Sorry I'm about to start rambling.... opinions will be gratefully welcomed .....please x
I had previously chosen the name
for a girl, even before we fell pregnant... But DH had flat out said 'NO' as he thinks it sounds too *Amerincan* (thats what I liked about it )
I really like the EE sound at the end of a name and oringinally was looking at names begining with R or M ending in the EE sound (i, ie, ee, y) with 2 syllables, I also suggested to DH
MACY (ok)
RORY (no)
ROMY (ok)
So with it narrowed down to Macy and Romy I checked out the meanings and decided on Romy as it means 'Sea Dew' and Macy means 'Weapon' (should have guessed, MACE)
Another name I have been concidering without DH input (yet) is
I have struggled with a middle name from the start as for me it has to have a family meaning and sentiment and as mine, DH, DD1 and DD2's middle names all begin with J (not intentionally) I wanted the trend to continue..... But I've used both female J names on my DD's I was resorting to using a male J name and had picked out.....
JORJA (DH grandad George)
JACC (DH very close uncle Jack)
I have since decided not to go with a J name and to go with either
ALICE or ANN (DH Nana on his Dads side)
I now (since today) have been concidering going for
But am concerned that ALICE is trending at the moment and she will be one of 6 other Alice's when she starts school...
It's sooo hard trying to pick another girls name when I've already named 2 lol
Our naming rules have been the same since I was expecting DD1.... I pick the Girls name and DH picks Boys... We were yellow with DD1, but found out with DD2 both times i was convinced i was having girls, I'm sure this bumpy is a girlie too. DH has chosen for a boy
thanks for listening lol xx