Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Kirsty- I'm so pleased she's arrived safe and sound and I'm so excited to hear your birth story. Congrats :) xx
Kirst :happydance::yipee::dance: congratulations. Looking forward to hearing the details :hugs: Lily is a lovely name - it's my daughter's name too :)
Yay we got another baby on the thread!! Congrats Kirst, well done and enjoy the first few precious days xxxx
Oh you realise this means WE ARE NEXT :haha:

2 weeks until I finish work and 41 days until my due date :saywhat: where has the time gone?
OMG I know Maddy!! I have my last shift at work next week. And hows this for some possible stress, OH calls me yesterday saying a recruitment company has called him wanting him to apply for his dream job…on the Gold Coast!! And they'd want him to start in January..I mean how can I say no..but shit..what if he gets it!! Interstate move the month I'm due..far out!!
Oh gosh, Take :shock: what do you think of that idea? Would it mean giving birth at a whole new hospital you've never been to before?
I guess so Maddy, that worries me less than the packing, finding somewhere to live and a school for Keyara while I'm either heavily pregnant or with a newborn. Not to mention getting up there, I'm not sure I'd get permission to fly so I'd have to drive over a couple of days…kinda hoping he doesn't get the job in a way..too stressful!!
One word my dear Take - Qantas - they let you fly domestically up to 40 weeks provided you carry a letter from your Doctor.
Do they?? That's interesting…hmm well thats food for thought..still secretly kinda hoping I don't have to worry even though it is such a good opportunity, thanks for the tip tho :)
Hi girls!
I have finally managed to jump on the computer and write about the arrival of Lily! I can't believe a week has flown by already. What a whirlwind! We are just so totally and completely over the moon and in love with this little bundle. There is not much sleep going around at our place at the moment and although she sleeps like a champ in the day.... nights are another story! But we will get there and she is bf really well and had hardly lost any weight when we left hospital. So will see the child health nurse on Thursday and make sure everything is on track.

The birth itself is actually a really positive story. We were booked in for induction due to the bleeding becoming heavier and the high bp. I was so worried as my cervix was closed at my ob apt on Friday and so I was due to have the prostins gel sunday night and then the synto drip Monday morning. I'd heard people call the gel the 'ceaser gel' and felt like my body just wasn't ready to have her.

So we arrive on sunday night and I get hooked up to the monitor while we wait for the doc. I'd been having bh and I could see them very regular on the monitor. The doc came in to to check me and then smiles and says 'no gel for you, you're 3cm and contracting regularly, I wouldn't be surprised if you deliver tonight!' So we went home to sleep in our own bed and were to come back if nothing happened overnight for synto drip. We just felt so happy that my body was actually ready to deliver and felt from that moment like everything would go well.

despite being up most of the night, the contractions didn't progress into full blown labour, so we went back the next morning ad the doc broke waters and started the drip. The labour was hard and fast but actually not so bad! I labored on the fitball from 8.30-12.15 with no pain relief and was doing ok. At 12.15, bub turned posterior and I started having coupling contractions. I knew I had to move her so I stood up and it was like a switch! As soon as I was standing I had 2 or 3 huge contractions and begins moaning my head off and begging for an epidural!! They checked me then and found I was 7cm! The midwife called to set up delivery trolley and said she though baby was coming faster than we expected. They put the epi in about 12.45 and the ob popped his head in and said 'ok well i'll be back soon' but he completely missed delivery and the midwives delivered Lily at 1.15!

She went straight onto my chest and bf for almost an hour before they weighed and did all the checks. It was just so surreal and such amazing experience (minus the hour or so when I was telling the midwives I couldn't do it and was going to die!) Dh and I are completely in love :)

Hope everyone is doing well and even if I cant write as often now I am still checking in regularly on my phone to see how everyone is going! xxx
I'm so pleased it went well for you Kirsty..any photos of Lily for us??
Kirst what a lovely birth story that is, it sounds like it was a no-fuss delivery.

Enjoy these first precious weeks, it will all be a blur later but still amazing.

Take, yikes !! Moving to GC sounds a bit stressful
What an amazing birth story :)

Lincoln was a night owl the first couple of weeks and now sleeps quite well during the night :)
Hi girls! Just wondering if any of you have any newborn sleeping tips? Lily sleeps like a champ during the day... But 5pm- midnight is a nightmare. She's really unsettled and won't go down. Then she is up every 1-2 hours in the night and seems to hate her bassinet ( sleeps happily in it during the day though!) 6am comes around and she is a little angel again :) I know she is so very young but any tips on how to settle her in the evenings? I've just been feeding her constantly as the only thing that pacifys her but she gets so full she pukes and I think it makes her lil tummy sore!
Hey Kristy!! Your birth story sounds amazing congratulations again!! Don't worry those patterns are totally normal and completely draining! The really only last for such a short time though! Before you know it she'll be pulling your hair and trying to roll of the change mat!! Up to you but have you tried a dummy? Yohanna was a comfort feeder and would over feed and puke, it worked for us! I know that people can be little weird about them one way of another though haha! And she also loved the big bed when she was first home!! She slept well in out bed but I didn't at all cause of all the SIDS stuff. She's only five months and it already feels like a life time ago!!! Xxx
Thanks girls! The dummy worked a treat last night! I have a little comfort sucker here too :)
Hi Kirst I agree wish that it's common for newborns to get their night/day patterns all mixed up .. How long does she go between feeds in the day? You could try walking her up every 3-4hrs in the day for a feed which may help her sleep better at night .
If you google "witching hours" or purple crying their is lots of info about babies is the unsettled period.
How is everyone? Is it hot where you are? I've just been for a walk (mostly under trees, around a nice cool lake) and it's already in the mid-20s. I love the hot weather though, so I'm not too fussed :thumbup:

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