Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

We didn't even consider not doing it- mostly cos I really wanted the scan :) the more chances to see bub, the better! We were also the same with wanting a heads up if anything was wrong... For us, we wanted to be prepared if the baby was high risk xxx
Kirst - how are you doing back in FT work? Is bub in daycare or with a family member :flower:

Red - yay for FINISHING work :happydance: That's a real milestone there, chickie :)

Hopeful - hope to hear that you had 'super sperm' and a good number of quality eggies. Will there be a big party in the petri dish tonight? :happydance:

Wish - Yay for full term :dance: Not long now until our next group bubs :hugs: I work in a 24-hour call centre providing assistance to Aussies in trouble overseas (we take calls from all over the world). It's brilliant work and so interesting.

Take - Hope you got to see the Dr about your headache and eye :friends: I actually just booked our 12 week/NF scan and bloods. Pretty shocking that it costs $360 though! I know it's optional for some, but not for us :nope: My Dr has already said that my age and medical history will guarantee a poor number. She's already asked us to think about whether we'll do anything further like an amnio or CVS... :wacko:
Hi gals, so Wish how did the OB appt go??? Any info on how long you got??? I noticed you got a watermelon this week!!! Wow you must feel very weighed down!!

Take, we had the NT scan without even talking about what would have happened if we came back high risk for downs. I just wanted to know either way if bubs was looking healthy. It was also an excuse to finally announce my pregnancy to friends and family.
How's the headache ?

Maddy I can't believe you are 8 weeks already ! And your job sounds awesome... You must deal with lots of Aussies banged up abroad!
Hopeful I hope the egg collection and TESE went well x
Wish, what have you packed in your hospital bag??? I think I will make mine at 36 -37 weeks
Hey ladies,
Sounds like everyone is doing well. Good luck with your scan Maddy, hope your specialist is wrong and and your number will be ok.
Still got this headache, a whole week now, though I must say feeling slight improvement today.
So many of you girls in the last stretch, I'm so excited waiting to hear all of your birth stories :)
Hey lovely ladies!

Wish - I can't believe that it's shown a watermelon. I hope you little bub comes soon and gives you a little break. I'll be holding out for a wonderful update on the birth of your bub soon :flower:

Take - sorry to hear about the headaches. I get headaches all the time and they a right pain in the butt. Are you able to take anything for it? I hope it eases up soon.

As for me.... we have spermies!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Still in a lot of shock! I really can't believe it to be honest! I didn't find out the exact number but they used the word 'plenty' which for us is a miracle. I also had my egg collection today and although I had roughly 12 follicles last Friday they collected a whopping 27 from me today! I think I swore a little. To say the least I am feeling a bit sore and they have me on close watch for OHSS because I also have polycystic ovaries. I'm starting a new job on Monday so hoping I don't get it or only get it very mildly. I'll be getting a call tomorrow arvo to see when I'll having embies transferred back in and hoping for a 2-day transfer (so I do'nt have to take time off work in my first week!). I haven't heard many success stories with azoospermia with sertoli cell only and getting sperm so I am super super super super happy. Fingers crossed we have that party in the petri dish tonight :) :happydance:
Take - DH and I had no choice as my OB said that it is better to rule out everything out even though we had PGD. We were the same as Maddy ours cost us $360. Hope you are feeling better and the headache goes soon xx

Happy 14 weeks Kirst xx :dance:

Yay your a watermelon Wish xx :dance:

When is your NT scan booked for Maddy? xx

Happy 32 weeks Aleja xx :dance:

That is a fantastic result Hopeful :happydance: Can't wait to hear your results!! I got a mild/moderate case of OHSS and they told to keep up with the fluids as this will help reduce it getting worse xx

AFM - Sitting at work, my last day :dance: My colleagues and I are going to get a nice take out lunch and just veg all day :)
Hey ladies!!

Happy last day Red! Enjoy your time off and hope it doesn't drag cause it is for me at the moment. Hope you got lots of tv to watch! Xx

Kirsti how's full time work been love? Are there school holidays soon? You'd be the best teacher!

Maddy- that would seriously be the best job... I know the trouble I've been in overseas and I'm sure it doesn't scratch the surface. Bet you have the best stories. How's the heartburn? Hit the Zantac yet? My downs scan was free but bloods were 90 bucks me I thought that was bull shit!

Take2- sorry about the headaches they really are sooo bad.. I said to my dr I'd take the nausea and spewing any day over the headaches.. They are so persistent. I've never had a migraine in my life till I got knocked up and now I've had two, complete with blurred vision and vomiting. I really hope they calm down for you x

Aleja- How are you? Watched the latest ep of Game of Thrones? I miss the King of the North already! I packed three bags, one for baby, one for hospital stay and one for labour.. In labour bag I packed a nightie that I don't care about (when it gets all gory) snacks for mum, sis and dh, iPod, camera, babies first outfit for the warmer, chapsticks, hair ties and a muzzle and bashing stick for husband.

Hopeful cat- 27 eggs is an amazing result.. I've never heard
Of so many congrats. More than that.. I'm so, so happy for your TESE results, your hubby must be overjoyed... Now c'mon embies.

I honestly cannot wait to have this baby!! I'm not sick of being pregnant as such but just want her in my arms.. I still worry so much cause I feel while she's in there it's kinda out of my control if that makes sense? If I haven't gone by the 30th I'm going to ask for an induction. Bell's palsy is 80% better and I'm sooo grateful about that. Baby is so low she's banging on my cervix which is a new pain to enjoy but if it means shes reaching the exit... So be it!!
Hey girls! Hope everyone has had a good week!?

Wish- oh she is so close to the exit now!! That is brilliant. I really can't wait to hear about your first meeting with her! So exciting :) and in really glad to hear that the bells is getting better.

Hopeful- that is such good news about the spermies and the excellent egg collection!! Keep us posted on how you are going... I bet you can't wait to have those embies in board. Have you heard how they are going?

Aleja- whoohoo for packing a hospital bag! That means you are oh so close now :) I can't remember- have you decided on a name for bub yet?

Red- how did your last day of work go? Are you in leave now? How are you feeling?

Take- that really sucks about the headaches :( a bad headache just floors you... Hope you feel better soon. How's the morning sickness?

Maddy- how bout you? Hope you're feeling ok!

Afm - back to ft work is KILLING me. Oh god- I feel like I've made a big mistake going back to my old job. I could still be swanning around doing relief but instead I'm back to crazy busy and long days. I think cos I've had a term off- I was seeing the school with rose coloured glasses and missed the girls I work with alot. But the reality is its quite a big, private school and there are lots of demands on the teachers. I've been the first to leave every night this week at 6pm! But just gotta keep thinking of the money I guess ;) I'm just a whinger :)

In really looking forward to the next scan and finding out whether its a girl or a boy!! Only 4 1/2 weeks to go! I still haven't told the kids in my class I'm preggo yet, but it's the worlds worst kept secret- my bump is huge (in fact my whole body seems to be spreading out in all directions atm) They give me weird looks, but are all to polite to ask anything :)
Hey gals happy weekend!!!

Kirst are you a high school or primary teacher? Going back to the rat race was always going to be hard at least school holidays is coming up soon so u can catch your breath.
It does become harder to hide the tum over the next couple of weeks. I held out to tell my boss at 17 weeks and colleagues at 18 weeks. Some were clueless others thought I was just chubby but the mums already suspected

Ms Red what will you be doing over the next few weeks? I think I recall you are being induced earlier? In reality you may have your bubs before me .
I have 8 work days left and counting !!!

Hopeful Cat 27 EGGS !! OMG!!! You have an egg factory in there! :)
Drink plenty of fluids and rest this weekend ...I ended up with mild OHSS after my EC I was so bloated and sore I ended having to take 4 days off work .
Looking back I wish I had skipped the Transfer as I think I wasted my best emby due to still recovering.

But hey some women don't get it at all so fingers crossed. And well done to your DH for the spermys !!! I hope you get a few embys from this .

Wish, i haven't seen the final GoT yet!!!! Maybe this weekend. I have heard its a bloodbath though... Ha ha typical.
So your sister and mum are coming with you to the delivery ? I still haven't decided if I want anyone else there except DH ... My mum is a bit of a stress head and I don't want her to freak out or I will freak out. My best friend got drunk one night at my place and convinced DH that she should be there too!!!!! ??? I love the girl but she is a bit of a hippy - obsessed with yoga meditation etc etc and I wouldn't want her to be going all yogi on me during labour.

Maddy I think my scan may have been over $400 :-( I think I got referred to one of the most expensive clinics in Sydney :-(
Hey aleja!! Yeah having my mum and my sister in with me. I was in the room when she had Vander (nephew) and I was so grateful for the experience that I wanted to do the same. She also had my mum and she was an awesome help too.. Plus I feel like ill be a bit braver if their around...sometimes when it's just me and DH and I'm unwell I carry on like a knob and I don't know why hahahaha! And I also think ill be nicer to him if they're around. Do you think you're friend would be helpful at all? Have you guys decided on a name yet?

What about you guys, take, maddy and Kirsti... Any names? My hairdresser is having twins (boy and a girl) and she's calling them Alpha and Omega... The further I get in this pregnancy the less tact I have and I actually said to her that she has a responsibility to do what's best for her children and she should think about what that entails hahahha! I felt bad after I said it!
Wish - that sounds great- the more support people the better. Especially if you know they will be helpful in labour! I feel so mean... My mum is dying to be in the delivery room- but I just know she will bug me and probably elbow Dh out the way so she could be front and centre. Ill have to let her know gently I think :) I'm going to have Dh and my best friend I think (she's a midwife and will be brilliant!)

As for names, out top picks are Lucy for a girl and Leo for a boy.., but both have been taken by family members. Bugger! So for now we are thinking lily or gracie for a girl or Patrick or Harry for a boy. I change my mind so often though, so who knows? Have you decided aleja? What about maddy and take? And everyone else's suggestions wod be good too :)

Aleja- yep I'm a primary school teacher. And actually that has ruled a few names out for me ;)

Wish has your ob said anything about when show time might be?? Xxx
Hey ladies :)

Hopeful...WOW at your numbers :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: Hope you recover okay :hugs:

Aleja...hahaha "banged up abroad" pretty much sums it up, it's totally brilliant. I don't even mind the shiftwork (we work 6 days on, 3 days off). Ask me again after baby though :winkwink:

Miss Red...having my NT done at 12+4 so another 3 and a half weeks to wait :flower:.

Wish...we've been thinking about names that work well in Oz but also honour DH's heritage. No ideas yet though. The Dr prescribed some Zantac but said it might take a few days to kick in - it's been 2 days and I'm not feeling any positive changes yet :)nope: burp!)

Kirst...teaching, phew, I admire anyone that can do that. I'd be at the front of the classroom like this :yellowcard::help::gun:

Take...hope the headache continues to get better :hugs:
Hope you settle back into full time quick Kirst, one day at a time. love the names you have picked :) xx

Aleja, my mum is coming up from the south coast on Wednesday for a few days, and we are going to do some shopping. We are also going to the QVB building this Friday for high tea :). The renovations start next week (24th) so that will keep me busy for a week, then we have to empty the house ready for the floor sander and painter. Yep your right I am being induced at 38 weeks (31st July).

Wish, how are you feeling? I would have said something too about those names lol. what a great support network you have! My mum wanted to be in the room but DH and i have been through so much that we just want the two of us there xx

Maddy, scan isn't far away time will fly :) xx

How are you feeling Hopeful? xx
Ms Red ah yes I forgot you were doing renos... Make sure you supervise only and no lifting, dragging things around etc. I have always wanted to go to QVB high tea!!!!
I think you will pip me at the birth post by a couple of weeks:winkwink:

I feel the same too about the delivery room experience.. DH and I took ages making this munchkin and would like to keep it private . Having said that he probably needs a back up person as he hates blood guts needles etc.
My best friend is a little full on (kind of dramatic) I think she may inadvertently make me annoyed. I'd probably prefer someone more chilled out... DHs older sister is an option but then my mum will probably be upset I chose SIL over her... Ahhhh its probably easier to just be me n DH.

Kirst, Leo (leonardo) is one our top 5 names. I love love love it but DH not totally convinced yet.
Lily and Henry are lovely. I work in child protection... That has also helped me rule out some names !!!!
So can you def feel the bubba moving now?

Wish, I forgot to say earlier that is awesome news about Bell's palsy improving- that's really quick too.
Are you now having weekly OB appts?
You and your DH sound hilarious - he wouldn't be the first or last man getting abused in the delivery room!!!!
So any more belly pics???

Maddy.. My brother and cousin got banged up abroad a few years ago so he is probably the type of caller you sometimes get.... Young and drunk and clueless :haha:

Take and Hopeful Cat hope you girls are well x

Me: girls I'm losing energy like mad now. :sleep:
I do a simple activity like grocery shopping then have to follow it up with a nap. I have no idea how women are pregnant and have toddlers/children at same time
... At 30 weeks


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Not sure if I'll stay home for most of the renos as they are ripping up part of the floor lol. I hear ya with the grocery shopping, so glad DH and I do it together :)

Love the bump pic, looking good :)
Aleja- love the bump!! You look absolutely gorgeous :) xxx

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