Any big momma's out there?

Im deffinatly starting to feel different. My flab wont squish up like it used to.
Hi all, can i join as ive only just discovered this thread.
I'm 31 and a UK 18-22 depending on shops and stretchiness lmao.
This is my 3rd baby but with a 12 year gap, was a skinny minny back then (well a UK 14 so fat to some but skinny for me). Ive had nothing but positive response from my MW and when i mentioned to her about weight gain, she just looked at me and said, if you cant put on weight when you're pregnant, when can you.
Ive had no probs with any of my scans and my 20 week scan is my profile pic.
Morning everyone :flower:

Looks like it's going to be a very hot day. Not good for me and my big baby lol. At least my dad got me a hand held fan yesterday.

Hope you are all well :hugs:
hi xanth :) aww bless you in this heat !!!

it is very hot today and the hubby wants to go shopping, but i could never cope with the heat very well.......

oooh no as much as I love shopping don't think I could do it today. Going out for a meal later and praying that it's air conditioned in there :blush:
Just been shopping!! Arggh thought I was gona pass out! Must remember water next time!

Meant to just take some clothes back but ended up buying loads more! Thought about the price etc but thought sod it cos I need clothes that are gona keep me cool!
Lol i think ill do every 2 weeks untill it look likes a bump.

There in the plus size bump pics thread in 2nd tri
I feel realy lucky, i keep hearing about how people have had to go get a whole new wardrobe, the only thing iv had to get are some maternity jeans. Might need to get some maternity vest tops soon cos they are getting a bit short but everything else still fits.
wait till you reach 20 or so weeks. lol, also am so hot in everything, just went out and bought some dresses and skirts.

i work in an office and everyone is at an ok temp but i am so hot can hardly breathe so my next option is to wear hardly anything! lol
Iv stil got lots of growing room in them. My boobs are huge so i get things to fir over them so leaves loads of room for bump.
Hi all - just checking in as have been offline at Glastonbury for a week! Good to see everyone doing well... Betty I think you and I have our scan on the same day - this Weds??

Not sure I'll be able to post mine as have no scanner - booo! but will see what I can do so we can compare xx
evening ladies sorry ive been awol this past week, been in hospital since 18th june after giving birth to my gorgeous baby girl Ella Jane at 10:51am on Friday 18th.

Woke up at 4am on the friday thinking i needed a wee but my water's broke and water literally gushed everywhere and everytime i tried to stand up there was more gushing out, woke hubby and asked him to ring delivery suite whilst i ran to toilet with a towel between my legs lol 20mins later we arrived at hospital just as my contractions started. Got taken into delivery suite and they checked me out and i was 1cms dilated. They put monitor on me and baby then contractions started coming thick and fast in little clusters. I'd get 5 or 10 mins without pain then constant contractions for about 15mins that were just getting worse and worse. After about an hour they checked me again and i was 3cms dilated and just kept losing more and more of my waters so they gave me steroid injections coz it was obvious Ella was on her way. Gave me gas and air at this point coz i was in so much pain and writhing around the bed, couldnt stand up coz every time i did more water poured down my legs. Then they offered me pethidine coz blood pressure shot up from pain and i was very distressed, then they gave me something to bring down my blood pressure then put a clip on Ella's ear to get a better reading of her heartrate coz the machine wouldnt pick it up coz i was wriggling around. I remember looking at clock at 10thinking ok im about a 1/3 way through this labour i think i can do this. Then started getting uncomfortable pressure feeling down on peri-anum and they checked me again and asked if i felt i could push so i was trying to explain between then constant contractions that i felt pressure but didnt know if i could push and they were like nect time you get the pain push as hard as you can coz i'd gone from 3cms to fully dilated in just over 2hrs. Took 16mins for me to push lil Ella out into the world, they were talking about ventouse or forceps at one time coz her heartrate dropped so at that point i pushed like crazy and out she literally popped after drowning 2 doctors in more fluid.

She cried after being rubbed down but was so so tiny so i didnt get a cuddle immediately coz they rushed her off to special care, turns out she only weighed 3lbs. Then i got taken down to theatre coz my placenta wouldnt come out and had to have it manually removed, doc did try while i was conscious and told me i'd need to suck as hard as i could on gas and air but i was literally howling and he made me lose 800mls of blood so they had to take me to theatre coz i couldnt have epidural coz of being on anti-coagulants. Not sure what time i came round but got a visit from the special care docs who told hubby and i that Ella needed to be transferred to Manchester intensive care 30miles away coz she'd started aspirating when they put something down her throat and chest x ray showed her oesophagus wasnt connected to her tummy but to her trachea instead so after lots of tears my gorgeous tiny baby was taken to Manchester and i was transferred about 8hrs later.

Ella had surgery on Monday 21st to repair the problem which went amazingly well and was only on ventilator for 22hrs. She was in intensive care til Wednesday then got transferred into HDU where she developed a chest infection and needed oxygen and anti-biotics but has done so well they transferred her to the nursery this afternoon and we've been told surgeon is so happy with her progress she can be transferred back to our local SCBU when they have room for her. She's got a tube direct into her tummy for her feeds at the min but we've been having a go a breastfeeding but she's not quite developed the sucking reflex yet. She's also maintaining her own temp now and theyre hopeful she might be out of incubator by the weekend so we just need her to feed orally and gain weight now :) I'm just so so so in love, it's unbelievable. I got discharged from hospital this evening so this is the first night ive not been in the same building as her. Oh and SPD pain has almost completely gone woohoo!!!!!

Here's some pics of my gorgeous girl :)

From left to right, just born and on SCBU, mummy's first cuddles one day old, after surgery 4days old and last 2 taken today


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Oh goodness Nineena, Im glad you are both on the road to recovery now. I hope your gorgeous little girl gets better every day and you can take her home soon :hugs:
Congratulations Nineena, she is gorgeous xxx Fx you will both be home soon xx
Ahhh what a story nineena, congrats she is gorg x x
Oh wow nineena, congratulations and well done! Hope all continues to go well, you must be on cloud nine, what a gorgoues girl :)

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