I hope the scan goes well Jelly. I loved the 20 week one, everything was so clear and real!
I've bought or been given the big ticket items, but now waiting until the January sales for the rest. I'm going to go crazy in January!
It's been fun making the nursery look like a nursery instead of a storage room, but we haven't done any accents yet, just new carpet and put furniture in. I can't wait to put pictures up and sheets on cot etc.
My MIL has knitted loads of cardies and we've been given some little outfits and shoes etc, but I'm looking forward to buying plain tiny babygrows and a couple of miniature trousers and things. It's odd because I was so sure it was a girl and I knew exactly how I'd dress her, so now it's a boy, I'll be able to go out and see what seems right for this little wriggler!