all being well due in may! bump buddie needed

Oh, and im glad it helped make you feel better :) What we are here for! xx
Thanks Sarahuk for your help. It's good they give you a placement scan as part of procedure after what you have been through.

Charmed- I have had cramps on and off which are worrying but I am sure I had them with my first pregnancy so like Sarahuk said it is normal. Also my gp did not ask for a sample last pregnancy but my midwife wanted one every time I went!
Im crossing fingers and toes they will give you one!! :D

Lol damn...I aint lookinf forward to that part..I can never pee on demand lol x
Hiya just caled gp got an appt at 3pm today they didn't ask y. So I didn't say. Its not with my normal doc so not sure if that's a gd thing or not. Lasst time he worked out my due date and gave me the baby book thing. So not sure who or what this one be like. Still no blood today so guess that's good. Not gonna test now until weekend. Ill keep u posted I'm very scared thou x
Sounds like things will be fine chick...its great that theres no more bleeding! Keep positive!

How are my ladies today? :)

Im fine! Feeling much less crampy and achy today and still no af! Tests still say positive! Im starting to feel brave enough to let it sink in that I am indeed up the duff!!

First beta done...they will call me tomorrow if theres a problem but she says there wont be. NExt set on thursday then ill find out the deal with the beta numbers on Friday.

Im still nervous though. When I was 3/4dpo I was admitted to hospital and had abdominal xrays :( I hope its ok. x
Hi ladies,

Can I join you? I am due on 4th May with my second so it would be lovely to have some bump buddies to hang out with :happydance:

I have also had some spotting which I think must have been implantation. I got a bfn at 10dpo (2 days before af) then started spotting the day before, the day of and the day after af. It was pink/brown mixed in with cm and sometimes was quite watery. Got a faint positive yesterday and a slightly darker line today so hoping we've got a sticky one!

I think its pretty normal to have spotting, especially around the time of your period so as long as its not bright red and you are not getting cramps with it all should be fine.

I definitely feel more stressed this time around than I did first time although not sure why!
Sarahuk: Ooohhh, exciting stuff!!!!!!! I think it's safe to assume you've definitely got a bun in the oven!!! I've not got doctors till next Monday, but I'm assuming my levels are going up too with the darker lines and "2-3"! It's so exciting yet nerve racking at the same time!

AFM: I'm not doing too bad...all I'm really feeling at the moment is incredibly tired (To the point where I can't get through the day without a quick power nap), my boobs are sore on and off (It worries me when they're not so sore, but then they fire back up again and it's like little bean is saying "Just a reminder I'm here!") and my sense of smell is very sensitive!! Apart from the other night, I've hardly felt nauseous though...I'm just wondering when morning sickness sets in and whether it's a gradual thing or, BAM!, you wake up one morning and you're sick?
Hey ladies... Ive got a Big thread going with lots of other May mummies to be... Come and Join us :)

Hi ladies,

Can I join you? I am due on 4th May with my second so it would be lovely to have some bump buddies to hang out with :happydance:

I have also had some spotting which I think must have been implantation. I got a bfn at 10dpo (2 days before af) then started spotting the day before, the day of and the day after af. It was pink/brown mixed in with cm and sometimes was quite watery. Got a faint positive yesterday and a slightly darker line today so hoping we've got a sticky one!

I think its pretty normal to have spotting, especially around the time of your period so as long as its not bright red and you are not getting cramps with it all should be fine.

I definitely feel more stressed this time around than I did first time although not sure why!

Hey and welcome!

And firstly, congrats on the bfp!!

Yep sounds really normal to me. was the exact same sounding as what i had about 3 and 4 days ago. Dried up and nothing since and tests also darker :)

I think its just one of those things our bodies do to make us stress out!!

Sarahuk: Ooohhh, exciting stuff!!!!!!! I think it's safe to assume you've definitely got a bun in the oven!!! I've not got doctors till next Monday, but I'm assuming my levels are going up too with the darker lines and "2-3"! It's so exciting yet nerve racking at the same time!

AFM: I'm not doing too bad...all I'm really feeling at the moment is incredibly tired (To the point where I can't get through the day without a quick power nap), my boobs are sore on and off (It worries me when they're not so sore, but then they fire back up again and it's like little bean is saying "Just a reminder I'm here!") and my sense of smell is very sensitive!! Apart from the other night, I've hardly felt nauseous though...I'm just wondering when morning sickness sets in and whether it's a gradual thing or, BAM!, you wake up one morning and you're sick?

Id say with your 2-3 you have nothing to worry about!!

Do you think I should pick up a cb tomorrow and try for mine? hmm... !

Yeah my boobs are weird like that too lol. Is it your nips or the "meat" thats sore? For me its the meat and iits not too bad which sometimes makes me nervous!

With my first bfp (ended up tubal but still thats nothing to do with it!) I started to feel a bit :sick: quite early..think i was just over 5wks. It was a gradual build up though just felt a bit ikky :)

hi what a waste of time i could cry, just been in spoke to gp said bleeding may have been from implanting or whatever, tested wee and was a line straight away but he said it was faint had a look and i saw it straight way a nice pale pink line, said way to early to tell anything as yet and dont worry as such. said too early to confirm pregant thou :( stupid man. wish never went now. last time came away with my books n stuff now i just feel sad. he made it sound like tested too early was implanted now it moved or something :( xx
MEh im so sorry hun that your doctor was not very supportive :( It sounds like bull to me. I mean, Im a day behind you but ive been atleast sent for bloods :shrug: I know I have a history of Tube pregnancy but still.

In one thing he is right. Doctors dont like us to test early for pregnancy due to the fact that chemicals happen.

When is/was your AF due? Cos in my opinion...if you are late and showing a pregnancy positive with some bleeding, you should be entitled to blood levels being checked :(

:hugs: x
Hi well I don't care he's a training gp anyway, said my blood pressure ok, listen to tummy ovary area and said felt ok. Said good bleeding if can even all one wipe of red bleeding as stopped but from my weak (2hour held nearly pale wee) is only a weak postive, I saw line appear straight way and he said that before asking when ovulated and when period due. Said may have just been start of period cos baby implanted and now come loose, or moved?! I didn't say I'd tested yesterday and got a strong result! Fuck him. Boobs hurting tons and just tested with what not even 3 hour held wee and digi says... 2-3!!!!!! And preg words came up within 40secs! Happy dance!! Do u think it s good sign?! Yay yay! Do ur test too!! Means can't test for 3+ now until nearly go away next weekend, think ill stop testing for now, got one adsa left, so maybe do that at weekend, so line was so strong if see it paler ill freak. If I was havin a early miscarriage and gonna bleed soon would my digi still have gone up Xx
He s gonna offer bloods went get nurse then came bk some other gp said no as I'm young only very early late and faint test, period due yesterday! I mean u should seen it on f***in drop of wee on it! I've got right mind call him morro say look it says 23 weeks u prat! I trust digis way more than them casette test! Anyway rant over have wait until 7 weeks to see midwife think I can call docs and book myself anyways so I think didn't even have see a gp, wish had not gone. On plus did say fine to travel and I've got nothing to worry bout as such, just said wait! Ons 3+ ill tell midwife I think. Do u think I'm safe to think still preg then? Xx


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I would say defo still pregnant!! Thats fantatsic news!

I reckon that bleeding was just leftover from implantation hun :D

Bet you feel great after that digi eh? :D :hugs: x 1000000000000!! x
thanks hunnie ur amazing at making me feel better! do urs!!!!! how do i add u as friend, be nice be bump buddies. I think now ill relax whenever happens i got pregnant and its out of my hands now so nothing i can do. If do mc now i know maybe something wrong with babba, just preying all ok. Still few on off af style cramps and tinges but happy no more blood for 2days and boobie hurting tuns today!! xx
Yay you found me :D :hugs:

Well...I really wouldnt worry so much about the cramps :) Ive had them horrific from a day before my af was due and a couple of days after. They only really stopped for me today and af is 4 days late. I think theres just so much going on down there so fast that its bound to get a bit achy!

Ive spoken to a bunch of ladies that are pregnant at the moment aboaut the cramps and they have said the same thing that they had cramps that were 10000% just like af cramps. And it didnt show!

I think if you were having a miscarriage your tests would be getting lighter and I doubt youd have gotten a 2-3 on a digi. I think you need hcg levels of 200 to get a 2-3 weeks so sounds like baby is nicely implanted!

When were you meant to get your period hun? xx
well i was due in 26/27th so i normally would be light on sunday and heavy yesterday but nothing! happy happy!!!!!
Then you can breath a sigh of relief! Youre late and defo preggo! xx
Hi charmed
What a stupid gp!! Can't believe how insensitive too!

I would say by your 2-3 digi test your little bean is holding on strong!
How long have you got to wait to see midwife?

Sarahuk- any news today?

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