Any big momma's out there?

wannabemumma - hmmmm - wonder why I'm not then, very strange.

Betty - I still long for the day when I don't finish it all just because it's there. You come from one of those families like mine where you had to stay at the table until you finished your tea?
wannabemumma - hmmmm - wonder why I'm not then, very strange.

Betty - I still long for the day when I don't finish it all just because it's there. You come from one of those families like mine where you had to stay at the table until you finished your tea?

I've always liked food so much that my parents never had to make me stay until I finished hahahahahaha
Betty - I still long for the day when I don't finish it all just because it's there. You come from one of those families like mine where you had to stay at the table until you finished your tea?

My mum brought me up like that. I remember one night I didn't feel well but she made me eat my dinner. I was then sick :(

I have had some issues in my life (don't want to take over the thread so if you're curious it's in the first page of my journal) and I've overeaten to make myself unnattractive (though didn't realise it at the time).
hey ladies :)


will get my hubby to take one when he gets home from work and post it asap :)

i was a size 20 when i fell pregnant, and somehow 16lbs has sneakily found its way onto my body haha!!

im under consultant care aswell ladies, dnt worry about it, i just look at it as we are getting extra care :)

im 5ft 6n half (cnt 4get the half) and i weighes 17st 10 when i fell pregnant, had a BMI of 41 not ideal but too late to change it right now

after the duchess is here im hopin to get back into slimming world and breastfeeding.

i was never designed to be a skinny minny anyway, i would just like to be a toned 14-16 ;)

anyway take care my lovely ladies, gta find summat to do to make today go fast got my 24 week growth scan tomorrow :D

cnt wait to see the duchess again its been nearly 4 weeks since i seen her last :O

terri86 - hear you on the half. I'm technically 5ft 2and 3/4 inches but I've taken to rounding up to a less tiny height. Also, I hear you on the not meant to be slim - I'm a 14-16 but being really short I'm nowhere near toned at that - I'd like to be a 12. But I've seen photos of me when I was a thin teenager - no way I'm going to be thin again, my nose looked HUGE when I was thin. I'll stick with pleasantly plump and normal nose, thanks.

Sequeena - sorry your weight comes from upsetting times in your life. My mum and dad just raised us the way they were raised, although I do remember being given the same meal 3 mealtimes in a row (though to be fair I had begged and begged for it before refusing to eat it).

Betty - I love food that much too - I used to be picky as a small child, I went through a stage of only eating yoghurt and crisps - I guess we've all got that stage to look forward to in the next few years. My sisters both have a thyroid problem and work really hard to stay within their 'healthy' weight range. I don't have the thyroid problem - I just love the wrong food, and the right food, and any other food in between. Oh well, life is too short to spend just eating cabbage. Although I do love cabbage too. Lol
My BMI was 46 at booking in - 19st 6 and 5'5 but wear a 24...22 in Next maternity though! I'm not under consultant care, and won't be unless I get GD... not sure why the discrepancies across the country?

GTT on Thursday so will know net week - it's my biggest fear as then you get induced and can't have an active / water birth.... but if it happens it happens! I've not put any weight on and my fasting blood sugar was normal a few weeks ago so not much more I can do!
Amyn - OMG no way! All my worst fears realised! To lay on a bed throughout the entirety of labour. Not good. I've got my GTT in two weeks. Not really sure what other symptoms there are - there's no protein or glucose in my urine is thi a good sign as far as the GTT is concerned. Dammit that I appear to be in the only county in the country that test everyone with a BMI of over 28. Though I guess it's better to know.

So what does GTT test for? I was assuming it was diabetes but that can be seen through glucose in urine. How long will it take for me to find out after my test? I really really wantd an active birth.
Tell me about it! Gtt tests the way your body deals with sugar... I believe you get the results in 3 or 4 days after test.

If you have GD they almost ALWAYS induce to stop baby getting too big (also a risk of blood sugar probs for baby) and with inductions you have the drip, so on the bed....booooooooo!
GTT stands for glucose tolerance test. It is basically a test to see how your body handles sugar and whether you have gestational diabetes.

I don't know if you have been told what happens but you won't be allowed to eat or drink anything but water for a few hours before the test then they will take a blood sample. Next they will give you lucozade or something else that will give you a very quick sugar burst and after an hour or two they will take another blood sample to check whether your body has processed it properly.

I've got mine on 25th October but to be honest even if it comes back positive they are not going confine me to the bed for the duration of my labour - I don't care what they say, if I want to get up I will bloody well get up, even if I have to rip wires and stuff off!!!
hey guys, another plus size mummy here! im not 100% on my weight at the moment but 280lbs would have to be close! i did lose 40lbs before becoming pregnant, so im secretly hoping i dont gain much :thumbup:
Hi twinmummy06! Welcome to the club. Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months xxx
Go Betty - I shall follow your example and wander at will, whether it is liked or not. I'm going to cross everything for my gtt then.
I find out the results to my GD test tonight. Fingers crossed everything is fine. Although seriously, if I have it, all I care for is that our little girl is born healthy.

Welcome to the new ladies, here's to a happy and healthy 9 months to you all :)
Hey just saw this thread, am a big momma myself, expecting my first... I lost over 20lbs before getting pregnant, hoping to keep my weight loss minimal for the health of the baby etc. Wearing a size 24, am 5'7"

Can't wait to meet you all (sorry, just don't have the stamina to read 100+ pages right now!:haha:)
Id like to tell any ladies waiting or knowing they have a GTT coming up not to worry.

Ive had (got) gestational diabetes with both pregnancies and its been really well controlled with diet, which is true for most cases. The biggest side effect is off course having a bigger baby but you will be monitored for that with some extra growth scans. Often they do induce but that seems to varry between hospitals.

My first baby was 8lb 5oz at 52cm when I induced at 38+1. There was hardly any fat on him, all muscle - they love to tell you that babys exposed to GD have a massive stomach, which isnt always true.

Ive lost a little weight recently and Ive only gained 10lbs now. Ive got my doctors appointment at the hospital today so we'll get to see how baby is doing and hopefully see the sex at last! I also find out if Im going to need a little insulin as my morning levels are a little unstable. Im expecting to be induced about 38 weeks again, so I really dont have much time left to go. Scary and exciting at the same time :haha:

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