Any big momma's out there?

hi betty :)

it has been blummin freezing hasnt it! hubbys car was frozen solid this morning, took him 45 mins to defrost it enough to drive, luckily we have had no snow really, which i am glad about as i have a growth scan on tuesday to check graces growth as it has been above average.

also to check her heart rate again as it was slightly raised last time.

betty how exciting is it that ur 33 weeks :D its flying by for you.

im 34 weeks on tues and cant wait, everyone keeps saying how these next 6 weeks are goin to drag and i can believe it lol!!

i so wish i didnt have 6 weeks :( wud love her to be a nice xmas pressie with lots of cute xmas outfits but im sure she will some when she is ready lol!!

Ogre babies, this i your baby afterall and ur MIL should respect ur decisions!!

my mum isnt too bothered about taking over tbh she is still in new nanny mode with my sisters baby who is 11 days old today, tbh im enjoying her not questioning me constantly lol,

our family has has a baby boom, there has been 3 babies born to our family in the last 12 weeks, im due in 6 weeks n my little cousin has just announced that she is 12 weeks pregnant :D so at least all theses little baby cousins will have each other to grow up with :D

anyway im gna stop waffling now before i turn this into a novel of my life and pregnancy haha.

take care ladies and bumps xxxxxx
Terri - It's great when you have family members having babies all with in quick succession of each other.... Family do's are always fun.... My lil sis has 2 boys Jaeden 5yrs and Cole 18mths, my cousin one of each Grace 3yrs (13th dec) and Finley 9mths and me with Freya who is 2.5yrs and her lil sis Seren due next week... Really wish the snow would have a break for a few weeks...

You spend most of your time on the run up to Xmas wishing for snow but I just wish it had started after Seren had arrived. I don't fancy my chances or remaining upright as my centre of gravity is all over the place ATM. I think it will be best if I fashion som ski's or sledge to the bottom of the pushchair/carseat lol......

Hope everyone else is coping with this cold snap and aren't snowed in like me xx
Hi Terrri and Ogre Babies!

I keep looking at all the cute Christmas outfits too lol! But I would rather her stay where she is for now, all warm and safe.

I'm supposed to be meeting up with a lady I've been chatting to on netmums this afternoon but I'm a bit unsure about whether to go or not because I have to walk to the bus stop and it's really icy out. It's only round the corner but being on an estate none of the roads or paths have been gritted and it would be just my luck that I go straight over on my arse and do some damage!!!
hi all!

Had consultant appt today, follow up from my 2 weeks + of scary bleeding - all fine in that sense now, no blood loss for over a week, and no-one has any idea what caused it anyway!

BUT - had trace of protein in my wee and a positive for glucose, for the first time. Had only had shreddies with no sugar for breakfast so no reason for it except the obvious...boooo! Am seeing community midwife tomorrow lunchtime so she will test my wee again and if there is more glucose I have to have a 2nd GTT. No-one seems worried about the protein though, as is only a trace and I'm no more swollen than any other pregnant woman!

Fed up about it - have made it to almost 35 weeks without ANY weight related issues and now it looks like I'm becoming the cliched fat pregnant woman! Grrrrrrr. Although it would explain why my little man is such a chunk - he was 5 lb 9oz at 33 week scan. And I think if you get GD they induce you early, don't they? Not a bad thing as I can't wait to meet him but inductions have their own risks and I'm scared of those....

Sulk sulk sulk today. Glad all is well for you guys, and Ogrebbabies - tell MIL to piss right off! People, honestly!
Amym- Thats what the DH said and it's his mother lol... The Glucose in your urine could have been from something you'd eaten the night before so try not to panic too much.... I had glucose present at my 33wk MW app and it was because I had been taking lactulose for the constipation they did a GTT and everything came back normal... I stopped taking the lactulose after that though, it tasted vile anyway. They estimated my baby girl at 5lb 2oz at my 32wk growth scan and then 7lb 9oz at my 36wk one..... Bring on the chunky baba's that's what I say..... they need that extra padding for the weather we're having right now..... the chuckier the better lol... Glad to hear about the OK regarding the blood loss... must have been terrifying for you xx
Ah thanks hon. I did have more glucose in wee again today but my own MW wasn't fussed, she said it was only to be expected and not to worry about a GTT. Then she palpated me and used doppler to find bean's heart rate going between 170 and 200 bpm! Nothing to do with glucose but she sent me off for yet more monitoring, despite yesterday's result.

And the same thing happened! On the tachiograph his heart rate was fine - from 130-160 for whole time. I think he objects to being palpated and it sends his heart funny! So relieved though.

And the hospital mw today agreed with mine, that there is no point in a GTT as even if it came up positive they wouldn't do anything treatment wise. Compromise was to have an extra scan to check on his growth, so if he is gettign insanely big or growing too too fast they can think about what to do (inductions etc).

So I am feeling much better! Glad all is well with you and that your DH is supportive - it can be so awkward if you think mil is unreasonable and he defends her (she says, from experience!).
Hi Ladies!

How are we all coping with this nasty weather? I haven't been out since Monday!!

DH and I are supposed to have our active birth workshop this afternoon but the snow is pretty bad today so wouldn't be surprised if they cancel it. They had better call and let us know if they do because I won't be impressed if we make the effort to get there and it's not on. I would call and find out myself but the office is only open between 1 and 4pm today - the same time as the class lol.

I'm waiting for LO's bedding to arrive but post hasn't been getting through! I was out when they tried to deliver something on Monday, re-arranged it for yesterday but nothing came - didn't even see the postie go past so don't even think there were any deliveries. I had some blankets delivered Tuesday morning by post van though so at least something got here!
hi all,

just out of hospital, went in with tightenings and pains and had some uterine activity show up on the CTG monitor so i as admitted.

thankfully the contractions eased off, still gettin mild ones but nothing like what they were when i went in, had two internals, one when i got there which showed that despite the contractions my cervix was posterior high and closed.

had another bout of contractions and a nother internal 4 hours later and my cervix was anterior and very soft, does anyone know what that means??

i came home due to the bad weather conditions, but am to go back if i get anymore pains or tightenings.

does anyone know if my cervix changing position and softness is significant? is this it? im worried because it is too early!!

they were goin to give me steroids for the babys lungs but after my growth scan showed she is about 6lbs and every part of her is measuring 4 weeks ahead that the steroids wouldnt be beneficial.

im just so confused :S xxx
We haven't had any post since Thursday :growlmad:... And I'm waiting on delivery of the bumper bar for my Quinny buzz.... not that it's essential as the car seat fits right on the chassis.... However, the Quinny is a hand me down and my cousin still has the pram/cot and the adapters to fit that and the car seat on :wacko:. Think I may risk popping over to get them today... Have to try and get out today as cabin fever has set in for both me and my DD plus it's the MIL birthday today so need to get a card and what not. I have no qualms about driving in the snow...... it's my ability to stay upright while walking in it lol :shrug:
Aw terrri love I'm sorry but I can't say anything because I have no idea - but if she is measuring 6lbs it sounds like she is in a good position if she does put in an early appearance.

Keeping my fingers crossed that she holds on a bit longer for you, I can imagine how worried you are :-(
hi all,

just out of hospital, went in with tightenings and pains and had some uterine activity show up on the CTG monitor so i as admitted.

thankfully the contractions eased off, still gettin mild ones but nothing like what they were when i went in, had two internals, one when i got there which showed that despite the contractions my cervix was posterior high and closed.

had another bout of contractions and a nother internal 4 hours later and my cervix was anterior and very soft, does anyone know what that means??

i came home due to the bad weather conditions, but am to go back if i get anymore pains or tightenings.

does anyone know if my cervix changing position and softness is significant? is this it? im worried because it is too early!!

they were goin to give me steroids for the babys lungs but after my growth scan showed she is about 6lbs and every part of her is measuring 4 weeks ahead that the steroids wouldnt be beneficial.

im just so confused :S xxx

The position change and softening is your cervix getting ready for dialation. This isn't always a sign that labour is imminant. Just your body getting ready. Some women can be 1-2cm dialated for weeks and not even know and still labour doesn't starts until baby is full term. The steroids will be a precaution as they can't predict when you will have your baby but if they can see that baby is a health size and growing well they will avoid it. If they were overly worried they would have kept you in especially because of the weather.:hugs: xxx
Ogre babies - I know what you mean about the staying upright thing! When I go out later I think I will probably make myself worse because I will be so uptight worrying that I will fall over lol. I hate icy paths!!!

I emailed DH earlier saying I wish he was home because I just want to put my wellies on and go out in the snow - I used the words 'cabin fever' too lol. It sounds crazy me wanting to tramp around in the snow with me worrying about staying upright but I just love walking in weather like this - wrapping up warm, the cold stinging your face and then getting back inside for a nice hot cup of tea :)
Betty... Was also wondering whether or not there was a company out there that makes ski/sledge attatchments to fit on your pushchair either in place of the wheels (where removeable) or under the wheel???

Pushing a pushchair throught the snow is a nightmare and no one wants to be carrying a new born either.... Maybe I'll get a sledge and attatch the carseat with bungy rope
Found some lol

Thats the end of me appearing on Dragons Den...... Oh well lol... xx
Betty... Was also wondering whether or not there was a company out there that makes ski/sledge attatchments to fit on your pushchair either in place of the wheels (where removeable) or under the wheel???

Pushing a pushchair throught the snow is a nightmare and no one wants to be carrying a new born either.... Maybe I'll get a sledge and attatch the carseat with bungy rope

Hahaha what a fantastic idea! Or we could get a couple of plastic sledges to put under the wheels of the pram??

That worked on DH's car a few years ago - he was involved in an accident where a car flipped off the road and its bumper ended up in DH's path - it got caught under the wheel and he couldn't stop, he just slid along until he hit another car in front of him!! Luckily he had managed to slow right down before and he wasn't hurt.
Found some lol

Thats the end of me appearing on Dragons Den...... Oh well lol... xx

OMG I can't believe someone has invented these!!! They are brilliant hahahaha!!
Hahaha what a fantastic idea! Or we could get a couple of plastic sledges to put under the wheels of the pram??

That worked on DH's car a few years ago - he was involved in an accident where a car flipped off the road and its bumper ended up in DH's path - it got caught under the wheel and he couldn't stop, he just slid along until he hit another car in front of him!! Luckily he had managed to slow right down before and he wasn't hurt.

Wow.... Glad he wasn't hurt... Must have been very scary for him xx
Had my midwife appointment today at 9.15am....... The road conditions were shocking to say the least! My MW is in agreement with my consultant about not allowing my pregnancy to go more than 12days over just because of the sheer size of her lol... I really don't want to be induced and am just hoping that it doesn't get to that point! She offered me a sweep today but I declined just because of the weather at the mo... I am booked in for one next Thursday though and then again on the Thursday after that! I may have to start getting jiggy with DH...... I really don't want to will Seren out as I'm trying to concentrate on Freya but if it means avoiding induction then I'll have to get her moving somehow..... I'm now thinking I should have opted for the sweep today after all.....

Hope everyone is well? xxx
Gosh you are so close now - are you excited? I've got 6 weeks left and I'm just starting to freak out a bit lol.

Packed my hospital bag today - we had our birth workshop yesterday and when they started talking about how we should have it sorted by now DH started to panic and frogmarched me straight to the local shopping centre afterwards to get me some pj's so I could get it sorted bless him!

We put the stand for the moses basket together tonight and the mobile on the cot - just the little things that need sorting!!
I only did my hospital bag last week... lol... I'm so disorganised! My Nanna had been on at me for weeks saying I should get it done... Saying 'The sooner you do it, the sooner you'll stop thinking about it!!' I laughed at her and said 'If I was thinking about it I would have done it by now!!' lol.... Infact I still actually need to get an appropriate bag to fit my stuff in....

Seren's things are in her changing bag and my things are stuffed in a large hand bag that I'm unable to close (my towel isn't in there yet)....

Yeah I'm very excited... I know people say the 3rd tri is the longest and it was the first time but this time around it has flown over.... It only seems like weeks since we found out I was having another princess not months...


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