Would be nice to know how you tested and what went through your head seeing those two lines!!!

Hi there ladies.
Well as you know. I have finaly received my first ever

last Saturday.
I went to the OB-GYN on the 21st day of my cycle. Which he took blood test and a whole lot of other test. And I was so stressed.
The blood test came back about 3 days lates, and the results was everything is NORMAL.... I was thinking NORMAL? What the hell, whats then wrong?
Anycase, life went on. And then the time came for my AF to start. But nothing. I wrote if off as me being stressed for my doctors appointment and my body is now playing funny tricks with me. But decided after no AF for a week, it's time for a
Believe it or not, my husband bought the test for me. hahaha.
Anyway, Saturday morning first thing, there I was, peeing on the stick (was a cheapy) and there is was 2 lines (indicating Im pregnant). I told my husband, but both of us decided not to the

yet. Wanted it confirmed by a blood test.
Of to the doctor I went, and did the blood test. 2 Hours later they phoned me to say congratulations I am 6 week preggies. Wow. I was shocked, didn't quite feel it yet. Was in total disbelief. Only start to dawn on me the last few days, and we are estatic.
I still have no symptoms, except for very very sore boobs. I am scheduled for my first scan on the 14 March (wich is ages away) but the doctors rooms says they only see people before 12 weeks if there is a problem.
So I have go a long and exciting journey ahead. And I am wishing you all the best of luck