Thanks ladies I feel much happier with OH's video gaming. Still not getting him another xbox though - he really can't say no to any/every game that's going.
OMG - hospital bags?!? I've got 11 wks 5 days and I have no idea what to put in the hospital bag. I think I saw a thread somewhere about what should be in it - any ideas? I'm thinking:
mini toiletries
pjs/nightwear of some description (probably two sets)
maternity pants/pads and big pants
several nappies
baby clothes - 2 sets minimum
cd if using during birth
Now I'm stumped. Also, do you take a range of sizes in baby clothes because you don't know how big the baby will be? Same for nappies - what if it's HUGE and doesn't fit in newborn? How big should the bag be? At this rate I'm thinking I might end up taking a set of suitcases filled with stuff 'just in case'.
OMG - hospital bags?!? I've got 11 wks 5 days and I have no idea what to put in the hospital bag. I think I saw a thread somewhere about what should be in it - any ideas? I'm thinking:
mini toiletries
pjs/nightwear of some description (probably two sets)
maternity pants/pads and big pants
several nappies
baby clothes - 2 sets minimum
cd if using during birth
Now I'm stumped. Also, do you take a range of sizes in baby clothes because you don't know how big the baby will be? Same for nappies - what if it's HUGE and doesn't fit in newborn? How big should the bag be? At this rate I'm thinking I might end up taking a set of suitcases filled with stuff 'just in case'.