget how much we love them. We've been together over 4 years and stopped preventing 8 months ago, no luck that way. Probably
Like u, we dtd 2-3 xs a week. After 4 yrs, I guess that happens. Well, we got aggressive the last 3 months after our wedding in July. But still no luck.... :(
Dr. Put me on clomid next month if the witch gets me on the 23rd. My DH is 47 so he didn't want to wait 1year ttc.

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