Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Thank so much girls. I really appreciate having a place to run to at times like these xxx

Take- it is so confusing... I have had bad morning sickness and the biggest mind game is that the bloods they took this morning came back even higher than last week. My hcg is almost 95000, progesterone 61 and estrogen close to 3000.

The nurse said that its just that my body still thinks its pregnant but given that 2 scans failed to find a heartbeat or a baby- there's no hope. I've decided on the d&c.... I hope it's the right choice. I guess the medication would have been better, as its less invasive in teh body, but I don't know if I can handle it emotionally.

I hope it's ok to write all this girls. I really hated reading miscarriage stuff when I was pregnant as it freaked me out. Hopefully this can all be over soon and we can get on to another fet in march or April.

Miss red - I hope you're feeling better soon. It is so hard to feel so sick and spent while your pregnant, plus work. Sending you love xxx

Taylah, I hope you're feeling good and getting very excited now! Hope your staying cool in the summer heat.

Wish and take- thanks so much for your beautiful words.. They mean a lot!

Thanks miss red xxx you are beautiful xxx
kirst_my heart broke for you when I read your post. This is just so unfair and doesn't make sense at all.
I am sending you the warmest wishes for these next few days as you have the d&c. I hope you and your DH get through this as best you can xx
Hi valentine, welcome to the thread! I hope you enjoy your stay.
In terms of going straight to IVF, we had no choice but to do IVF because my DH's sperm count was too low to try an IUI. I think the FS appt will give you a better idea of what is the best route for you. I do recall that my FS said IUI have about 15% success rate per cycle compared to up to 50% for IVF (including the fresh + frozen cycles).

taylah, my goodness I am glad the bleeds have finally stopped. That must have been so scary especially while you were on holidays.

Miss Red I haven't been feeling that great either as lots of foods are turning me off and giving me terrible heart burn. blah.

Wish - I absolutely LOVE SONS OF ANARCHY. I just had a marathon session where I watched most of season 5....only got a couple more episodes.....its so goooooodddd!!!!!!
Kirst you can talk about anything here hun, that is what we are here for xx I think you made the right choice about having a d&c. I feel that it is better than going through it naturally, been there done it 8 times :( Thinking about you, sending you lots of love xxx
Oh Kirs_t hun, I'm so sorry. Personally If found the D&C process to be physically okay. The emotional recovery took much longer than the physical. We are all here for you.

Hi Valentine. We decided to stick with IUI initially because I'm 41 and at my age the success rates of IUI and IVF are very similar. We are starting our 2nd round of IUI this month and having our IVF consult (if needed) in March.
Kirsty- This must be so hard for you and I can only imagine what you are going through. I hope I'm not saying the wrong thing or making you more confused but I wanted to tell you I have read stories about women who they couldn't find a heart beat but still had high HCG levels, they decided to wait a week or 2 and sure enough a heart beat was found. I don't want to confuse you or make you doubt yourself or the doctors and if you are confident then forget what I've said and know I am 100% supporting you here.
I also had an experience years ago I will share with you. My marriage to my daughters father ended when she was 9 weeks old. When she was about 18 months I started dated someone. We had been together almost a year when I found out I was pregnant. It was not planned but given he was 37, had no children and was so amazing with my daughter I figured he'd be happy. Wrong! He decided he wasn't happy in our relationship (news to me) and he didn't want kids of his own, also news to me as he always talked about wanting kids. Anyway long story short I didn't want to be a single mum to 2 different kids to 2 different dads so we decided to terminate. At the first US the tech asked had I had bleeding, I said 'a little', she told me she couldn't find a heart beat and the egg sack was improperly formed, she suspected the foetus wasn't viable. Given what we'd decided I felt this was a blessing. I went back to the GP who ran more bloods, he said the HCG had risen significantly and decided I was def still preg. Then the morning sickness started.
Anyhow a week..maybe 2..cant remember..I went in for the termination, they did another US, again no heartbeat or growth shown, having said that it wasn't a great ultra sound machine according to the nurse. We did go ahead with the termination but when I spoke to the doc later and asked whether he thought the foetus had died he said it was hard to say and had we wanted to continue with the preg he would've advised to wait a bit longer.
Anyways I understand diff situation but I also understand how confusing this situation can be..I'm not saying I can relate but just wanted you to know my story.
I also know the fact that I terminated may not be something everyone here can understand but it was the best decision for me and not one I regret even now having our current infertility issues.
Sorry for the long post girls x
Thanks so much for the words of support girls

Thanks take for sharing your story too. It means the world to me. It must have been such a hard and confusing time for you and I completely respect the decision you made.

Part of me wishes that it could be true- I have read lots of similar stories on the net in the past 24 hours where women have had rising hcg level and have gone on to see heartbeats. But there was no baby in our scan.... It was so very obvious to see. If there was an embryo, I could be hopeful but the sac was empty apart from the yolk sac. I will ask for another scan next week before the d&c on Wednesday just to be sure. but my heart knows that it is over.

DH and I have decided to take a trip as soon as I am medically allowed. He has long service leave and we were meant to drive th east coast for 10 weeks- leaving at the end of jan. I don't know if we will do the exact same trip (seems too tainted now) but will try to fly to Melbourne after the d&c and then take our time driving up to Brisbane. We plan on camping and surfing and just relaxing for a while. Hopefully we can just get out of Perth, clear our heads and hearts - and come back ready to try again in April or so.

Sorry I didn't say hi before, valentine! Welcome!
I too didn't have a choice and we were referred straight to ivf. How are you feeling about it all?
Hey wish- I read a few pages back about a Facebook page. Do you girls still use it? Xxx
A holiday sounds like a great plan hun :) Glad to hear you are planning of having another u/s just to make sure :hugs:

Welcome Valentine :wave: My DH has a Balanced Translocation so IVF/PGD was our only way of making sure we had a healthy embryo :)
Hey Kirsty a holiday is a perfect idea. DH and I did the same thing after our failed cycle and it was the best decision. If I was in your position I would be doing the same thing.. Emotionally I could deal with a d&c best. I'm thinking about you mate! We kinda don't use the group much but I'm still friends with a lot of the girls from this thread, past and present, it's nice to like photos and updates ect... I'll pm you my name and you can add me! Same goes for anyone else who I'm not friends with. You are being super brave mate, I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Don't ever feel bad for posting anything on's an open forum and we're here for you x
Take thanks for sharing your story. Everyone makes the best decisions for themselves and we're here to support each other in having babies now, situations change. When are you guys back to the fs?
Red- sucks to feel sick but so happy bubs is going great guns! Hope you're not to uncomfortable in the heat. How is working during first tri for you? I struggled!

Aleja- I LOVE sons of anarchy hahahhaha! You wait for season five it's crazy! I had a dream the other night that Jax and I were totally in dream I ever had...shattered cause I had to wake up to pee..I went back to sleep and I had the SAME DREAM!! Hahahhaha best night ever. My poor DH, he could see the disappointment on my face when I woke up. How are you feeling?
Taylah- final countdown chic! You finished work? Has your placenta shifted at all?
Maddy- when's next iui love? Hope you get in a few wines in between x
AFM- I'm great! 15 weeks Sunday and still sick though. I booked a private scan to find out the sex I just can't wait. It's on next Sunday. I'm hoping for a girl cause DH and I cannot agree on a boys name. I'm stuck on Iggy and he wants Sonny... Making his full name Sonny Saxton...not gonna happen. Anyway most of my days now are filled with eating, sleeping and laying around in my knickers watching movies with good looking guys in them... Oh and obsessivly listening to the baby on the Doppler with my eyes shut hahahhaha.
Hope everyone else is well and happy Friday xx
Kirsty I think a holiday is just what you need. My partner and I just went away for 12 days visiting family and friends and also having a night just us and 3 nights with just us and our daughter, we went to the coast then to Melbourne then in a caravan park on the Murray. I was surprised what that time away did for us, we actually had sex that was fun and not just because 'we had to', which had become the norm. I hope your time away is relaxing and've had such an emotional roller coaster.

Thank you to everyone for your kind words in response to my story. I was that young carefree girl who just fell pregnant 'without even trying' that I've now come to loathe so much. Of course with my daughter I was only 22 when I fell pregnant and the other pregnancy I was 25. In my situation now my partner has the fertility issues but I can't help but wonder if 10 years later my body isn't finding it so easy to do what it once did with ease. They do say that a womans body is designed to be most fertile in her early 20s..I adore my daughter to bits and although physically I was at my prime I realise emotionally I was really just fumbling along. Strange how nature works hey!
Anyways for now I'm CD11 and awaiting to ovulate again and then once this cycle is over all our fertility people will be back from holidays and we can gear up for a FT with one of our embies sitting on ice.
Hello everyone else and Wish can't wait to hear the sex of the bub..very exciting!!
Oh kris-t, I am so very sorry for your loss sweetheart, we are all here & feel & understand the heartbreak you are feeling right now, a chance to get away is a great idea for you & your dh to take some time to heal , I hope the next couple of weeks is not too hard on you & you manage to remain strong xxx

Valentine - welcome, I was advised to go straight to ivf because my amh was very low ( ovarian reserve ) & my fs didn't want to waste anytime :)

Wish - cant wait to hear what sex your bub is , so funny when I read that you are 15 weeks I thought wow already, but when people say that to me I think your kidding right , I feel like I have been pregnant forever ! So glad you are doing well sounds like you are enjoying being preggers ! Im finished work & happy to report placenta has moved thank god after all the dramas I've had !

Thanks everyone else, I'm having a hard time believing that in around 3 weeks I will be having my baby , it seems surreal still but I'm more than ready because being heavily pregnant & I mean heavy is absolutely exhausting !
Thanks so much for making me feel welcome! It's amazing how lonely infertility is when you don't know any or many people going through it! I hope the lucky IVF ladies are doing well in their pregnancies!!!

I'm counting down the days to my appt on the 23rd and it can not come soon enough! It's weird but I'm a little excited because I feel like maybe we're finally getting somewhere! I know IVF is not a guarantee, don't get me wrong, but sure beats getting no where trying the old fashioned way anyway!

Can anyone tell me a general timeline for the cycle? I've read some online but it's a bit confusing. Like egg retrieval and shots etc. I know they can vary but just in general?

I've been catching (stalking) up on all your posts and I'm so sorry to read your bad news Kirs-t, that's just horrible! Big hugs to you and I hope you and your OH are able to stay strong <3
There isn't really a general timeline as it varies for everyone. I started on the BCP on the 24th August then had egg retrieval on the 21st September but we were PGD so we were a booked in egg retrieval as they only do PGD on certain days. My IVF clinic had to play with my cycle to make me O when they needed me to. You will be surprised how quick it comes and goes :)
Hey valentine-
For me the timeline was the same length as my normal menstural cycle. It was about 10 days of shots and then 2 days later, egg retrieval. 5 days after that was embryo transfer and then the dreaded two week wait till you find out the results!
Ive just started treatment (Saturday) and am taking Puregon. Got blood test booked for this Wednesday. My husband had a vasectomy and my blood tests have shown that my levels are really good. Has anyone else had ICSI? If so, how long were you on tretment for before you went into have egg collection?
DH and I did IVF/ICSI/PGD, they say ICSI has a higher fertilization rate :)
Hi CG! We did icsi for the higher fertilization rate. My fs said it was becoming the norm. My entire treatment cycle lasted 28 days same as a normal menstration cycle.
CoNGRATULATIONS on 9 weeks red wow! How are you feeling?
Not too bad just sick all day everyday, but it's a good thing :)

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