Any Aussie ladies starting IVF?

Ah wish! What a gorgeous photo! Yo is just so cute !! So you guys will be ttc this December?? That is very exciting! You'll have to keep us posted-

Red- are you and Dh ttc again soon too?

Any more pics of marlon aleja?

Can't believe how big and gorgeous your bubbas are getting :)

How are you going maddy and take?

I had an ob appt today that was pretty stressful. Had two more small bleeds the past week so going for scan next wed. I really like to know details and my doc is very vague and noncommittal when answering questions! He is still concerned about size as well as bleeding and bp and said not much more than 'we need to cross our t's and dott our i's now, I think you're going to be a tricky one.' So of course I have no idea what that means and am more worried now than when I went in to the appt. will let you know how scan goes!
Hi Ladies,

Kirsty- I am one of those annoying patients that demands everything be explained to me in detail..I wouldn't accept his evasive answers. I'm sure everything will be just fine, hang in there, only a couple more weeks till you are full term and you can relax a little. So excited you're nearly there!! I'm eager to hear how your next appointment goes xx

AFM- Gestational diabetes test was normal, blood pressure is normal and bump measuring appropriately so all good at this point. Have to travel 5 hours to the coast for OH's uncles funeral on Thursday, not looking forward to that but these things happen and of course we have to go.

Hope everyone else is doing well :)
Oh Wish... how utterly cute is Yo!? :flower: You'll be TTC again before I've even popped this one out! Re: labour - I'm going with the "head in the sand" approach :) It feels weird not to be researching, since I'm an obsessive planner and list-maker in my normal life. But pregnancy hormones are making me very anxious and the moment I start to think ahead about major events I develop problems sleeping and start getting very worked up about all sorts of little things that don't matter.

Kirst... not long to go, I hope the docs are able to alleviate your worries - or at the very least give you a date that they want to bring bub out, so at least you can plan :hugs:

Take... Oh 5 hrs travel, not fun! I can barely spend the 30 mins in the car to drive to work at the moment. Am finding it hard to breathe properly when I sit!

All's well here. Passed GD test with flying colours, still walking 7km most days (albeit more slowly). I was carrying really low until about a week ago and in the space of a week everything seems to have moved right up under my ribs. Thus the problem I mentioned above with breathing when I sit! Consequently I've also grown out of most of the non-maternity tshirts that I was still wearing :haha: Bing doesn't kick much at all and at every scan he's just floating around in there sucking his thumb and holding his willie :dohh::blush: Such a boy! 73 days until EDD!
Hi girls, well I've been MIA! I've tried to stay away from dr google, forums etc so I wouldn't stress myself out. I'm 14 weeks today and all is going great. High risk so I've already had 5 scans and I'm sooo on love. I've just had a quick read through to see how you guys are going. I've missed so much! I think I can relax and breathe a little now so I will pop back in more often :)
Chook!! What absolutely fantastic news !! You have seriously made my day :) so glad everything is going well and look forward to hearing your updates!
Thanks kirst! How are you feeling? I hope you are taking if easy xox
Oh Chook!!! :yipee::yipee::yipee:doing a little happy dance for you :happydance::happydance::happydance: Are you going to be considered high-risk all the way through? You must be over the moon, congratulations!
hi lovely ladeez!
finally i found some time tonight to log on and have a look at what's going on.

Firstly, Chook I am so happy for you. What a relief it must be that your little bean is growing nicely. Congratulations x

Kirst, you are almost at full term so I hope your lil cherub hangs in there. I would be going crazy with worry but your OB sounds like he isn't that fussed. I am sure he knows what needs to happen and that you are in good hands.

Maddy and Take2 I loved hearing about the name debates…its so much fun trolling through lists of potential names but its hard to know which one is the right one…I loved the name Marlon from a long time ago and DH initially hated it…but it grew on him over the 9 months. We had a list of top 5 names but I always had my heart on M.

Ms Red, Its so great to see you back on the thread. I know what you mean by being busy…oh boy is it ever!!!! I still can't figure out what I do from day to day but time is flying.
By the way that photo of Lincoln's birth is absolutely amazing. Your hubby did well.
We took one of the little man on my chest just after birth he looked so tiny and almost fragile.

Wish, Yo is such a pretty little thing. She doesn't look too small in the photos I have seen. I am glad BF is working out for you because I find it hard going. I top up with formula as I can't keep up with M.'s demands!!!
Wow planning for No 2 already! that is awesome. I think we will go back to FS in June next year. I doubt we will get lucky and fall preggers naturally.

So Marlon is now 14 weeks and is a cheeky lil bub. He is a cat napper in the day time but great sleeper at night, usually waking up only once for a feed (on a good night!!)
He is very smiley and alert. I am enjoying my time with him but I get so tired some days.:shrug:


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So nice to hear from everyone and see the gorgeous little pics of the cuties!
Chook- I'm over the moon for you, top news:)
We're at the coast for OH's uncles funeral, tonight I have developed the most swollen ankles, think its the heat, my blood pressure is normal so nothing serious I guess.
Hi girls!

Hows everyone going? How are the mummas?

Chook, take, Maddy- how are the pregnancies going?

37 weeks for me and getting close now! At my appt last week, my ob said he wants to induce at 38 weeks because of the bleeding I've had. I had a scan which showed that bub is very happy in there and placenta and everything looks good- so the bleeding does not seem serious. I'm very reluctant to go with an induction and really want things to happen on their own. Any advice in inductions ladies? I have a feeling my ob will push for it at my appt this week.
Of course I can decline and that is what DH and I have decided at this point. I've only had a tiny bit of spotting this week. Been having strong bh and some pain yesterday which made me think the show was on the road! But it fizzled out overnight :) getting to exciting times either way :)
What do you all think about pain relief options? What did you girls do / are planning to do?
Also had a chat to our ob/fs about number two bub and he said that he suggests we come back to see him after 6 months! I was surprised it was so soon! I really don't think I'll be ready for another pregnancy/baby that soon, but I also don't want to risk losing the chance given amh. Hmmm- he suggested testing everything again after baby to see where fertility is at, so maybe we can do that at 6 months and then use our frosties at 12 months!

First things first I guess! Come on baby- we are ready to meet you xxx
Hey kirsti been thinking bout you heaps!! I didn't have an induction but my labour was slow progressing and my water broke (naturally) on day 2 of contractions and it had mecconium in it so that gave me the induction drugs to quicken it.. I can catagorically split the labour into 2 distinct parts.. Before and after the drip hahaha! Without it the contractions were painful but manageable... I lasted on the syntocin for two hours before I begged for an epidural, even with the epi I could feel the contractions when the drip was going. If you have the option to avoid it and it's safe that's what I'd be doing.. But talk to the professionals! Good luck love I can't wait to hear your news xx
I've never had an induction but my sister is a midwife and she said most inductions will lead to some sort of intervention, be it an epidural which can stall labour, or forceps vac suck deliveries and the rate of emergency c-section increases so I always think if you and baby are healthy enough to continue then don't agree to the induction. OBs have a reputation for suggesting unnecessary inductions to suit their schedules. Just ask for continued monitoring and if you or bub show any signs of deterioration then you can revisit the idea. Good luck mate, I've been thinking about you. I'm all good here, just dreading today's prediction of 34, hope my cankles don'tcome back lol. you ARE getting close...:wohoo:

RE: the induction I guess I'd go on how you feel. Personally I'd probably go for the induction (and lots of drugs) b/cause at 38 weeks you're full term anyway. I reckon by the time I get to 38 weeks I'll just want it over.

Re: the drugs....good luck deciding. The closer I get, the more I suspect I will want drugs!
Wow 38 weeks it has gone so fast. I was induced at 36+5 due to pre eclampsia, didn't really have a choice. I started contracting 15mins after the first dose of gel (monday), ended up having 3 doses in total (2nd and 3rd dose Tuesday) then the drip (Wednesday). My waters also broke naturally, at 2am Wednesday morning. I agree with Wish if you can avoid the drip, avoid it!! I lasted 7hrs on the drip and I never got a rest between contractions I was exhausted and my DH was as well, poor bugger. I then ended up having an emergency c section as I only got to 4cm after 3 days :(

If hub is in no danger and you are fine I would wait it out :)

DH and I have an appointment at the clinic next year to start #2 but we don't have any frosties :( I would be doing it when you and DH are ready. FET are just easy money for these clinics!!
Hi lovely Aussie ladies :flower:

I know this is an established thread and it looks like most ladies have already had or are about to have their babies, congrats! :)

I'm hoping some of you might share your experience with me and could maybe offer me so advice. I'm sure your stories are throughout the thread but its very long :)

We have our 2nd appt next week with our fertility specialist Dr Andrew Kan at IVF Australia and we need to decide whether to go for IUI 1st or straight to IVF. The chances with IUI just seem so slim especially with endometriosis and hubbies 2% morph but Dr Kan was kind of pushing us towards this even though I couldn't see the point. I felt like he was quite dismissive because as he said I'm only 29 :roll:

Based on your experiences what would you do? Also any Sydney ladies have a great Dr to recommend?
Hi Sparkle :wave:

I had Dr Kan for my ER and FET transfer, and as you can see I have a gorgeous little boy :)

I have never done IUI so I don't have any experience with it, but I did do IVF/ICSI/PGD with IVF Australia and loved the whole experience. DH and I are going to see Dr Kan in May next year to start all over again for #2.

If you feel that IUI wouldn't be successful I would push for IVF :hugs:
Hi sparkle! Just wanted to say hi and good luck! We went straight to ivf and I guess I feel it has a higher success rate than iui, but everyone's circumstances are different. Let us know what you decide and stick around to let us know your bfp too :) it's a lucky thread I think !

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