Any big momma's out there?

I really liked reading through this thread. I hope to spend a long 8 months here! =D
Welcome virginia and hope you have a very happy and healthy pregnancy.

As for home births unless you have other complications there's no reason why you wont be allowed a home birth! Usually people get weighed and BMI calculated at 1st midwife or rather booking in appt but dont worry about it even if you have gained weight your bound to before baby's born and they dont tend to weigh you again, least that's what they told me.

I havent weighed myself for about 4wks but last time i checked i'd gained 19lbs, i'm guessing now its closer to 24 but i dont particularly care, baby is growing healthy and that's all that matters. I remember asking my midwife if i could do a healthy diet to keep weight in check whilst i was pregnant coz i was concerned about gaining too much weight and she went mad, said by all means eat healthily but under no circumstances must i endeavour to lose weight and that my body will tell me what i need. Its funny coz now baby's so big i find that i cant eat portion sizes anywhere near as big, yes i get hungry more frequently but my portion sizes have significantly reduced and i tend to have gone off the more greasy foods like take out.

Oh and again not 1 person has menitoned my weight as being a potential problem during the pregnancy despite me having pre-existing medical conditions so don't let them fob you off, if they do say anything theyre bang out of order and just downright rude!!!!

Hope you're all having a lovely lovely day, oh and 1 last thing, being overweight does not necessarily mean you'll retain more fluid etc, my friend who is slim and 35wks pregnant has got tree trunk ankles (her description) and yet ive not had any fluid retention nor has the heat particularly bothered me :) xx
Can I ask a question? If weight shouldn't be a problem, does that mean I can have a water birth? It's something I really want but didn't think I cud have cos of my bmi?
Nineena my slim sister gets water retention all the time (even when she is not pregnant) she can only wear fit flops and other similar shoes; me meanwhile when I am pregnant I only get swollen ankles right at the end and only if people have the heating on too high or its very hot outside; or I am sat in a similar type of position for months on end.

Some people say you can't have a water birth if you have a high BMI because the midwives can't lift you out in an emergency; this is bull because nowadays midwives are not actually allowed to move you anyway especially if you are not willing to move yourself or are unable to; its your birth partner(s) who can do so but the midwives could be done for assault; it said this on one born every minute and I remember in my labours they were pretty helpless in that regard. So as long as your birth partner(s) can lift you in an emergency it shouldn't be a problem.

I've actually lost a few lbs so I am hoping that I stay that way until my booking appointment; its only 2 days away, I'm hoping my BMI will be 30 or 31.
Thanks for that. Not sure if my partner cud lift me tbh :cry: I am a size 18 but I am very heavy!
hey hun i asked about water birth and was only told no coz i'll be on a drip during labour, my bmi was 38 when i got pregnant and that was never a factor. Again as Summer's said it depends on your hospital but i'd deffo be asking!!!!
Hi there ladies how are we all feeling today??

Can't believe I'm 10wks tomorrow!!!

My ms has calmed down a lot in the last few days and I'm finding that I can eat a little more but not much. I'm still not big on food right now lol. When I weighed myself a wk or so ago I had lost 10lbs since finding out I'm pregnant - might have to weigh in again tomorrow morning and see if there has been any change.

My belly is feeling pretty tight like it is stretching and a couple of my blouses are starting to get tight around my waist so it seems my weight loss hopefully isn't affecting haricots growth (fingers crossed!)

I'm so excited I've only got 2wks on Weds until my scan!! DH and I can't wait to see little haricot on the screen.

Nineena - your latest bump pic is making me jealous - I really hope I get a good tum like that!!!!
Mine was done at my booking in appointment.

Consultant app tomorrow, not looking foward to it :(
Most hospitals wont let you have a water birth if you have a high bmi. Some say its because you might need to be lifted out but as some one mentioned the midwifes are not alowed to lift you. Others say its because you are more likely to have more bloodloss with a higher BMI and they cant monitor this in the water, you realy wont loose any blood untill baby has been born and then you wont spend that long in the pool after. Some say its because its harder for the midwife to check on babys heart beat in the water with a high BMI. Again a load of bollocks because they can allways ask you to stand up.

Part of the reasons why i want my baby at home.
I had my 16 week appointment today. My bp was fine, wee was fine, She tried to find the heartbeat and could only just make it out herself 'in the distance' and I couldn't hear it at all, we did hear the wooshing sound of the baby moving though. She said with larger ladies its really hard to always hear the heartbeat as it can be difficult with smaller ladies.

Also she said my babies bum is up above my belly button and they are facing down still like in my scan, so this explains my high bump already!

My 20 wk scan is on the 8th of July and I also have to see a consultant at 24 weeks cos of my BMI, she said if they cant find the heartbeat then they will scan me from then on, so bonus scans :)

I feel kinda sad not have heard the babies heart but I DID hear them moving around and afterwards when I was walking into town I thought I felt them moving around and the bubbles popping thing... but nothing much since.
I had my consultant app today, what bloody waste of time and resources. Cant be bother type it out again so ill just copy it from a thread in 2nd tri. Realy girls that apointment anoyed me. Nothing but a waste of time.

The HCA took my BP and collected my urine sample. The consultants lacky came and told me that i would need a GTT (yes my midwife has allready told me all this) and that i would need to see the anithasatist(sp? im shatterd today) at 32 weeks so he can check my back incase i need an epi (my midwife told me this). Told me if my GTT comes back ok i wont need to be seen again. Asked if i wanted a referal to a dietician, i declined and told her id lost weight which she egnored and said the only weight they want me to gain is the weight of baby. Hello id just said id lost weight?

Highlight of the apointment was when she assumed i was planning on having a hospital birth and i told her i was planning on having a home birth and she told me "they would not allow it". So i told her she wasent allowed to stop me She was not impressed and tryed to backtrack saying she had picked the wrong wording. She tryed to talk me out of it but when she realised she was loosing she just said to discuss it with my midwife.
Good for you lozzy - I'm having a hospital birth cos there's no bllody room in my hose but you're absolutely right, they can't stop you. Well done for standing up to them!

Sorry it was a pain in the arse - don't you hatethe way they assume if you're fat you're stupid? Grrrrrr
lozzy you had a consultant meeting early, mines not til 24 weeks. Weird how its different in different places.

Good on you for going for a home birth, there's nothing saying you'll have a difficult birth, really pisses me off all of this. I'm to chicken for a home birth, would be if I was a size 10 as well.
The stupid thing was OH couldent get out of work so i took my mam with me. She thought my mam was me when she first looked at me. You can tell she dident look at any details apart from my name because even if my mam still looks young she dosent look 22.

She talked to me like i was thick untill i stood up to her about the home birth. Only then did she talk to me like an adult which i will be mentioning to my midwife.
The stupid thing was OH couldent get out of work so i took my mam with me. She thought my mam was me when she first looked at me. You can tell she dident look at any details apart from my name because even if my mam still looks young she dosent look 22.

She talked to me like i was thick untill i stood up to her about the home birth. Only then did she talk to me like an adult which i will be mentioning to my midwife.

You go girl! We can't let them push us around like this. My mother was overweight when she had us four kids, and there was never any problems. I know plenty of people who never have any problems and are overweight, just like I know some "clinically normal" (more like really skinny) people who have had a few complications during pregnancy.
Evening ladies,

Lozzy so sorry they were really off at consultant appointment but am proud of you for standing up for yourself, think they forget sometimes that we are not just a statistic and do have feelings. Make sure you stand your ground on the home birth front, there's a lady in our ante natal class thats got a high bmi and she's having a home water birth with no problems atall, she even got called into hosp just over a week ago with pre-eclampsia and thought it was scupper her plans but they got it under control and are happy for her to continue with original plan.

Big betty am sure everyone here will get gorgeous bumps, i remember asking my midwife at about 18wks and she just laughed and said oh yes believe me you'll deffo get a bump :) Glad your ms is seeming to subside too, i really hated that part of pregnancy although i have noticed im getting a little nausea back now in the evenings but its nowhere near as intense as up to 14wks

Happi that's really good that they were able to hear all the movement of bubs, sometimes its difficult to hear hb on people with "normal" bmi too, it's all dependant on where bubs is lying and if bubs is particularly active its hard to monitor it and its fab thats you're feeling the movements too, its just all a giant worrying game now. When we went for anomaloy scan at 19wks bubs was just hiccuping all the way through so they couldnt get any measurements so i was called back, went back at 20+4 and bubs had legs right up over her head and arms crossed over chest so they still couldnt see anything so got called back again at 22wks and she was still a little arkward thing but they managed to see everything except for stomach but deduced that as she was on target for all measurements she must have a stomach lol so dont forget if bubs dont wanna play then theres not much anyone can do hehe :)

Are all you ladies planning on finding out what sex youre having or keeping it a surprise? We only found out coz i was fed up of going back and forth for scans and thought if she's being co-operative we'll find out while we've got the opportunity :) xx
hi ladies,

wow have i had a day and half lol, had my booking in/consultant appt today.

must admit they were pretty good, had my BP and urine all fine etc etc,
went into have my scan, (now bearing in mind i have had 3 scans at EPAU).

led down the consultant performed my scan, was lookin at the screen with this look on her face, (inside i was crumbling i thought she was going to give me bad news)

and she looked at me and said "how many babies did they say you were having?" i said 1 why?, she flipped the screen round and said "that to me dear looks very much like 2" and sure enough 2 little heartbeats etc.

twin one measuring 10 weeks, but they couldnt measure twin 2, so have to go back tomorrow, to a diff department where they have a higher resolution machine,

so consultant, asked how i feel about it, i said happy, n then she said due to it multiple pregnancy she would like to see me every 4 weeks,

what ever else was said ive forgotten cos i was jus in shock lol! xxx

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