Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

:wohoo: for triggering Eveclo :dance:

5 is a fantastic number Lirpa, it is such a numbers game! My first cycle I had 18 follies and got 18 eggs and this past cycle I had 20 follies and got 11 eggs :shrug: You just can't pick it. But like your DH said it only takes one, and I'm sure your miracle is in there :hugs: Bring on Friday!! xx
Hi ladies

All finished for now. Just waiting to know how many get fertilised tomorrow. Hoping all goes well.

Expected numbers a bit better, but we got 5 eggs. DHs count was 9million so they're going icsi now. :cry:

Should get 4 fertilised and 3 good ones for transfer based on statistics. We get one transferred Friday. They scheduled my blood test for December 23 but we will be in bali so changed to 26 December. I'm sure I'll do a HPT before anyhow.

I would have thought heaps of eggs because of the follicles, but maybe that's linked to my pcos? Oh well, one is all we need I guess. And low risk of ohss so that's good.

Also have tomorrow off work, transfer Friday at lunch (fingers crossed) but said I can go back to work after.

Started crying when they said our numbers and that we are going icsi, but DH made me feel better and said only need the one so will keep praying.

Can't wait to hear how you go Eveclo! Did your trigger sting?

Oh no :( sorry to hear you were disappointed with numbers, but your husband is very right it does only take one good one to make a baby and you. How are you feeling now? Are you in any pain? Trigger didn't sting, I had the ovidrel trigger so it's the same pen as the gonal f. Nice & easy. I'm sooo bloated and ready to go now, just getting ready for bed so hopefully I don't sit awake for too long I just want it to be over and done with. Have a feeling ill get Ohss by the way my stomach feels and looks and have to cancel which is so disappointing. I just hope I get some good eggs and hopefully embryos out of this!

Wish you all the best & your embies over the next few days!
Thanks very much Eveclo. Can't wait to hear how you go tomorrow! :) it's exciting to talk to someone else going through this and hear how your going.

I'm sorry that you're bloated . I got worse this morning. It's better now. Hopefully it goes down for you quickly, and you're able to sleep quickly. I stayed awake for ages after my trigger, but was asleep quickly the night before the hospital.

I'm not in too much pain, it just feels like I've done a million ab crunches, or someone has punched me in the stomach. I'm hoping that goes away soon. I've been flushing the water and had some Gatorade.

Good luck tomorrow and can't wait to hear how it's going for you! I'll stay at home for the day I think :)
So we only collected 5 eggs, but all 5 fertilised!!! :happydance:

So happy! The numbers are coming togethe!

Thinking of you today Eveclo! Hope allies going well
That's fantastic ! Was that using ICSI or IVF I can't remember if you've told me or not :)

I'm home from EPU, we got 15 eggs and I'm not sure how many were mature (hopefully a good amount!). Our scientist told us she wanted to do 5 ivf and the majority in ICSI, as DH's sperm count and motility was up today. I am really nervous about this decision but I feel like I would regret it if I didn't do it. I just have a feeling those 5 will be throwaways but I guess we will know tomorrow. Feeling really good at the moment, my doctor was thrilled with results. Just hoping we have some good fert results. Transfer (if all goes well) Friday (day 2) or Monday (day 5). (Clinic doesn't open on weekends) hope everyone is well. :)
That's fantastic ! Was that using ICSI or IVF I can't remember if you've told me or not :)

I'm home from EPU, we got 15 eggs and I'm not sure how many were mature (hopefully a good amount!). Our scientist told us she wanted to do 5 ivf and the majority in ICSI, as DH's sperm count and motility was up today. I am really nervous about this decision but I feel like I would regret it if I didn't do it. I just have a feeling those 5 will be throwaways but I guess we will know tomorrow. Feeling really good at the moment, my doctor was thrilled with results. Just hoping we have some good fert results. Transfer (if all goes well) Friday (day 2) or Monday (day 5). (Clinic doesn't open on weekends) hope everyone is well. :)

The embryologist ended up doing all ICSI due to low count and motility (only a few were moving in the right direction). And it worked I our favour yay!

Hoping the icsi ones go good for you :) I'm sure you will get some nice embryos as well! You have some good numbers with yours :happydance: good luck :-D
That's fantastic ! Was that using ICSI or IVF I can't remember if you've told me or not :)

I'm home from EPU, we got 15 eggs and I'm not sure how many were mature (hopefully a good amount!). Our scientist told us she wanted to do 5 ivf and the majority in ICSI, as DH's sperm count and motility was up today. I am really nervous about this decision but I feel like I would regret it if I didn't do it. I just have a feeling those 5 will be throwaways but I guess we will know tomorrow. Feeling really good at the moment, my doctor was thrilled with results. Just hoping we have some good fert results. Transfer (if all goes well) Friday (day 2) or Monday (day 5). (Clinic doesn't open on weekends) hope everyone is well. :)

The embryologist ended up doing all ICSI due to low count and motility (only a few were moving in the right direction). And it worked I our favour yay!

Hoping the icsi ones go good for you :) I'm sure you will get some nice embryos as well! You have some good numbers with yours :happydance: good luck :-D

Last cycle we had 5 out of 5 mature eggs fertilized with ICSI. The scientist just said that since we had a good number to work with she wanted to try to do a more 'natural' thing because maybe my eggs just don't like being prodded with a needle. I just have a feeling none of the IVF ones will be fertilized because he has bad morph but I guess they know better than I do! :) hope your embryos are growing nice & healthy for you.
Hope you girls are recovering well :hugs:

5 out of 5 is awesome Lirpa :dance: When is your next embryo update? xx

Eveclo awesome pick up!! Hope your bloat goes down soon :hugs: Hope you get some good fertilisation :) They should call you this morning with an update? xx

So excited for you girls xx
Hope you girls are recovering well :hugs:

5 out of 5 is awesome Lirpa :dance: When is your next embryo update? xx

Eveclo awesome pick up!! Hope your bloat goes down soon :hugs: Hope you get some good fertilisation :) They should call you this morning with an update? xx

So excited for you girls xx

A bit more pain today, all those pain meds they gave me must be wearing off. Haha. But not too bad at all, still look preggo that's alright though I'm not leaving the house haha. Yep they said they would call between 9-11am. It's only 9:25am and I'm already so anxious! Just hoping we have something good at least from the ICSI'd ones. :( I guess ill soon find out! Xx
Hey Ladies, Fert report went Fantastically (is that even a word? meh, I'm making it one!) We had 13/15 eggs mature and our ICSI bunch did well at 7 out of 9 fertilized normally and IVF group was 3 out of 4! So just hoping that everything keeps going well and they divide like they are supposed to. I am so impressed with this clinic mainly their scientists they have just been so fabulous and helpful and put up so many better suggestions. Anyway, that's all the news I have really other than that it looks like a 5 day transfer on Monday about Lunchtime. :) Woohoo xx
I'm so excited for you Eveclo, I agree, everyone who works in the lab there are just awesome, good at their jobs and very down to earth. Stalking you and Lirpa11 and hoping for some good news for you both soon x
That's an amazing fertilisation report :dance: Do they give you a day 3 report? xx
We haven't gotten another report yet. :( I know the embies are in an embryoscope, growing away.

I know we go for the transfer tomorrow at 11:50! Can't wait :) our little baby embie will be back in me. I'll have a chat to it ha ha

That is a good fertilisation report Eveclo! You must be pleased to have gotten good numbers from the icsi and ivf! I agree that the nurses, embryologists have been good. I think they have been the most helpful this cycle than anytime previous when we used them for cyle tracking etc.

Can't believe were both getting the transfers so soon now yay.

The bloat for me has finally started going down today. I'm def glad I had the day of EPU and the day after off work. I felt ok, but slept for over half the day yesterday! So much sleep but it was worth it because I feel good now.

What are you doing after your transfer Eveclo? I will go back to work for an hour, then going to the movies for the evening so nothing strenuous. Saturday I'll just do a bit of house cleaning (sweeping and mopping). Should be ok.

How many are you having transferred? Is your hubby going in with you? DH is driving up to come with me for the transfer. I'm glad he wants to be a part of it each step :)

Not sure if there is anything we shouldn't do after the transfer.... Hoping for a BFP for us both!
I'm so excited for you Eveclo, I agree, everyone who works in the lab there are just awesome, good at their jobs and very down to earth. Stalking you and Lirpa11 and hoping for some good news for you both soon x

Take they are SO good! Primy (i don't know if that's her name but it sounds something like that) was the one that came and talked to us yesterday after EPU and she literally sat down at my feet and crossed her legs and went through everything and was so great, and then Ben was the one that called today and he was fantastic also. Honestly 1000x better than the previous clinic that were awkward and every question I had was 'we don't really know as things can change very quickly' or something annoying like that! Also Scott must be a magically gentle surgeon I have no bleeding and not much pain (unlike my previous stim cycles - interesting!)

I love having a stalker just hoping everything goes well
That's an amazing fertilisation report :dance: Do they give you a day 3 report? xx

Yes they said they will call either tomorrow or Saturday (i'm guessing probably Saturday) to give me an update. I am still really nervous about that because I know that embryo drop off is to be expected but i will take every day as it comes! For today, I'm thrilled. :)

We haven't gotten another report yet. :( I know the embies are in an embryoscope, growing away.

I know we go for the transfer tomorrow at 11:50! Can't wait :) our little baby embie will be back in me. I'll have a chat to it ha ha

That is a good fertilisation report Eveclo! You must be pleased to have gotten good numbers from the icsi and ivf! I agree that the nurses, embryologists have been good. I think they have been the most helpful this cycle than anytime previous when we used them for cyle tracking etc.

Can't believe were both getting the transfers so soon now yay.

The bloat for me has finally started going down today. I'm def glad I had the day of EPU and the day after off work. I felt ok, but slept for over half the day yesterday! So much sleep but it was worth it because I feel good now.

What are you doing after your transfer Eveclo? I will go back to work for an hour, then going to the movies for the evening so nothing strenuous. Saturday I'll just do a bit of house cleaning (sweeping and mopping). Should be ok.

How many are you having transferred? Is your hubby going in with you? DH is driving up to come with me for the transfer. I'm glad he wants to be a part of it each step :)

Not sure if there is anything we shouldn't do after the transfer.... Hoping for a BFP for us both!

Transfer will be Monday and M officially starts holidays tomorrow so he will be coming with me. He's never missed a transfer he loves being a part of it :)

My previous doctor has always said just do your usual thing and not worry too much but i will probably do a little bit of bed/couch rest and just take it easy. I have heard it's good to keep your feet warm and eat warm things but I hear lots of stuff that could just be a rumour :)

I figure if it's going to stick it's going to take a lot more than just eating warm foods lol :)

Good luck with your transfer, it will be surprisingly good! It is no more painful than a papsmear in fact sometimes I haven't even felt it.

Can't wait to hear how it all goes. :hugs:
Eveclo- Ben is still there..he is just lovely, I'm so glad your experience has been positive, hard to picture Scott doing surgery..have you seen how big his hands are? Lol Gentle giant tho :)
Eveclo- Ben is still there..he is just lovely, I'm so glad your experience has been positive, hard to picture Scott doing surgery..have you seen how big his hands are? Lol Gentle giant tho :)

Isn't he just! He just seemed so happy to be the one to tell me good news it was just very refreshing and easy. Not scary or nerve wracking he basically said as soon as I picked up, 'Hi it's Ben from the IVF lab I have great news but I want to get your name and date of birth first' I thought it was great because it automatically put me out of that worry. Just a smart guy to think of doing that instead of typically having to say you name and dob and feel anxious the whole time (when 30 seconds feels like forever!) so I'm grateful.

Haha well I don't even know if it even was Scott that did my surgery! (I have been told it definately was) i was asleep before he got in the room! There were just nursing staff and the anesthetic guy there and boom next minute I'm waking up! Definately a gentle giant I'm so surprised!
Sorry Lirpa just realized I didn't answer your question. Our doctor will only let us transfer one (our previous doctor was allowing 2). He said if we have crappy embryos we can transfer two but otherwise it is one. I'm ok with this as I just want one healthy baby and pregnancy (although I obviously wouldn't be upset to have twins!) but he knows what is best & I'm just along for the ride. :) plus if I am the one killing my embryos with my NKC I would rather not 'waste' them until we have the suppression meds down pat. Thinking of you today xx
Hi ladies

Feeling a bit nervous now :)

Just wondering, I know I didn't wear makeup in the ER. What about ET? I know no perfume, lotion, deodorant etc. I have on mascAra though... Is that ok??

Ill be work before and after. The clinic is just across the street from work. I can wash it off but it should b ok shouldn't it?

I don't have face powder, blush etc on.
Hi ladies

Feeling a bit nervous now :)

Just wondering, I know I didn't wear makeup in the ER. What about ET? I know no perfume, lotion, deodorant etc. I have on mascAra though... Is that ok??

Ill be work before and after. The clinic is just across the street from work. I can wash it off but it should b ok shouldn't it?

I don't have face powder, blush etc on.

You'll be fine, mascara will be ok. If you wash it off even better. No problems, they won't cancel or anything don't worry.

Good luck you'll be surprised at how easy it is !! :)

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