Pepsichic, I LOVE my job normally but some stuff happened to me at work and it is a major contributer to the way I am now. Put it this way....I would be medication free and probably done with counselling months ago if it wasn't for this. Instead I am on Effexor XL 150mg (I refuse to go any higher) and will probably be in counselling for years now. I don't feel safe there anymore but can't say that because I could be moved out of the area I am in and I really don't like the other options. My hours would change and I would be at increased risk for bullying because of everything that is going on.
I went for a 5 mile walk on the beach today. It was lovely.
I know you love your job, but you should NOT be returning to ANY work place that you dont feel safe in, let alone a work place that has beent he cause of your problems.
when i lived in england, i worked for Tesco for a while, i was a shelf stocker at night, i liked my job, i liked my manager and the other ladies i worked with. then my manager got promoted, a promotion he deserved greatly. our new manager was horrible. but for some reason it was me he went after, he harrased me and bullied me from the moment i walked into the store till i left. everyone saw it, everyone knew what was going on and not one person stood up to him. i tried and got given a written warning from...him!
it got so bad that i had a mental breakdown one night and just sat ont he floor shaking and crying and strugglign to breath that i was taken home by one of the other staff members. i was off work for 3 months, i was put back on medication, and back into therapy. eventually Tesco said i had to make a choice either i come back or i leave. so i went back, but i dropped a lot of hours, i went from full time to just 12 hours a week (3 x 4hour shifts), i filed a complaint with the store about my manager. but no sooner was i back and he was straight back to his ways.
i couldnt cope and started selfharming, i refused to eat, i couldnt sleep and i did cut myself a few times. my medication increased and i was off work for another 3 months. Again i had to choose go back or leave. I filed yet ANOTHER complaint with the store and showed them a letter from my therapist and my medication. eventually they agreed i could work 1 night a week for 4 hours on a night he didnt work. a Sunday.
fair enough sundays were ok with me, it was time and a half pay. so 4 hours for the price of 6, i get to see all my friends and not that manager. 3 weeks into this and guess who decides he wants to be a sunday night manage suddenly? and guess what...the store allowed it!
so he started working sunday nights, and the same things started all over again. I couldnt take it anymore and walked out during a shift. Tesco did NOTHING to help me. infact they gave me a warning for leaving during a shift. I filed a complaint with headoffice. the manager got a "warning". and still to this day works there as night manager. a year or so later, i got contacted annomynously from another girl, who worked for him at a different store before he was transfered to my store. she went through the exact same thing with him. she said she even went to a meeting with headoffice about it and all they did was transfer him to my store), so it goes to show, some work places dont care about the little people - easily replacable i guess.
my point here is, whatever the problem you have with your work place, its unlikely to ever change or go away. if you dotn feel safe or happy their no matter how much you love the job, you have to leave for your own sake. or you will just get progessivly worse.
is it possible you could find another similar job?