Any big momma's out there?

oh yeah... and one of my friends was sent for a scan because she was measuring small (she was a tiny woman though).
Not only did they tell her thats why they wanted her scanned, but they added 'this is about the time when things go wrong' :dohh: so from that an other stories I've heard.. .they have no tact and will not keep things from you...
if she didn't mention the baby seemed small, then truly try and not worry, lol!
Having a scan at 36weeks is routine for us ladies with elevated BMI's.

The consultant booked me in for my 20wk, 32wk and 36wk scans at my first appointment. I have only seen my consultant twice with in my whole pregnancy so far.

My MW wanted me to have an extra growth scan but nothing has come of that so I'm just waiting on my 36wk scan on the 10th Nov, as they think I have a heavy weight sumo wrestler in here... lol!

GD does affect birth weight but would produce a bigger baby.

Just because your MW couldn't feel which way up your LO was doesn't mean she's too small or not growing well enough. I know palpating hurts lots but it does depend on what position your LO is in. For example if LO is lying with her back to your back (back to back) then the front of your tummy is all moving limbs and it can be diffult for MW to fathom whether or not LO is head or bum down due to the bum being at the back of your bump. IYKWIM.

I know it's easier to say than to do but don't worry yourself:wacko:. If there had been any worry on the MW's behalf she would have booked you in for an earlier scan or requested to see you again within the week.:thumbup:
Well something has happened today that has cheered me right up!

I rang Mamas and Papas earlier to pay the balance on the pram and arrange delivery - sorted fine. But for some reason, not sure why really, a few mins ago I had a quick look at it online - and it had been heavily reduced!!

I made another quick call and they are refunding £231 to my account!!!!!!

I am soooo happy lol!!
whoop whoop! an extra couple of hundred quid woudl certainly cheer a girl up!
My bump is sprouting at a ridiculous rate - 32 and half cm now. Also, the three lbs I had put on a while ago has somehow turned into an entire stone. That prodding thing the midwife did was pretty painful but she managed to feel where the baby is - head down but not engaged. Started having dreams that I go into premature labour. Panicking, I think.

Betty, if they even thought there might be something wrong they'd say something - from the things I've heard from varying people, tact is not a strong point of the NHS. The three weeks will fly by, just try and relax, worrying is not good for you.:hugs:
Hi all - TMI ALERT!

Well, drama yesterday! I went to the loo at about 5pm and when I wiped there was blood - lots of blood. I didn't even stop - phoned my mum on way to car and asked her to meet me at the hospital, as my husband was working late, and got in and drove! I was weirdly calm, I think because I wasn't in any pain and had no cramps or anything and I just kept rubbing my belly as could feel Solomon moving away...

When I got there I went straight to mat ward and they gave me a pad. I had 30 mins of baby HB monitoring and checking to see if I had contractions, as well as my BP being taken. Then a DR came and did an internal - first time I've had ANYTHING up there in ages, not nice! I freaked a bit then as when she withdrew the speculum there was a big blood clot, but she wasn't worried. Said it was old blood, and I just had to wait a few hours and if bleeding hadn't got worse I could go home.

Ended up waiting for another 4 hours to see a different dr, due to shift change, and again she said they didn't know why it had happened. I was just told to rest up, avoid sex, and to come back if bleeding got worse, or stopped and started again.

So, all is fine, apparently. I am confused as to why I am bleeding - they said that it wasn't cervical erosion, my placenta is high, cervix closed, I haven't had sex in weeks and weeks....but essentially it doesn't matter as baby is fine.

Heads up though girls - make sure you take your notes even in a rush! I wasn't at home and didn't stop to collect my notes, which caused all sorts of chaos after the shift change when MWs were running aorund thinking they'd lost them!
amym - sorry you've had a traumatic time of it. We're almost exactly the same amount gone (I'm 31+1) and I woulda totally freaked, I can't believe you were so calm - much respect to you. Are they gonna monitor you or anything?
No, no monitoring unless it happens again and then it would be the same routine of monitoring at hospital for a bit... although the hospital mw did say that she thought I should be seeing a consultant anyway, cos of my bmi. I'm not very happy about this, as everything else has been fine and I'm wary that they will call me high risk and so limit my chances of a water birth etc...but I'll go an argue the toss as usual!
Hey Amy, hope you are feeling ok and are getting plenty of rest!!!!!

I just realised I'm 30wks today - that's 3/4 of the way there and it's all getting a bit scary close now :help:
Wowzers Betty 30 weeks seems so close to having baby here!! You must be getting super excited! I'm at 22 weeks and still have that feeling of things aren't real yet LOL I'm sure around 30 I will be feeling it :) I bet with the holidays time will fly by for you too
Just a quick pop on!

I went in to be induced last Wednesday 3rd Nov. Went straight to get my waters broken which they did around 11am. contractions started off straight away but it was fairly slow starting on the dialation front. By around 6 hours later Id only got to 5cm, I couldnt believe it as my first baby was a 6 hour labour.

Very quickly the pain got really awful and the gas and air just wasnt doing it for me and just made me want to be sick. I decided that it would be best to go for an epidural as I needed a rest if things were going to continue in this way. So managed to get the epidural put in and the midwife decided to check things considering my pain level. Turned out in the last hour and half Id gone the rest of the way and was at 10cm. Bit of a wasted epidural :haha:

20 minutes of pushing and our little man arrived at 20.06 weighing 7lb 15oz and 51cm. :happydance:

We havent fully settled on his name but we are very close now. He is gorgeous and really looks just like his big brother did. :cloud9:

Just after birth

5th Nov, we left hospital the same day.
Oh he is just gorgeous!!!! Huge congratulations sweetie!!!!
Hi ladies!!!

Ok so I am super excited today because the pram arrived!!!! It's just sooooo gorgeous and I absolutely love it!!!! Just need a baby to put in it now hahahahaha

Hope you are all well xxxxx
Congratulations sarafused...he is absolutely beautiful! x So glad everything went well for you both.
Had another routine MW app on Friday. I'm now measuring 43cm only 1cm bigger than a fortnight ago which I thought was good. My MW is still a little concerned as the hospital were refusing to offer me an additional growth scan. I told the MW that I wasn't concerned about having a big baby and felt that a lot of my bump was fluid she then went on to say 'There is a condition that causes to much fluid which can be quite dangerous but I wont talk about that until we know the reason for your extra growth which will be after your 36wk scan!'

I feel like all they do is try and scare you and at the moment I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place with my MW complaining about the hospital and in her eyes the lack of care I'm recieving from them. She wants me to change hospitals..... Why do I need this pressure from them? Should they not be relieving me of stress not adding to it?

Anyway I googled this CONDITION that causes excess fluid and it's quite scary....

sarafused, he's lovely - so much hair!
ogrebabies - you're right, you shouldn't be pushed and pulled between midwife and hospital...could you aks to see a second mw and see if she agrees with yours? If so, then maybe you put pressure on hospital, if not, you go back to feeling ok about things?

Sorry you're having such a hard time!

I'm off work at mo, afetr bleed and with a respiratory tract infection, and hoping to bring leave forward so I don't have to go back at all.....
sarafused Congratulations! He's gorgeous! :)

I had my first scan yesterday and it was lovely! Baby was kind of curled up with it's back facing my front so they had quite a time trying to get the measurements for the NT screening but when they did the numbers were 1.7 which is excellent. I was so happy to see a healthy HB and active baby :)

Maybe ask for a second opinion ogrebabies. At least your midwife seems to be concerned for your health. Hopefully the internet is just doing what it usually does and giving the worst case scenario (fingers crossed).

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