I still look at Fran and can't believe she's mine! She is so amazing and she has changed my life in so many good ways. I love her to the end of the universe xx
Aww that's lovely to hear! X
I still look at Fran and can't believe she's mine! She is so amazing and she has changed my life in so many good ways. I love her to the end of the universe xx
Hi sparkle!!!!
Well ladies it's been a while since I gave a good update about Fran so here we go!
She is 8.5months now and and weighed 23lbs 13oz last Tuesday. She started crawling about a week ago - followed a day or so later by pulling herself to her feet! So now my day is spent chasing her around the room to stop her pulling the stereo off the shelf or turning the sky box off lol!
Her little personality is really shining through now. She is cheeky, clever, funny and loving. We had a nice compliment from the doctor last week - he asked if she goes to nursery and when I said no he mentioned how well her social skills are developing
She has had a cough and cold for about 4 weeks now - straight after teething - and she went off of finger and lumpy foods completely for quite a while! First it hurt to bite the bits off I think as it was her 2 front bottom teeth that came through, then she couldn't chew and breathe at the same time so would only eat food she could just swallow straight down. I was worried that she had become fussy but a couple of days ago she started feeding herself little bits again, which almost made me cry with happiness, and we are slowly getting back into our old routine. Some days she is still quite bunged up but we just work meals around how snotty she is lol!
My baby girl is becoming a toddler so quickly