all being well due in may! bump buddie needed

Yep defo a positive :) Ive never used Asda tests so cant compare with you im afraid.

The docs will run blood work two days apart. It picks up the pregnancy hormone and looks for it doubling. My advice would be to call the doc in the morning, explain whats going on and get the blood work. Stuff work chick...making sure you and beany is ok is more important.

They wont scan you till youre closer to 6wks. Theres nothing visable on scans really at the stage we are so they will look at the blood levels first and foremost to make sure that its a continuing pregnancy rather than a chemical.

Sure it will be ok, but Id defo go see the doc xx
thanks yeah ill ring say was due on over weekend, had a couple postive tests but had a little bleeding and few cramps and going away and wondered if can get any tests to help, ill let u know hun, thanks for the support, r u feeling ok?? what times ur appointment, r u looking forward to finding out if everything ok/ whats made u go to gp did u say u had bleeding? xx
I am so glad to hear no more bleeding charmed. Hope your gp can help you out tomorrow.

I am getting the odd twinges and things are not helped by my toddler constantly wanting to climb over me!

Keep us updated on gp appointments tomorrow girlies. My appointment is at 920 so not much waiting around x
Thanks, well went out for a bit and no bleeding so far keep havin that feelin soz tmi that something leakin out but when wipe nothin there. Just did another test another adsa one, held wee for 40mins and look what I got?! Yay. Do u think this a good sign? Xx


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IMO its stronger than the other test you posted :) I reckon you just had a little bleed but nothing to worry about.

I do still say you need to see your doctor though :

As for why im going to the doc charmed...I have a history :) I had an ectopic pregnancy last year so as I have an increased chance of it happening again I have to be monitored earlier. Not really had any bleeding but did have a bit of pink and brown on the day of and day after my AF was due.

Yay for bump buddies :D x
Hello ladies!! How is everyone feeling today?

Clairyflair: Hello!!! It's so lovely to meet another bump buddy!! :) I'm on baby #1, and extremely excited!

Sarahuk: Wow! That's been a long time of TTC! I thought ours was long, and it's taken 10 months to get where we are's felt like forever! Are you excited for your GP appointment?

Charmed: Glad to hear that the spotting has died down!! I hope that little bean is now all snuggled in all warm and cosy!

AFM: 12dpo today and day of expected, my first missed period ever and it feels fantastic! I've also been taking tests everyday to reassure myself...and the pic below shows what I got with afternoon urine today! I've gone from "1-2" to "2-3" on my clearblue digital (YAY! I'm over the moon), which is earlier than I expected and I've got a lovely pink line on FRER...I think it's finally sinking in that I'm pregnant!

How are everybody's symptoms? I'm so so tired, sore boobs and feeling nauseous on an evening, but that's keeping me positive that everything is going ok! I've delayed my doctors appointment until the 3rd September (Next Monday) at 6:30pm, and then I'm going to book an early private scan for around the 20th September (I'll be around 7 weeks then so should see a lovely little heartbeat if all is well!)x


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Yes its truly amazing isnt it to get to that day and wait for something that FINALLY...after our wait...doesnt come!

I wish it was sinking in for me :D Im half excited half still in denial :D

Lovely lines on the tests and yay for a 2-3! My line isnt as dark as yours yet..but then im 3 days behind you :D

YAY for being preggo!! xx
Rhx sarah it came up with 30 second! :) so if u don't mind me asking what signs did u hav of ur ectopic? Is it bloody they mainly doing? I want do a digi again but think try and hold off if I ov on 13th I'm 14dpo so when should I get 2i3 weeks? Still few cramps mainly after eating still nothing when wiped. Xx woop great bunch girls so glad got u to talk to as not tellin ppl yet xx
Ive only told my parents outside of her :) Think my OH has told his brother though!

With the ectopic I knew something was up. I never get spotting and always start af at medium flow. I started to bleed early when I wasnt due for af, and it was a strange consistency. Blood red but very watery too...and a fair amount of it too. It was a few days after that which i started to get positives. They were fairly feint at the start but did buil. By this time id had my blood levels done and my levels were going up normally, but when i got to the scans there was nothing in my uterus and a mass next to my right ovary.

I did start to get pain but it was further in. And by then I was starting treatment.

I wouldnt worry about having an ectopic tho. I was told there was only a 1% chance of it occuring and I was just unlucky that my first bfp ever had ended up as one :) I never got a line as strong as yours btw back then :D x
Id wait a bit longer on the digi. Although my tests are darkening, i stil get 1-2 on a digi. They are looking for levels around 200 to trigger the 2-3. xx
Found out I was pregnant on Saturday! I should be due around May 6!!
Hi ttcbean how are you? How's everybody feeling today?

My stomach is aching but def more stomach than abdomen area. I think I should take it easy but I'm one of those people who needs to be doing something, hence me stripping a dining chair instead of lounging!! X
Hello :) I'm doing good overall, just having some cramping and am pretty fatigued! I am still in shock and so excited and scared!

Have you told anyone else besides your OH?
Grats ttcbean!! Welcome :D We have the same EDD!

LOL should be chilling out!!

Im feeling ok too...just crampy. The sharp pains have gone msotly now and im being left with an ache down there and some gentle backache :)

We haven't told anyone yet. Waiting to see if the gp tomorrow considers us high or low risk first. We are going to tell my parents after the appointment and oh parents at the weekend.

I know my mum is going to cry this time- from relief. I know she has been worried about me since my op last year and she knows we were having fertility tests. I am super excited about telling them.

We won't tell anyone else until after 12 week scan.

The only thing I am really unsure about us when to tell our lo. He is two and half Si won't really understand but don't want him to feel left out. We have had a look at his baby book today and the pictures of me when I was due with him. Tried to explain that he was in my tummy and that we went to hospital and he can outmy tummy. Think he kind of understood that. What would you do ladies?

Who have you ladies told and when will you tell others?

Caught my oh looking at prams earlier!! He is way ahead of himself and I am so shocked he has stayed quiet so far!! X
My OH is the same...hes thinking about playing football or brushing a little girls hair..have to keep saying "stead on" lol :D

Ive told my mum and dad. Wont tell my sister until ive had the placement scan. But once iv ehad that ill probably shout it from the rooftops lol. I know it will still be early but..ive come to the conclusion that we will only experience these pregnancies we have going on right now the once...we should enjoy them to their fullest!

Complicated with the little one. What about holding off until youre starting to show and then maybe showing him the scan picture youll have by then and explaining that theres another growing in your tummy like he did.

Do you think they will be giving you an early scan too then?

I guess it could have been harder...imagine if he was say, 8, and wanted to know how the baby got there!! xx
So true!!

Not sure if they will send me for a placement scan. I hope our gp either sends us for one or tells us that our chances of an ectopic are no higher than anyone else's.

I went for an ultrasound exactly a week before I found out I was pregnant (part of fertility tests)and the technician said that ovaries and womb looked fine and she could see that my right ovary had released an egg and that my womb was thickening up nicely. But the right side is the side I am most worried about as that is where appendectomy scar is and side most effected most likely by the peritonitis they told me I had (the lovely doctors at my local hospital kept me waiting in a ward for two and half days before deciding to operate). Then I had a hospital superbug. So had great time of it!

Guess I will find out tomorrow x

Have you been told you will get a placement scan following your last ectopic? X
So in a few more days hoepfully. Still feel bit crampy and like leaking sorry tmi! Just keep wanting go to loo and look. Just keep thinking nothing I can do can change anything now, just need keep relaxed and pray. Hope gp does see me tomorrow. Would u say done test at weekend but had bit spotting since and take a sample? I wonder if some of my pains are wind?! Xx thx thou sarah y made me feel bit better xx
So true!!

Not sure if they will send me for a placement scan. I hope our gp either sends us for one or tells us that our chances of an ectopic are no higher than anyone else's.

I went for an ultrasound exactly a week before I found out I was pregnant (part of fertility tests)and the technician said that ovaries and womb looked fine and she could see that my right ovary had released an egg and that my womb was thickening up nicely. But the right side is the side I am most worried about as that is where appendectomy scar is and side most effected most likely by the peritonitis they told me I had (the lovely doctors at my local hospital kept me waiting in a ward for two and half days before deciding to operate). Then I had a hospital superbug. So had great time of it!

Guess I will find out tomorrow x

Have you been told you will get a placement scan following your last ectopic? X

Oh wow honey you really have been through it havent you :(

Sounds like your little beany has a lovely snug new home then! Im sure its fine and that its in the right place. 1% isnt much and im sure you fall within that :D You could ask about the scan, if you explain your concerns they might be prepared to do it to put your mind at rest! I hope they do :)

Yep i think its standard procedure that following ectopic they have you in to check where the next one is. It was a horrific time and it took until may for me to be completely discharged from the treatment so very keep to avoid it!

So in a few more days hoepfully. Still feel bit crampy and like leaking sorry tmi! Just keep wanting go to loo and look. Just keep thinking nothing I can do can change anything now, just need keep relaxed and pray. Hope gp does see me tomorrow. Would u say done test at weekend but had bit spotting since and take a sample? I wonder if some of my pains are wind?! Xx thx thou sarah y made me feel bit better xx

Im not sure about your GP but I know mine dont require samples to double confirm. Whenever ive said Ive had a positive test they just got on with the next bit!

Id ring them and say that youve had positive pregnancy tests that are getting darker but that youve been having some bleeding and you want to see the doctor. If the doctor is doing what he should, he should arrange for you to have your HCG levels checked twice, 48 hours apart from each other. This is to determine 1) how much hcg is in your body 2) if it is increasing at the right level.

It really depends from there if they decide that you need an early scan. I think with bleeding that dries up they probably wont be too worried, but if there is still bleeding/spotting then they may well arrange for you to be scanned at around the 6wk mark.

I have the cramping too chick :) And ive spoken to a couple of friends who are pregnant atm in the second trimester and they said they had it too for a good couple of weeks. And that it felt just like af at times. So sounds like its normal :shrug:

I dont have the leaking :) Infact...I dont really feel like i have too much more cm than i normally would at this point...hope thats not a bad sign!


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