Any big momma's out there?

Hi Big n Broody!

Welcome to the Big Momma's Club!

I started this thread because I felt a bit like you, was very unsure how things would go because I'm a seriously large lady lol!

I never in my wildest dreams expected it to take off the way it has and I am amazed every time I check in at how many new people are saying hello.

I love this thread, I know that I can come here and have a whinge or ask questions or post happy news and the lovely ladies know exactly what I am going through.

Good luck when you start trying to conceive - I was a size 26-28 when we started and it only took me 6 months to get my bfp, and that was after being on the depo injection for 4 and a half years!!!!
Yay new members all the time! Hi Bigandbroody - I fell on cycle 3 with a bmi of 46.... hope you are as lucky!!!
Good morning all you lovely ladies!!!

What is everyone up to today?

I finally got a good night's sleep last night and am just about to leave the house for a nice gentle swim. Not sure after that but it won't be anything strenuous lol!

Hope you all have a great day xxxxx
Morning :)

So glad to hear everything is going well Betty, a little princess haricot bean huh? Fab! :happydance:

Be warned.. Christmas just gets pinker and better :lol:

Well, I saw my original midwife yesterday.. And she reweighed me and admitted that she'd written my booking in weight wrong.. So my bmi isn't what they were all panicking about, it's lower.. So a bmi of under 40, no GTT for me (I kept putting the other one off, I thought that if they were going to test me again at 28 weeks I'd just wait as i had no symtoms) and no anaesthetist visit nor nuffink..

Hopefully all progresses as normal! So Ha! to them and their not bloody believing me when I tried to correct them about it. Mucho apologies followed from the midwife, which of course I didn't make her feel guilty about, oh no, not at all :winkwink:

it also means that I have so far put on 1 stone and 4 lbs this pregnancy, which considering I'm 28+ weeks I think is actually really good.. Although it may not stay off as OH and I discovered how to make the most gorgeous chocolate fudge cake yesterday :lol:

On another note and completely unrelated to the weight issue (can you tell I'm pleased about that?!) I had to have an extra blood test to check for Obstetric Cholestasis.. Which I doubt will come back positive but as my itches have increased lots and I had protein in my wee she said we'd better to be safe than sorry so that's getting checked. A few nights of not being able to sleep and generally being faaaar too hot and quick to heat up I think are not working in my favour.. And now I am really rather itchy lots.. But I don't know if this is because actually I'm keeping an eye out for it and am just noticing my general itches more or if it's something to be concerned about :lol: Oh well, I'm sure I'll hear if there's anything wrong.

Sorry to blather on this morning ladies, had to share my news.

Hope you're all feeling wonderfully well this morning :thumbup:
Feels good when you prove the "experts" wrong doesn't it?!! hahahahaha!
Betty - congrats on :pink: we found out yesterday that we are too! Yay! OH over the moon esp as we had a little bet and I lost (cups of tea on me, if anyone is wanting). Very excited now but still adjusting to saying 'her' instead of 'it'. Anyone got any really good girls names they don't mind sharing?

Big n Broody - Hello, welcome and good luck TTC. We tried for 6 months (felt like 6 years) - I'm not sure how much it has to do with weight because mine was about 31 when we conceived and 34 at booking in and plenty of ladies conceive with higher BMI. The imnportant thing is that you're already trying to do what is best for your LO before even conceived - if only all LOs were lucky enough to have mums like that.

Mum of Plenty - I'm having the GTT in a few weeks and my BMI is below 40 - do I not have to have it? That'd be great! I itch at night too but I think it's the heat (plus I have eczema which I don't think helps, even if it is dormant at the moment). Also, any chance of the chocolate fudge cake recipe? I can't stop thinking about it since you mentioned it. MMmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Chocolate cake.
I keep getting told off for saying 'it' instead of 'she' lol - i'm getting better at it though hahaha!
Mum of Plenty - I'm having the GTT in a few weeks and my BMI is below 40 - do I not have to have it? That'd be great! I itch at night too but I think it's the heat (plus I have eczema which I don't think helps, even if it is dormant at the moment). Also, any chance of the chocolate fudge cake recipe? I can't stop thinking about it since you mentioned it. MMmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Chocolate cake.

The trust in my area has a cut off of 40 on the BMI.. So no GTT for me, although I don't know how it works in your area.. That'd be one that will be worth speaking to your midwife about as if you really are in no need of it then it seems a pointless task, to me.. As I have had 4 babies so far and no family history of diabetes, and I'm now on my 5th baby, with no previous history of, and obviously my BMI is now under the 40 mark, I'm in no danger of having it :lol: Unless I develop symptoms to worry about obviously..

I'm not just itching at night, although I know what you mean.. I'm itching all day too.. The midwife noticed me scratching at the appointment and I didn't even know I was doing it :wacko: So I'm hoping it's not OC but if it is.. Well, we'll just have to see :lol: i am a bit of a routine scratcher anyway :lol:

The recipe for the fudge cake is here <<clicky>> .. and it's bloody lovely! We only used cheapy chocolate and stuff but it was a practice run for a birthday cake I'm making for SIL tomorrow, so we shall be using the good stuff then.. Is fab and sooo easy, even i can do it! :lol: (Let me know if you like it)
I keep getting told off for saying 'it' instead of 'she' lol - i'm getting better at it though hahaha!

It took me weeks to get used to saying "she" instead of "it"! I still do it occasionally!
Hello ladies! How is everyone today?

I have been out buying girlie things hee hee hee!! Got a gorgeous little pink dress with bodysuit from BHS and some adorable little jeans which came with a pretty floral top from Marks and Sparks - and even better it was half price!!

Anybody else been buying things lately?

I'm so excited - I only have 1 more day at work then I'm off for two whole weeks!!! DH and I are staying in a nice country hotel near Stratford on Avon Sunday night for a little break then he is going to start painting the nursery!!!!!
Good Morning lovely people!

Well I'm just about to get ready for work - but it's my last day for 2 weeks yippeeeeee!!!

DH is taking me away to Stratford on Avon for the night tommorrow which I'm soooo looking forward to.

What has everyone else been up to????

Hope everyone is well xxxxx
Hi all,
Just a quickie to say you don't *have* to have any tests in pregnancy, they're totally up to you.
I refused the GTT last time and will be again. My mother's diabetic so I know what to look out for and will test myself regularly.
I think sometimes medical staff forget that everything needs consent. They tend to say "We're booking you for ABC" instead of "We'd LIKE to book you for ABC" with a decent explanation!
Getting off soapbox now!
Love Ceri xx
I was glad I had gtt. It wasn't a nice test cos of fasting but at least I know I don't have diabetes now.
hey betty - yay for time of and getting away..

Nothing much to report here - we are supposed to be moving in to our new house on the 10th but we still havent heard about removals --- bloody raf.

but we will be in soon n its adapted so will be great for me.

oh n not long till hubby goes to afgan...

oooh and i have only put on a pound - given i have eaten alot - im quite impressed !!!
Morning Betty, I'm back to work on Thursday so I'm trying to enjoy the remainder of the holiday but OH is working pretty much constantly so mostly I'm just lonely. But the good news is he has two days off next week - Thursday and Friday while I'm at work! Enjoy your last day of work.

Thank you rainbowgroove, I just thought I had to. I'm going to ask my midwife why they're so enthusiastic for me to have it, seeing as my BMI is below 40 and I've had no symptoms. I think I'll go for the test anyway, just in case, even though its making me feel a bit worried.
hi all :)

had a pretty good couple of days, have been able to feel the duchess moveing around loads!! i dnt think she ever sleeps lol!

went to M&S and bought my first lot of pink clothes :) bought her the me to you 8 piece set and a nice hat and a couple of pairs of pink mittens, felt amazing to be buying for my daughter :D

hope everyone is well xxxx
Hi all - my husband and I celebrated our 6 month wedding anniversary today with a lovely picnic in the grounds of the place we got married....lovely but chilly when the sun kept disappearing!

I have my GTT in a few weeks and am ok with it, my sister (who was smaller than I am now) got GD in her last 2 pregnancies so I think the risk is high and needs managing. So hope I don;t have it though as I know they put you straight on to insulin here if your bmi is high (mine is 46!!) and don't fancy the injections. Ho hum.
I'm not having a very good day today. Absolutely everything that has gone in my mouth has come back up again. I'm getting really fed up with it! I just hate food so much - and if you knew how much I loved food before I got pregnant you would never expect to hear me say that in a million years!!!!!
Really sorry to hear your having a crappy time with food Betty :(

I've got my GTT in next week some time but I have been told that I dont have to fast and only one blood test is involved.
On a different note, last night was laying in bed watching tv when our baby girl got very restless. I started taking a little movie on my phone and it was like she nearly stood up in my belly. Got things poking out everywhere and since im so big I never expected to see that!
Ahhh billylid, glad your seeing strong movements.

I was excited and suprised by seeing and feeling the strong movements, feels like an alien is inside me!! Lol

I took a video too to show OH, he laughed cos made my belly wobble!! Lol

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