Any big momma's out there?

Sorry your having a ruff time betty! I think my nauseaus has been haunting me lately too..but not too bad. I heard peanut butter is a great relief to that-cheese doodles too!

Hope you had a great get away though!

I've been feeling LOTS of movement lately..such a beautiful thing!!

Makes me feel so much happier and 'glow-y' :)
Hello lovely ladies!

Well what a weekend I had!

First DH has got a bad chest and cold, so he feels like complete pants. We went away Sunday and had a nice leisurely stroll around Stratford, which was nice, before heading to the hotel - where they had absolutely no record of our booking! We had to change from the original one we booked about 5 days before we were due to go because the travel agent had over booked and they obviously hadnt passed our details on to the new hotel.

Luckily I had the voucher they had sent me and there was a spare room so they let us stay!

DH was feeling really crappy by the next day so we decided to come straight home rather than finding somewhere to go for the day - and as we pull up to our house I spot that my car has been broken into!!!!

One of the back windows had been smashed, the drivers handle and lock hanging off and they had removed the cover underneath the steering wheel and ripped the wiring out to try and hotwire it!!!!! I don't know if they couldn't work out which ones to use or they got disturbed but obviously they failed.

Forensics came round to dust for prints but they were wearing gloves - only glimmer of hope is there was a drop of blood near the broken door handle, but knowing my luck its probably mine!!!!

So what a nice start to our fortnight off eh?????

On the plus side I have been managing to eat small amounts - thank goodness for small mercies hahahaha!!!
had my 20 week scan today the woman was horrible and i spent most of the day crying about it, we went to buy our pram to cheer me up and im feeling much better now. we are having a healthy baby girl and i cant wait to meet her.
i have my consultant appointment tomorrow im dreading that but it cant be worse than today.
I'm sorry you had a bad scan experience too. My 20 week scan was a nightmare, but went back for a re-scan at 23 weeks with a different sonographer and it was fine. Please please make a complaint if a sonographer treats you badly!
had my 20 week scan today the woman was horrible and i spent most of the day crying about it, we went to buy our pram to cheer me up and im feeling much better now. we are having a healthy baby girl and i cant wait to meet her.
i have my consultant appointment tomorrow im dreading that but it cant be worse than today.

Oh hun what happened? Congratulations on your baby girl x
Hi all, hope you are all having a good day :)

I'm a bit worried as my consultant told me at the start of my pregnancy that I shouldn't put on any weight during the whole 9 months due to the fact that I am a big girl and (at the time) had a BMI of 42. I have been trying my very best to do this just by eating healthily and have actually lost a stone so far, but now I'm 24 weeks I have been getting much hungrier and eating more and have started putting on a few pounds again. It's panicking me although really its probably a totally normal thing to happen at this stage. Has anyone else's doctor made them worry like this?

Thanks for letting me vent :)
Hi all, hope you are all having a good day :)

I'm a bit worried as my consultant told me at the start of my pregnancy that I shouldn't put on any weight during the whole 9 months due to the fact that I am a big girl and (at the time) had a BMI of 42. I have been trying my very best to do this just by eating healthily and have actually lost a stone so far, but now I'm 24 weeks I have been getting much hungrier and eating more and have started putting on a few pounds again. It's panicking me although really its probably a totally normal thing to happen at this stage. Has anyone else's doctor made them worry like this?

Thanks for letting me vent :)

No if you are hungry you must eat!!

I have been off for 2 weeks so I haven't had an eating pattern. Sometimes would be 11 am before I had brekkie. Boy did I feel it . Felt all dizzy and sick!!!

So now I try to make sure I eat so I am full and no that baby needs feeding too!!
2wantedpls - I've been doing the same, ended up staying in bed even longer because I've been so hungry I felt a bit sick. And I've had horrible heartburn but now I've got major love of milkshakes (I don't really like milk but nesquik milkshakes - yum) but I'm worried about how many I can drink. Had 2 already but I want more. mmmm
Lol i don't like milk either but can drink gallons of milk and crusha!!
Even better with couple of dollops of ice cream in it!! Lol
hi all, took me ages to find us lol, didnt know where we had been moved too!

but hey ho, i found us lol,

betty im sorry ur 2 weeks off isnt running too smoothly for you :(

its my birthday tomorrow :) im 24! duno where the last 6 years have gone, sure i was 18 when i looked in the mirror last lol!

got a growth scan at 24 weeks so jus under 3 weeks till i get to see the duchess again :D

hope everyone else is ok???

hey ↲ had my first midwife appointment today! And bmi is 34, and she said don't worry about it cuz i'm tall, and she didn't say anything about my mum having type one diabetes, and it hopefuly won't affect my treatment. belly is huge, but not quite hard yet? I'll try n post bump pic in the next couple days! Also booked my next scan, which is the 11th october, so find out what team we are on! Yay! Hope everyone is well. Oh and also getting refered to the physio cuz of the really bad hip pain i'm getting! Speak soon lovelies x x x
hi bex, glad to hear you had a positive time with your midwife.

I really can't believe my bun is half baked already - the time really has flown! Got my matb1 form today so I can officially give notice at work of when I intend to start my maternity leave.

Been shopping again today and bought some more lovely little bits - I'm going to have to get everything out and take some pics soon just to show them off lol!!!!
Happy Birthday Terrri - hope you are having a lovely day xxxx
Where is everyone???!!!! Have you all deserted me????

Hope all you lovely ladies are ok and enjoying the lovely weather we have had the last couple of days.
I'm here! I'm always here...must try harder to get a life!

Evening Betty!
Hey ladies - couple of questions for my fellow big mommas!

1) Do you ever feel you are doomed to get gestational diabetes due to your size?

2) Are you considering a water birth? Have you faced any opposition based on your size?

Thanks ladies xx
Hey everyone

Not posted in here for a while but been kinda busy. Ive been having problems with my blood pressure or so the hospital thought but turns out this wasnt actually the case and it was just stress that was putting my blood pressure up. I have had to go every week to get it checked and had to have growth scans too.

The scans showed that the baby isnt measuring as she should be in the stomach and they believe its my placenta thats not working as it should so im getting induced on tuesday at 36+5
The midwife and consultants have reassured me that the baby is getting enough food to do her at the moment but just not enough to put on weight but all her other organs are developing as they should be.

I cant believe im gonna have my baby next week it feels so surreal. Oh and guess what i havent gained any weight throughout my pregnancy :happydance: i have actually lost 2kgs im well impressed i think the hospital were too :haha:

Hope everyones well
Was bk to work today and just spent 3hrs doing work for tomorrow. Here we go already.
Amyn - I was toying with the idea of using a pool for pain relief during labour, haven't met any opposition yet but I haven't stated my plans to the mid-wife yet. 2 weeks until I have to go through the birth plan with her so I guess I'll find out then. Can size be a problem with giving birth in water? I didn't know it could be.
Hello all,
I'm wondering if I can join ya'll in here? :) I'm due march 13th and it can't come quick enough :lol: so excited!!

I've tried having a look but there's sooo many posts! :lol: Would love to know if anyones posted any bump pics? I'm dying to see some. These days you only see pics of skinny minnies and their bumps! I can't wait to have a big ol' bump! I just hope I don't have the dreaded 'B' :(

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