Hi All,
I'm 24yrs, 22 stone and 31 weeks pregnant. My height is about 5'6", I am classified as morbidly obese by doctors but I have never really felt or looked that way, I seem to carry the weight well, BMI sitting on 46 atm.
I have the type of tummy that has a "flap" or "fold", and I am really concerned that this might pose complications for labour and delivery, does anyone have any insight with having a similar body shape/weight and how labour is affected, and if a vaginal birth was possible? I am scared the Dr's will immediately say C-section, I really want to give birth naturally if I can, and will most likely be discussing my birth plan on my 34th Week appt with the antenatal clinic.
I haven't been able to find many re-assuring websites with obesity and pregnancy, my partner and I weren't TTC, I was on Depo-Provera at the time of conception, so this really is a little miracle baby.
I don't eat unhealthily but I do have the occasional Maccas or junk food, I make sure I eat veggies and fruit daily, I don't exercise much because I get very hot very easily, my BP is fine, no GD, no constant back pains or anything.
Anyways, just a hello, thought I'd introduce, found this thread very helpful and was wondering if anyone out there was willing to share some labour stories with me?
I found BigBetty's post very calming to be honest, because it gave me faith that us larger ladies can have a normal birth, even with labour having been induced!!