Hi ladies,
Can I join you? I am due on 4th May with my second so it would be lovely to have some bump buddies to hang out with
I have also had some spotting which I think must have been implantation. I got a bfn at 10dpo (2 days before af) then started spotting the day before, the day of and the day after af. It was pink/brown mixed in with cm and sometimes was quite watery. Got a faint positive yesterday and a slightly darker line today so hoping we've got a sticky one!
I think its pretty normal to have spotting, especially around the time of your period so as long as its not bright red and you are not getting cramps with it all should be fine.
I definitely feel more stressed this time around than I did first time although not sure why!
Sarahuk: Ooohhh, exciting stuff!!!!!!! I think it's safe to assume you've definitely got a bun in the oven!!! I've not got doctors till next Monday, but I'm assuming my levels are going up too with the darker lines and "2-3"! It's so exciting yet nerve racking at the same time!
AFM: I'm not doing too bad...all I'm really feeling at the moment is incredibly tired (To the point where I can't get through the day without a quick power nap), my boobs are sore on and off (It worries me when they're not so sore, but then they fire back up again and it's like little bean is saying "Just a reminder I'm here!") and my sense of smell is very sensitive!! Apart from the other night, I've hardly felt nauseous though...I'm just wondering when morning sickness sets in and whether it's a gradual thing or, BAM!, you wake up one morning and you're sick?