Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Hey MissCassie, our scans tomorrow woohoo :) Did my first Orgulatran this morning morning... so proud it didnt hurt at all, although I did put some frozen peas on first hehe
How are you feeling?

TMI Question ...I felt some period like cramping Friday night and Saturday morning and then I had fertile CM (sorry) but a lot of it Saturday..I freaked out thinking I was ovulating. Anyway I did my first Orgulatran this morning and I feel nothing at all now :( is this bad! I think I'm having a common fear of ovulating too early. I hope anyway.

Eveclo ~ That makes sense hehe I guess we just have to trust the professionals sometimes. How are you feeling? Bet you cant wait.
How long until you move, do you have a little downtime to rest after the transfer beforehand? Hope so :)

We must all keep in contact once we have our babies, as I know we all will get there at some point. Hopefully all near the same time hehe

I still have no bruises, except Fridays needle has left a nice red hole where it went in .. that one hurt a lot too. I kinda want a war wound hahaha is that normal hahaha

Hope you are all well :)
Hey MissCassie, our scans tomorrow woohoo :) Did my first Orgulatran this morning morning... so proud it didnt hurt at all, although I did put some frozen peas on first hehe
How are you feeling?

TMI Question ...I felt some period like cramping Friday night and Saturday morning and then I had fertile CM (sorry) but a lot of it Saturday..I freaked out thinking I was ovulating. Anyway I did my first Orgulatran this morning and I feel nothing at all now :( is this bad! I think I'm having a common fear of ovulating too early. I hope anyway.

Eveclo ~ That makes sense hehe I guess we just have to trust the professionals sometimes. How are you feeling? Bet you cant wait.
How long until you move, do you have a little downtime to rest after the transfer beforehand? Hope so :)

We must all keep in contact once we have our babies, as I know we all will get there at some point. Hopefully all near the same time hehe

I still have no bruises, except Fridays needle has left a nice red hole where it went in .. that one hurt a lot too. I kinda want a war wound hahaha is that normal hahaha

Hope you are all well :)

Yep you will have a lot of cervical fluid during this process because your estrogen levels are a lot higher than normal. Its a good sign that you are producing some good follicles. I always worried about this on the first cycle but it is a good thing- the orgalutran will stop premature ovulation. Some days you will feel more and some days less but it's all ok :) and its normal to be nervous or concerned about ovulating prematurely I was always worried about this but they have the system down pat!

I don't know how to feel really- I am more anxious the embryo won't survive the thaw. That is going to hit me hard because of everything we've done but at the same time I'm preparing myself for the worst. I think im more nervous about our next fresh cycle failing because then it's like we don't have anything more to try (fresh cycle; with immune therapy). We will most likely only do one more fresh cycle and use all frozens before we give up and look into something else so it's a little bit daunting.

My husband won't be able to make it on Thursday either as it is his last day at work here where we live. So I'm going it alone! (Unless it doesn't defrost then obviously I'm just sad alone hahaha)

We leave here on the 30th and move into our new house on the 6th so I am going to be all moved around in this time! Probably not the best time for an embryo transfer but we wanted to use this one before we left. I can't believe it falls just a few days before we leave though- cutting it fine!

Hope your weekend is going well! :) xx
Good luck today WB and MissCassie! Can't wait to hear how it all goes :) x
Thanks Eveclo, that put my mind at ease... i've seriously had no cramps or anything since then but todays scan put me at ease.
I am going along nicely according to the nurse, 13 follicles on the left and 9 on the right. She's thinking there were some coming along at the back. I definitely have at least 9 eggs to be retrieved so far.
I have another scan on Wednesday to see what she thinks we will do from now, to early to tell today. She is thinking egg retrieval on Monday :) so excited.

Aww try not to be too nervous. If it doesn't survive then you have found a great Dr in Sydney that can do another fresh cycle for you.
Do you find out day of transfer if it survives, no earlier? Wish your hubby was there with you. Try not to stress, the odds are it will survive ok :)
Least you have a couple of down time days to relax after transfer. Who knows being preoccupied by the move could be a good thing for you :)

How are you going MissCassie? Good luck at your scan this arvo :D hope your follies are coming along nicely.

I ended up having a nice weekend. Had the day out with my niece and nephew on Saturday which was good, I went to their school fete was actually a pretty decent one :D
Are you trying to get organised for your move now Eveclo before your transfer?
Thanks Eveclo, that put my mind at ease... i've seriously had no cramps or anything since then but todays scan put me at ease.
I am going along nicely according to the nurse, 13 follicles on the left and 9 on the right. She's thinking there were some coming along at the back. I definitely have at least 9 eggs to be retrieved so far.
I have another scan on Wednesday to see what she thinks we will do from now, to early to tell today. She is thinking egg retrieval on Monday :) so excited.

Aww try not to be too nervous. If it doesn't survive then you have found a great Dr in Sydney that can do another fresh cycle for you.
Do you find out day of transfer if it survives, no earlier? Wish your hubby was there with you. Try not to stress, the odds are it will survive ok :)
Least you have a couple of down time days to relax after transfer. Who knows being preoccupied by the move could be a good thing for you :)

How are you going MissCassie? Good luck at your scan this arvo :D hope your follies are coming along nicely.

I ended up having a nice weekend. Had the day out with my niece and nephew on Saturday which was good, I went to their school fete was actually a pretty decent one :D
Are you trying to get organised for your move now Eveclo before your transfer?

Sounds like everything is coming along really well! Great number of follicles :) Monday! So exciting. When do you go back for another scan ?

I have been packing all day today, just trying to organise and clean at the same time but man I don't want to ! Haha. I'm trying to get most of it out of the way before Thursday but we'll see what happens. I can't get it all done by then as I have to work the rest of the week :(

Yes I find out on the day if it has defrosted ok. :( so they will defrost it in the morning and ring me to let me know how it has gone (as in, if it has survived or not). I'm at work in the morning though so I won't be able to pick up my phone until I finish or go on my break. I also don't want to pick up if I'm at work and have to hear bad news, and then have to go on pretending I'm ok when I know I'd be really disappointed... Hmm. So I might ring the embryology lab tomorrow and let them know not to worry if I don't pick up and just to leave a message that I will listen to when I finish work on my way there. Or maybe I can get them to ring my husband or something? What do you think? :)

Glad to hear everything is going well with you :)

Excuse the bare belly but these bruises are getting worse and worse by the day! Everytime I lift up my shirt they are even more purple, hahaha! My goodness I hope this embryo defrosts otherwise these purple reminders will be frustrating. :haha:
View attachment 877467

Excuse the bare belly but these bruises are getting worse and worse by the day! Everytime I lift up my shirt they are even more purple, hahaha! My goodness I hope this embryo defrosts otherwise these purple reminders will be frustrating. :haha:

Mine was exactly like that and now I have a matching one on the left side. It gets darker and then starts to go normal. Hope it's not sore to touch..
Thanks Eveclo, that put my mind at ease... i've seriously had no cramps or anything since then but todays scan put me at ease.
I am going along nicely according to the nurse, 13 follicles on the left and 9 on the right. She's thinking there were some coming along at the back. I definitely have at least 9 eggs to be retrieved so far.
I have another scan on Wednesday to see what she thinks we will do from now, to early to tell today. She is thinking egg retrieval on Monday :) so excited

How are you going MissCassie? Good luck at your scan this arvo :D hope your follies are coming along nicely.

That's awesome about the number of follicles you have! So your next scan there should be more :) how exciting that egg collection could be on Monday.

My scan went well , I think I'm just slow responder and maybe should be on a higher dose, but I had 1 whopper at 20 mm and 1 at 15mm and heaps of small ones
I have another scan on Wednesday and possible egg collection on Friday.
View attachment 877467

Excuse the bare belly but these bruises are getting worse and worse by the day! Everytime I lift up my shirt they are even more purple, hahaha! My goodness I hope this embryo defrosts otherwise these purple reminders will be frustrating. :haha:

Mine was exactly like that and now I have a matching one on the left side. It gets darker and then starts to go normal. Hope it's not sore to touch..

It looks a lot worse than it feels haha :dohh:
Thanks Eveclo, that put my mind at ease... i've seriously had no cramps or anything since then but todays scan put me at ease.
I am going along nicely according to the nurse, 13 follicles on the left and 9 on the right. She's thinking there were some coming along at the back. I definitely have at least 9 eggs to be retrieved so far.
I have another scan on Wednesday to see what she thinks we will do from now, to early to tell today. She is thinking egg retrieval on Monday :) so excited

How are you going MissCassie? Good luck at your scan this arvo :D hope your follies are coming along nicely.

That's awesome about the number of follicles you have! So your next scan there should be more :) how exciting that egg collection could be on Monday.

My scan went well , I think I'm just slow responder and maybe should be on a higher dose, but I had 1 whopper at 20 mm and 1 at 15mm and heaps of small ones
I have another scan on Wednesday and possible egg collection on Friday.

How do you feel about that MissCassie? What did the nurse say / did they suggest cancelling your cycle? I hope that doesn't sound rude or upsetting but i only ask because our first cycle was actually cancelled as I developed a dominant follicle also. Obviously every doctor is different but I had two around the same size as you and a few smaller and my Doctor didn't want to take me to EPU and only get one mature egg etc. I'm just curious as to what they said about it :)

Good luck with your scan Wednesday! I'll be anxiously waiting for an excellent update :) :hugs:
Thanks Eveclo, that put my mind at ease... i've seriously had no cramps or anything since then but todays scan put me at ease.
I am going along nicely according to the nurse, 13 follicles on the left and 9 on the right. She's thinking there were some coming along at the back. I definitely have at least 9 eggs to be retrieved so far.
I have another scan on Wednesday to see what she thinks we will do from now, to early to tell today. She is thinking egg retrieval on Monday :) so excited

How are you going MissCassie? Good luck at your scan this arvo :D hope your follies are coming along nicely.

That's awesome about the number of follicles you have! So your next scan there should be more :) how exciting that egg collection could be on Monday.

My scan went well , I think I'm just slow responder and maybe should be on a higher dose, but I had 1 whopper at 20 mm and 1 at 15mm and heaps of small ones
I have another scan on Wednesday and possible egg collection on Friday.

How do you feel about that MissCassie? What did the nurse say / did they suggest cancelling your cycle? I hope that doesn't sound rude or upsetting but i only ask because our first cycle was actually cancelled as I developed a dominant follicle also. Obviously every doctor is different but I had two around the same size as you and a few smaller and my Doctor didn't want to take me to EPU and only get one mature egg etc. I'm just curious as to what they said about it :)

Good luck with your scan Wednesday! I'll be anxiously waiting for an excellent update :) :hugs:

I was a little disappointed, they said they will still go to EPU, but I guess that might change on wed.

I'm happy to know that it has started to work. But disappointed that I only have 1 dominant, I would have thought that having pcos I would have responded well and I clearly haven't.
Thanks Eveclo, the nurse seems pleased too. She didnt really give me sizes but my husband saw here write some down I think some were 10 & 14mm etc. She said it was still early days yet. I was just excited something was going on as I literally feel nothing.

Wow that is epic bruising .... wonder why you are both getting them so bad. I literally have nothing at all there except a few dots. (might have a bit more fat on my tummy then you though hahahahahaha) :blush:

Yeah good idea, you want to be able to at least get through the day at work first before you go in for transfer. I'm sure everything will be fine, but can understand why are you stressing. Fingers crossed everything will be ok on Thursday :) !! :thumbup:

MissCassie, was it Ruth that did the scan. Does she think some of the smaller ones will catch up by Friday? I hope so :hugs: I'm sorry you are a bit disappointed by it all :( :hugs:
I have a follow up scan on Wednesday as well.
Thanks Eveclo, that put my mind at ease... i've seriously had no cramps or anything since then but todays scan put me at ease.
I am going along nicely according to the nurse, 13 follicles on the left and 9 on the right. She's thinking there were some coming along at the back. I definitely have at least 9 eggs to be retrieved so far.
I have another scan on Wednesday to see what she thinks we will do from now, to early to tell today. She is thinking egg retrieval on Monday :) so excited

How are you going MissCassie? Good luck at your scan this arvo :D hope your follies are coming along nicely.

That's awesome about the number of follicles you have! So your next scan there should be more :) how exciting that egg collection could be on Monday.

My scan went well , I think I'm just slow responder and maybe should be on a higher dose, but I had 1 whopper at 20 mm and 1 at 15mm and heaps of small ones
I have another scan on Wednesday and possible egg collection on Friday.

How do you feel about that MissCassie? What did the nurse say / did they suggest cancelling your cycle? I hope that doesn't sound rude or upsetting but i only ask because our first cycle was actually cancelled as I developed a dominant follicle also. Obviously every doctor is different but I had two around the same size as you and a few smaller and my Doctor didn't want to take me to EPU and only get one mature egg etc. I'm just curious as to what they said about it :)

Good luck with your scan Wednesday! I'll be anxiously waiting for an excellent update :) :hugs:

I was a little disappointed, they said they will still go to EPU, but I guess that might change on wed.

I'm happy to know that it has started to work. But disappointed that I only have 1 dominant, I would have thought that having pcos I would have responded well and I clearly haven't.

Yes that is true, I guess the body does whatever it wants sometimes :( I was on 100iu the first time and it just wasn't enough for me but when they bumped it up to 150iu it was a better dosage :)

See how you go Wednesday I hope you get some good news lovely.
Thanks Eveclo, the nurse seems pleased too. She didnt really give me sizes but my husband saw here write some down I think some were 10 & 14mm etc. She said it was still early days yet. I was just excited something was going on as I literally feel nothing.

Wow that is epic bruising .... wonder why you are both getting them so bad. I literally have nothing at all there except a few dots. (might have a bit more fat on my tummy then you though hahahahahaha) :blush:

Yeah good idea, you want to be able to at least get through the day at work first before you go in for transfer. I'm sure everything will be fine, but can understand why are you stressing. Fingers crossed everything will be ok on Thursday :) !! :thumbup:

MissCassie, was it Ruth that did the scan. Does she think some of the smaller ones will catch up by Friday? I hope so :hugs: I'm sorry you are a bit disappointed by it all :( :hugs:
I have a follow up scan on Wednesday as well.

Hehe it's really bad bruising because of the clexane, I think because it thins the blood it must cause worse bruising or something :( it's so bad to look at though haha :(

Don't worry about not feeling anything- wait until a day before EPU you'll feel so heavy haha. It's the weirdest feeling! How are you finding the orgalutran?
Yeah it looks painful the bruise .. how much longer will you do the clexane for? How are you feeling doing these things, any different?

Ive been good on orgulatran :) I ice it first and barely feel a thing ..stings for a bit after but nothing to bad.
My nurse said that as well, in a few days ill definitely feel it :)
Yeah it looks painful the bruise .. how much longer will you do the clexane for? How are you feeling doing these things, any different?

Ive been good on orgulatran :) I ice it first and barely feel a thing ..stings for a bit after but nothing to bad.
My nurse said that as well, in a few days ill definitely feel it :)

I will be on clexane until we have our pregnancy test, if negative I can stop right then and there but if positive I have to continue until 12 weeks (according to my FS- but my immunologist recommends the whole pregnancy I think!) it stops my blood from clotting as I've tested positive for a blood clotting factor (only mild). They sting so much, they feel like the orgalutran kind of but just a little more sting. I have been lazy with my icing because it's so cold where I live already haha. Eeep exciting, good luck with your next scan Wednesday. :)
Is it normal to be getting lots of cramps? Today I've had lots of painful cramps..
Is it normal to be getting lots of cramps? Today I've had lots of painful cramps..

Oh no, i'm so sorry you are having cramps. I'm not too sure - i never got any until after EPU. Maybe ring your clinic just to double check? Hope you are ok. :flower:
Eveclo ~ Oh wow the full 9 months. To ensure a healthy pregnancy I'm sure it'll be worth it anyway :) 2 more days woohooo

MissCassie ~ thats not good :( how are you feeling now? Did you end up ringing the clinic? I am having little twinges today nothing too bad. I went out the back and did a few things (lots of bending) and was a little sore afterwards so I wont do that again.
Good luck at your scan tomorrow :)
Eveclo ~ Oh wow the full 9 months. To ensure a healthy pregnancy I'm sure it'll be worth it anyway :) 2 more days woohooo

MissCassie ~ thats not good :( how are you feeling now? Did you end up ringing the clinic? I am having little twinges today nothing too bad. I went out the back and did a few things (lots of bending) and was a little sore afterwards so I wont do that again.
Good luck at your scan tomorrow :)

Yep so full on! It's a little bit expensive too but that's OK if you get a healthy baby out of it! But, i think it's more the whole effort of using it and going through it all to get an embryo that doesn't defrost! I think I'm going to call the lab in the morning to let them know to call my husband regarding the embryo defrosting etc. I'd rather hear the bad news from him. Hopefully they will be allowed to talk to him rather than me, i know sometimes they get a bit precious about it. :D

Good luck tomorrow both of you, can't wait for an update. xx

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