Any big momma's out there?

Was bk to work today and just spent 3hrs doing work for tomorrow. Here we go already.
Amyn - I was toying with the idea of using a pool for pain relief during labour, haven't met any opposition yet but I haven't stated my plans to the mid-wife yet. 2 weeks until I have to go through the birth plan with her so I guess I'll find out then. Can size be a problem with giving birth in water? I didn't know it could be.

Hi - as far as I am aware size isn't a problem, it's actually really beneficial for bigger women to have the support of water, making it easier to move around etc :thumbup:

BUT I have heard that the NHS is anti-birth pools for women with high BMI, not sure why tbh but think it has something to do with the fear of having to get us out of pool in an emergency? :nope:
Hello all,
I'm wondering if I can join ya'll in here? :) I'm due march 13th and it can't come quick enough :lol: so excited!!

I've tried having a look but there's sooo many posts! :lol: Would love to know if anyones posted any bump pics? I'm dying to see some. These days you only see pics of skinny minnies and their bumps! I can't wait to have a big ol' bump! I just hope I don't have the dreaded 'B' :(

Hi Tadan - welcome to the club!

There is a thread somewhere dedicated to plus size bump pics, and there are a few on here somewhere too.

I haven't taken any of mine yet because you can't really tell at the moment! I have lost a lot of weight since getting pregnant but not on my belly. I'm starting to notice a bit of a swelling but its not obvious enough to take a pic of I don't think lol
Oh cool, I'll have to have another nose and see what I can find! I am very curious!!
Just did a quick search and it's in the 2nd tri forum - last post was on 31st August xx
here is the link
Thanks for that - haven't worked out how to post links yet :)
hey everyone, haven't posted in awhile, just had first ultrasound yesterday and heard the heartbeat (158 p min)! It was really exciting and made everything feel more real :) Hope all is well
Aw glad things went well for you! My first scan seems so long ago now but I remember how excited DH and I were to see our little haricot up there on the screen for the first time.
I finally found the thread! :happydance: Not so easy to find after being moved.

Ive been put on mild bedrest today after suffering with period type cramps and backache since Sunday. The doctor thinks Ive just been doing too much so have to take it easy now.

I wont be getting my growth scan until Im 37+4 :cry: Wondering if monkey will flash us before the birth! Im waiting for another hospital appointment with the diabetic midwife too, my blood sugars went up for 3 days and now back to normal again, hoping I may get a cheeky scan with that appointment :winkwink:

Also expecting another induction this time around, but Im honestly 100% fine with it considering how difficult Im finding things this time.
hi everyone, havent been on for a while, really nice to hear happy, positive stories. Life has started to get back to normal, am dreading Jacob going back to school on monday he has kept me distracted, am worried about being alone all day, having too much time to think and wallow! really want to keep him home for a little longer now! we have our first appointment at recurring mc clinic on thurs 9th, quite nervous, but also happy, may sound stupid but really need answers, need to know if theres anything they can do as really do want to try again in the future, not right now but within the next 6-12 months! am so pleased all is going well for you all will pop in from time to time to read how you are all doing.
Thanks to you all for your help when i was pregnant, and dont let any of the medical staff make you feel anything less than wonderful, your size does not matter to a baby as long as you love it and care for it, they will love you all the same regardless of size and thats all that matters, your baby and you, thats your future not someone who you will only see for a short time while you are expecting, they then get left behind and forgotten! while you and your baby on the other hand get to go home and be together! ha ha see you will all have the last laugh, no matter what they say!
SORRY rant over will go now!!
Hi gimgams!

I really hope that you get the answers you are looking for, I feel very humble and blessed sitting here reading your post while my little haricot is gently nudging my belly. She is my little miracle and I am so thankful for her. I sincerely hope that you get to experience it again too!

Good luck :flower:
Hello Ladies,

This is my first post on here, although I have been lurking for almost the whole of my pregnancy! I thought it was time to say hello.

I am 26+6 today, and we waiting nearly 10 years for this little miracle. I have PCOS and we also had male factor problems too. We were told our only hope was ICSI, but I had to lose weight first. I eventually lost 4 stone, and then, out of the blue, got my BFP! It still doesn't seem real........

Anyway, it's lovely to meet you all :)

Welcome clementine, and good luck at the clinic gimgams - hope you get the answers you need xx
Hi Clemantine,

Welcome to the club. It's so nice to hear success stories - hope things are progressing well for you.
Good Morning Ladies!

What are we all up to today?

DH and I took his sister and our niece to see the Matlock Illuminations yesterday, we had such a lovely time but I was sooooo tired by the time we got home!! We are still in bed at the moment - thank god for laptops hahahahaha!!!

Today is just going to be a lazy day I think. I will probably cook sunday lunch - it's been quite a while since we had one!! This afternoon we will go to hubby's nan's for tea - his family gather there every sunday, it's really lovely.

I haven't been sick for 2 days now - wonder how long I can keep it up for!!!!!
Well! Well well well! Today, finally, have been able to see my tummy move form the outside when Solomon kicks!

I lay in the bath and had to call my husband to come see, little jumps around my belly button - sooooo cute!!

That's all. Wooooooooo hoooooooooo!
Well! Well well well! Today, finally, have been able to see my tummy move form the outside when Solomon kicks!

I lay in the bath and had to call my husband to come see, little jumps around my belly button - sooooo cute!!

That's all. Wooooooooo hoooooooooo!

Aaaaaw that is just lovely!!!!! I saw mine jump very slightly for the first time on Saturday and a couple of times today but DH hasn't been lucky enough to see it yet. She is getting stronger every day so I'm sure it won't be long!!!! :happydance:
Yippeeee DH saw my belly jump last night!!!!! Means I haven't been imagining it hahahaha!!!!

What have all you lovely ladies been up to today???

I popped into town with DH's nan cos she wanted to buy us a bouncy chair - could we get the one we wanted????? NOPE!!!! lol. Everywhere had sold out - must be a good one!! Good job we aren't in any rush for it.

So she took me to ELC and bought us an inflatable nest instead - we had spotted it a few days ago and fell in love with it.,default,pd.html

She is such a sweetie - insisted on carrying it and walking me back to the car even though it wasn't at all heavy. Then as we put it in the boot she announced she is still going to get us a bouncy chair - there is no point arguing with her though because she just won't listen lol
Yippeeee DH saw my belly jump last night!!!!! Means I haven't been imagining it hahahaha!!!!

What have all you lovely ladies been up to today???

I popped into town with DH's nan cos she wanted to buy us a bouncy chair - could we get the one we wanted????? NOPE!!!! lol. Everywhere had sold out - must be a good one!! Good job we aren't in any rush for it.

So she took me to ELC and bought us an inflatable nest instead - we had spotted it a few days ago and fell in love with it.,default,pd.html

She is such a sweetie - insisted on carrying it and walking me back to the car even though it wasn't at all heavy. Then as we put it in the boot she announced she is still going to get us a bouncy chair - there is no point arguing with her though because she just won't listen lol

awwww thats sooo sweet x

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