Any big momma's out there?

Summer rain - sighhhhhh you thought this would happen, you BMI is NOT in the moderate risk range :( UGH. good luck with it all, lets hope they leave you be!
abster - I'm trying to stay positive about mine, just think its better to have extra help than no help... I guess!
Lozzy - Na I'm DEF bigger than you, but yeah the bubs is still as they are my scan apparently, so maybe that makes it harder??? 3 weeks til next scan, seems like a life time! x
Yepp, I myself am a larger women, as I am only 4ft 11, my BMI classes me as overweight. I am due 26th January 2011 so I am only early days too :)
I haven't read the whole thread as it's quite long but I wanted to put my twopenneth in.

When I was pregnant my BMI was 40.
I was terrified about meeting the midwife cos of my weight so I suspect that was what caused my Bp on booking in to be 140/90.
Don't know what it was before becoming pregnant as I avoid dr's at all costs. I hate them!!

Anyway, from that day I had a hard time with the Midwife mainly because I was adamant I was having a home birth (it was my 3rd baby)
My bp was all over the place. Everyone and his dog was trying to talk me out of homebirth.

I also refused the GTT and Anti-d injection. Neither decision went down well!
They also kept messing about with my due date and at one point sent me for a growth scan cos I was measuring big - well you do when you already started with a big tummy!!
The scan showed my baby to be slap bang on the 50 percentile!

At 37 weeks my BP went upto 150/90 so was sent for monitoring.
They decided to put me on labetalol and wanted to keep me in overnight cos the drugs could make my bp too low.
There was no way I was staying so signed myself out and went back next day for more monitoring and was sent home with the pills.

After that I had to have regular monitoring. My final appointment with the "consultant" which I never saw I was told cos of my BP I'd have to be induced. I told them that unless there was a very good reason I will not be induced.

The head midwife eventually "agreed" I could have a home birth with some conditions.

My daughter was born on 2nd November weighing 7lb 7oz's at home and a 12 hour labour. It would have been quicker but she was back to back.
No pain relief either!
All completely uncomplicated!
I didn't put any weight on during pregnancy - in fact lost it (wish I was still at my post pregnancy weight but quite enjoy my wine!!)

Throughout my pregnancy I had to fight against negativity.
Everyone was trying to scare me by telling me I was more at risk of just about everything.
Well yes thats true but it's still only a small risk and skinny bints also have complicated pregnancys.

I did my research, asked questions and then made decisions.
Afternoon ladies, hope everyone is well, lovely to meet some new ladies here too, hope you all have very happy and healthy pregnancies :)

Summer so sorry you've had this experience with your MW seems very out of order but im sure everything will be ok and ive taken to the thinking as long as bubs is fine i dont care what they do or what forms they want to fill in or what tests they want me to do.

Well ive got my next consultant appointment next week, am looking forward to that esp as ive been in hospital twice in the last 2 weeks with suspected pre-eclampsia so wondering whether they'll induce me as bubs was measuring 2wks ahead last time i saw mw and im high risk aside from BMI as i'm on blood thinning medication. Spent over 18hrs in A&E from 3am tues morning with suspected pre-eclampsia....had sudden severe headache, very high BP and protein in urine but they decided it was more likely a bleed in brain coz of the blood thinners and so sent me for brain scan and then decided it was a bad migraine (hav a long long h/o migraines but havent had any during pregnancy) so am still tired out from that adventure lol. Bubs been VERY reassuring though and kicking like crazy for last few days, although at 4am in a morning its not very nice haha.

Am away this weekend visiting family over from USA that ive not seen for 2yrs including a niece that wasnt even born so that should be lovely. Hope you all have a lovely weekend ladies and if i dont speak to you before i go will catch up with you all next wk huggles xxxx
Wow Nineena, what a rollercoaster! Hope you feel better now x
Hello everyone, was wondering, do us bigger ladies gain weight slower while pregnant? I was 180lbs pre-preg and am now only 189-190lbs, I eat what I should be eating, just wondering why I haven't been gaining much? I am 25 weeks on Saturday.
Iv had another letter through for a consultant appointment even though i was told i wouldent have one unless my GTT results came back abnormal.

Wonder if its cos i told that stupid doctor what for and there going to try to talk me out of it.
lozzy, phone them up and ask why you have it. It may just be a mistake.
I have put on about 10lbs, I am not worried my BP is the same as it was at my 8 wk appointment and my urine is normal!! I am having GTT on Monday but my mw told me I have nothing to worry about! Easy for her to say lol!!
She said I am very chilled out and hopefully I will have a relaxed baby, I am normally a worrier but since being pregnant I have chilled right out, I said to her that of something was wrong I am sure I would know so until then I am not going to worry!! I am measuring spot on for 28 weeks, so all is good for me!!
My size 16 maternity jeans are still on the smallest elastic, I am still exercising and keeping active. Have no back pain and sleep well!! I consider myself lucky as I know not everyone is having it as easy as me!!
I have a GTT on Monday morning and I'm dreading it. Not just because I have to take two of my children with me, them being 4 and 16 months old (! Quite how I'm supposed to be expected just to 'sit there' I do not know :lol: ) I've never had any problems in any of my other pregnancies (this is baby number 5) but I'm nearly thirty now and being as this will be my last I have a feeling everythings not going as smoothly.. My body is old in terms of baby carrying now :lol: I will be 19+1 when I go.

I can feel bubs and whatnot but I am concerned about the GTT.. bearing in mind that before I fell pregnant, I was showing some of the symptoms for diabetes anyway.. :wacko: Unfortunately it's not something you think about when there's no reason to, do you! I wasn't ill or anything.. Looking back after having read about some of it, the only symptom I didn't seem to have was weight loss haha :lol:

So. Back to the GTT - as my bmi is 39 (according to them), if I come back as having GD does this put me in more of a high risk bracket? I don't want to be induced, it terrifies me, I was induced with my first and it was the worst labour I've ever had.. And the longest :wacko: Or will I get automatically put in for a c-section? How do these things work? Anyone got any ideas or experiences?
I have no experience of GD as this is my first!! I don't even know why I am having a GTT my BMI is literally 0.5 under the guidelines!! I am 30 so maybe that has something to do with it I dunno?!!! I am just hoping that all will be ok, I lose 4 stone prior to getting pregnant!!

Good luck with taking your kids, I don't envy you! I am hoping that my GP surgery will let me go home as I live only 2 mins away!! I don't fancy sitting there for 3 bloomin hours! Listening to old people moan!!
Wow ladies, so much is happening with you all this last few days I can hardly keep up!

Summer - really sorry to hear that your experience wasn't as positive as you hoped. Like you say they are just trying to cover their backs which doesn't make life any easier for you but with the compensation culture growing they want to be able to say they did things by the book if anything goes wrong (which i'm sure it won't).

Laurbagss - welcome to the big momma's club! Hope you find the thread useful.

angelae36 - thank you for sharing your experience. I totally agree that a lot of skinny women have just as many, if not more, problems than us larger ladies!!!

nineena - sorry to hear that you have had some problems. Good to hear that bubs seems ok though! Hope you enjoy seeing your family and that you get the chance to chill out xxx

mrs stokes - not sure about whether larger ladies gain weight more slowly, but if you are eating more healthily than before you were pregnant then your weight gain is probably all baby. The book I bought says that if you have a bmi of 31 or above you should try not to put on any more than 15lbs during the whole of pregnancy. I have lost a stone in 6 wks so hopefully won't find that very difficult lol!

becs - hope your pregnancy continues to go so well - i'm trying to stay calm and relaxed but finding it more and more difficult the closer I get to my first scan hahaha!

mumofplenty - keeping my fingers crossed your gtt results are ok. I have no idea what would happen if you diagnosed with gd but I hope it all works out fine for you xx

Well I think that's about it lol! Sorry if I have missed anybody!

Hope everyone is feeling fine today xxxx
BigBetty, I was aprehensive about my first scan, I didn't believe I was actually pregnant until I saw her on the screen!!! I was still in shock as we had been trying for 6 years!! Even now I feel her kicking and moving it still feels like a dream!!
I have a GTT on Monday morning and I'm dreading it. Not just because I have to take two of my children with me, them being 4 and 16 months old (! Quite how I'm supposed to be expected just to 'sit there' I do not know :lol: ) I've never had any problems in any of my other pregnancies (this is baby number 5) but I'm nearly thirty now and being as this will be my last I have a feeling everythings not going as smoothly.. My body is old in terms of baby carrying now :lol: I will be 19+1 when I go.

I can feel bubs and whatnot but I am concerned about the GTT.. bearing in mind that before I fell pregnant, I was showing some of the symptoms for diabetes anyway.. :wacko: Unfortunately it's not something you think about when there's no reason to, do you! I wasn't ill or anything.. Looking back after having read about some of it, the only symptom I didn't seem to have was weight loss haha :lol:

So. Back to the GTT - as my bmi is 39 (according to them), if I come back as having GD does this put me in more of a high risk bracket? I don't want to be induced, it terrifies me, I was induced with my first and it was the worst labour I've ever had.. And the longest :wacko: Or will I get automatically put in for a c-section? How do these things work? Anyone got any ideas or experiences?

It will put you in a high risk bracket but since were over weight were classed as high risk anyway. With GD all it means in you have a chance of having a big baby. Some women have GD but they control it well have there baby is a normal size.

Just remeber hun, you do not have to do anything. They may talk like you have no choice but to do what they say. You do. Its your baby and its your body.
BigBetty, I was aprehensive about my first scan, I didn't believe I was actually pregnant until I saw her on the screen!!! I was still in shock as we had been trying for 6 years!! Even now I feel her kicking and moving it still feels like a dream!!

Aw you must have felt so happy when it finally happened for you!

Sometimes I feel pregnant, and other times I think i'm just making it all up lol.

I keep thinking that I'm going to have my scan and they will turn around and say "what the hell are you doing here, you aren't pregnant" :wacko:

thanks everyone. The midwife told me to book the medical when I went for my 12 week scan (which was yesterday) to have at 24 weeks with a consultant to decide if I needed to be under consultant care or midwife led care. She even wrote a little note at the top of the appointments part at the front of my notes' regarding this. The thing is the receptionists at the hospital would not accept that the 'referral' she had written about elsewhere in my notes was to the perinatal mental health team and NOT for the medical at the hospital; so they refused to book it for me and kept saying over and over again that the midwife must have sorted it and a letter will be in the post. I was so frustrated but when I go back in 4 weeks to get my bloods results I will try again. They insist on this medical and GTT and won't even let me book it lol.

On the plus side I had my scan and the lady doing it was very thorough and explained everything to us rather than just fobbing us off and getting us out of there as quickly as she could. The scanning equipment was not that clear; they probably let the spanking new hospital have the better equipment and this one they let have the cheapo brand no-one has ever heard of. I didn't get a scan pic because they cost £4 and I didn't think its worth spending £4 on a fuzzy picture at this stage; will get pics at the 20 week scan as well (which in this area they have moved to 22-23 weeks because of the amounts of recalls they were having to do when they were doing them at 18-20 weeks).

Had a funny experience as well they now make you fill in an ethnic origin form to help them with the screening tests for thalaessemia et al, even though I know I have ancestry from many places including quite recent ancestry from high risk areas for thalaessemia they wouldn't let me tick any of them; the two ladies kept insisting I tick 'England, because Ireland, Scotland, Europe they are all England' (umm, no). The thing is I did test positive in my last pregnancy as a carrier of thalaessemia beta but they wouldn't let me get a word in edgeways about that either. My husband is from areas with a higher risk of thalaessemia beta and while I'm sure he is not a carrier it said on the form that if the lady or the partner ticks any of the yellow boxes (which my husband did) then further testing et al may be needed. I just want it confirmed for definite I am a carrier and if so what this entails for my children should they also end up being carriers as well.

I had gestational diabetes with my first baby and so Ive already had a GTT before 16 weeks. The fasting value was a little above the limit, but the other values were all well under. So currently Im monitoring my sugar levels 5 times a day and following a gestastional diabetes diet to make sure it stays in control. Diet is usually enough (think low carb) in worse case the mother will need insulin but it will be needed if the doctor goes down that route.

First time around I had a couple of extra growth scans so they could keep an eye on he size of baby. He grew in well and always in proportion. When the mother has diabetes or gestational diabetes thats not controlled the baby is usually big and will be out of proportion, usually a lot bigger around the tummy. I did get induced at 38+1, i had a scan the day before and they thought he was going to be around 4kg and he was just under.

The induction went well for me, I gave birth the same day and didnt need an epidural or any other sort of intervention or help. If my sugar levels stay controlled and under the limit I will fight an induction this time but more for the fact that medically I now know its not necessary if everything is controlled and both me and baby are well. There is some discussion that the placenta doesnt work so well after 38 weeks but its also something that can be monitored.

Once baby is born they will have to be monitored at intervals to check their blood sugar levels. Our baby was given a small amount of formula during the night to balance him out but he was fine after that. In worst case they can need more monitoring until sugar levels even out.

Feel free to ask anything else though! :thumbup:
Hey ladies how are we all feeling today??

I have been doing some wallpapering - DH had a go but was completely useless as he has NOOO patience whatsoever, so I ended up taking over from him bless him. He's done all of the painting though so he has worked really hard so far. Got 3 strips up and just having a bit of a rest before I do the rest of the wall lol. It's amazing how quickly I get tired and out of breath nowadays hahaha!
big momma here to!
im 5ft8, 15st and have a BMI of just under 32. to be a bit healthier than i am at the moment, which is quite healthy just not my best, im starting slimming world tomorrow as it is safe to follow whilst pregnant so going to follow it for the health factor for me and baby. and midwife has said doesnt matter if i loose weight whilst on it and pregnant just as long as im still eating proper meals im staying healthy and thats all that matters for the babys sake.
i lost weight whilst pregnant with the twins, it was shocking i was actually more energetic whilst pregnant :haha: i was doing alot alot of walking. around about 8 miles every week at least. xx

can i join in?
ive just got my :bfp: and im very big, prob as big as u can get !

my edd is 4/3/11


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