Hi I am here. Sorry I forgot to read this one yesterday! Caught up now lol. TDOG- So if you were getting your surge the day you bought the the Clearblue OPKS it is possible you will not get a smiley face this cycle. Since the 1st one detects your levels if you were already surging your test will not be able to detect a higher LH level if that makes sense? I cheat those tests now if I use the first one later in my cycle then what is recommended on the instructions. I will use water for my first test then use the 2nd test right after the O goes away with urine. I am sure you are ovulating do not let those tests make you sad!
AFM Nope still flashing smiley so maybe tonight or tomorrow.
Thank you oops, I posted the wrong picture! This was the one I meant to post...
Bumble- that bottom one is definitely pos! Lots of your way!
Tdog- get in the tww with me I feel lonely over here