Any big momma's out there?

hi everyone! I am about 6 weeks 5 days at the moment. I weighed 255lbs (I am 5'6" tall) when I found out I was preggo, and to be honest I am afraid to weigh as I have been over indulging.

I am so terrified that because I am a big girl that something will go wrong. I am so happy to find this group!!!!

My due date is August 15th. Just wanted to say hello!
Hi ladies.... I'm so disorganised at the mo... I have just done my birth plan and would like to see what you think! I didn't really do one with my first as I wasn't really sure what I wanted with it being my first time and being terrified and all that. But this time around I know exactly what I want and don't want but would like a bit of feed back please!

I haven't even packed mt hospital bag yet and I'm 37wks today. I still need to shop for a few things, like a bag lol xx

Birth Plan
By Hayley & Stephen Hudson

I am hoping for a intervention free, natural birth, with minimal monitoring. I would like (if vacant) to use the birthing pool and want to be free to move around freely and not tied to the bed with monitors. I would also like to use a birthing ball (I have my own if needed). I had a very quick problem free labour and delivery with my daughter and am hoping for the same this time…….. minus the DRUGS.

I am hoping to use the HYPNOBIRTHING TECHNIQUE during my labour and require NO DRUGS. I would however like a gas and air mouth piece on standby to help regulate my breathing during contractions if needed. I would prefer not to be told or ‘cheered’ on when it’s time to push.

I have been made aware that SHOULDER DYSTOCIA is a high possibility but would prefer that intervention occurs only if she shows signs of distress or by my request.

I would like the cord to remain attached until the placenta has stopped pulsating and for Stephen NOT to be asked to cut the cord. I am also NOT opting for the injection for the Third Stage (delivery of the placenta) unless medically necessary. I want immediate skin to skin to initiate breastfeeding. No need to clean or wrap her up.

We are also opting out of Seren receiving Vitamin K. Are stitches necessary?? I would like to avoid these to heal on my own if possible, please.

I understand that my birth plan subject to change and adaptation regarding medical problems and emergencies but would like it to be adhered to, to the best of the medical staffs abilities even in an emergency.

PS. Stephen has a problem with the sight of blood and may pass out.

Birthing Pool & Birth Ball
Minimal Monitoring
NO drugs
NO Coaching to push
DO NOT Cut the Cord
Immediate SKIN 2 SKIN
NO Vitamin K
Intervention Free

Reading this has made me so scared and feel like I don't know anything! urghh!! I have no idea even where to begin with a birth plan... as this is my first and I have no idea what to expect. The only thing I know is that I want to feel as though I am in control, I want to be free to give birth in any positon I find comfortable, and I want to try for a natural child birth.

I will need to start researching birth plans soon I think!
joonzgirl - welcome! I have to say that despite eating my head off, I have not been gaining ANY weight.. its actually kind of the best 'diet' I've ever been on :haha: I know I'm lucky with that, but just wanted to say you may have nothing to be afraid of! :hugs:

And I'm trying to talk my husband into having a doula for me to advocate for me and help me sort out a birth plan. You have to be flexible about emergencies... but they do SO much because its routine without listening to your wishes (one of my friend specificially did not want any aids to deliver the placenta.. then found out after the fact that the nurse automatically added pitocin to her IV drip and the doctor tugged on the cord to pull the placenta out... :( ) If you know anyone who is delivering where you will be delivering before you, they will be your BEST resource for what to look out for etc.
joonzgirl - welcome! I have to say that despite eating my head off, I have not been gaining ANY weight.. its actually kind of the best 'diet' I've ever been on :haha: I know I'm lucky with that, but just wanted to say you may have nothing to be afraid of! :hugs:

And I'm trying to talk my husband into having a doula for me to advocate for me and help me sort out a birth plan. You have to be flexible about emergencies... but they do SO much because its routine without listening to your wishes (one of my friend specificially did not want any aids to deliver the placenta.. then found out after the fact that the nurse automatically added pitocin to her IV drip and the doctor tugged on the cord to pull the placenta out... :( ) If you know anyone who is delivering where you will be delivering before you, they will be your BEST resource for what to look out for etc.
Hi Ladies - just popped in quickly to say hi. Been a busy few days so will catch up with you all later.

Welcome to phoebe and joonzgurl - I hope that you find this thread as supportive and informative as I have!

Ogre - Seren is absolutely beautiful, you must be so proud!!!

Terrri - OMG only 6 days!!! How exciting!! The only experience of being induced I have is the fact that my mum was induced when having me - and I don't really remember anything about it hahahahaha! I really hope everything goes well for you love xxxxx

Right must go and get ready as my friend and her little girl will be here anytime soon.

Lots of love, hugs and fairydust all round xxxxxx
posted in april sweetpeas as well

afternoon ladies,

well been to see my consultant today and it wasnt the nicest of appointments he informed me that i am obese ( like i dont already know) and that i am at risk of death if i need to have a emergancy c section!!!
i am being refered to a dietitian to see if they can do something about my weight now and after baby so he is sending a letter to my doctor.( he obviously has not seen my doctor as he is 3 times bigger and wider than me)
i'm being sent to GD tests tomorrow morning and another in the new year which i already knew would happen and got to see the anthesist (sp) to check see if i am ok to have a epidural which also happened with gertie.

on the plus side i got to listen to babys HB it took them 5 mins to find his HB as he was moving so much but i knew he was ok cause the kicks he was giving me even the midwife said he is a strong little baby she could feel him really well.
and i'm getting the usual scans at 28 & 34 weeks and possibly 36 and 38 weeks if my BP becomes high.

the consultant was nice but for someone to keep telling you that you are obese and fat is a real downer i was the same size with gertie and had no problems with her birth just the thing with my blood pressure ( which runs in my family )

oh well going to enjoy the fact i got to listen to my little man and that he is ok and i get to see him again end of jan.

sorry about long post.x.x

hope you all feeling ok and looking forward to xmas.x.x
joonzgirl - welcome! I have to say that despite eating my head off, I have not been gaining ANY weight.. its actually kind of the best 'diet' I've ever been on :haha: I know I'm lucky with that, but just wanted to say you may have nothing to be afraid of! :hugs:

And I'm trying to talk my husband into having a doula for me to advocate for me and help me sort out a birth plan. You have to be flexible about emergencies... but they do SO much because its routine without listening to your wishes (one of my friend specificially did not want any aids to deliver the placenta.. then found out after the fact that the nurse automatically added pitocin to her IV drip and the doctor tugged on the cord to pull the placenta out... :( ) If you know anyone who is delivering where you will be delivering before you, they will be your BEST resource for what to look out for etc.

Your suggestion for a Doula is such a good one! How much do they cost where you are? They are of course private here and cost about $1000 for a full course of care. May be worth it I think!

I am so happy to hear you have not really gained any weight! yay! perhaps I should try the scale! although my clothes are getting tight so I should take that as a sign too! lol!
Welcome Pheobe and joonzgurl!

I found out today that I'm on team :blue: again!! A bit surprised, somehow I figured I was due for a girl LOL. Oh well boys are fun :) It's just coming up with another boys name that might be tricky!
congrats seven xxx :happydance::happydance: and thankyou for the welcome xxx
joonzgirl - welcome! I have to say that despite eating my head off, I have not been gaining ANY weight.. its actually kind of the best 'diet' I've ever been on :haha: I know I'm lucky with that, but just wanted to say you may have nothing to be afraid of! :hugs:

And I'm trying to talk my husband into having a doula for me to advocate for me and help me sort out a birth plan. You have to be flexible about emergencies... but they do SO much because its routine without listening to your wishes (one of my friend specificially did not want any aids to deliver the placenta.. then found out after the fact that the nurse automatically added pitocin to her IV drip and the doctor tugged on the cord to pull the placenta out... :( ) If you know anyone who is delivering where you will be delivering before you, they will be your BEST resource for what to look out for etc.

Your suggestion for a Doula is such a good one! How much do they cost where you are? They are of course private here and cost about $1000 for a full course of care. May be worth it I think!

I am so happy to hear you have not really gained any weight! yay! perhaps I should try the scale! although my clothes are getting tight so I should take that as a sign too! lol!

Doula's here do run up to$1500, but you can find one who is still in training for as little as $500 (you are getting someone a little less experienced, but they have at least read up lots of techniques and aren't emotionally involved ... won't start panicking, hehe!... and someone who has attended 5 births has a lot more experience than me or my husband do! ;) )

I know my insurance would pay for a c-section, but if a doula can help me avoid one, it will be worth the money!!
Also, sometimes they are cheaper if you don't opt for the post-natal visits/help.. and some will let you use the money you paid towards post-natal visits if it turns out you need a scheduled c-section and can't use them for the birth.

As for the tightness.. I had to start unbuttoning my pants at around 8 weeks I think and used a bella band until I was 17 weeks when I switched to maternity pants... but like I said, at 20 weeks my total weight gain was 2lbs (my weight fluctuates that much from day to day sometimes!). So even though my clothes got tighter, its just that my belly got firmer and less comfortable when the clothes dug in. I'm still not showing, though my husband things I am a tiny bit.
Hi Ladies!!!

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and got lots of nice presents!!!!

DH and I decided to stay home just the 2 of us this year. I just didn't feel up to a big family do and if we went to see his folks then it would have meant travelling to see my family too and an hour and a half journey at 37wks pregnant just wasn't my idea of a relaxing time lol.

I am just feeling so huge now. I waddle at an extremely slow pace if we go out anywhere and it doesn't take me long to get all tired and out of breath. Not long to go now though hopefully!!!!

And don't get me started on the acid and heartburn!!! I just hope LO drops a bit more soon so that I might get a bit of respite from it!!!

But apart from that I had a lovely time and was very spoilt lol!!!

Hope all of you lovely ladies are well xxxx
Hi Betty. Your Christmas sounds perfect! I'm a little jealous :haha: DH and I spent our holiday running around everywhere. It was exhausting! I am convinced next year we will stay home since there will be a 6-month-old to care for. :happydance:

How is the nursery coming along? I am eager to see pictures. And how is your bump looking?
Hey girls just found thread, I have a BMI of 31 and am 13 weeks along, best of luck to everyone hope to get to know you all!!
Hi absandjbs - welcome to the club! Hope everything is going well for you so far xx
Hi girls,
i thought i would pop my head in, i have just seen my consultant for the first time and im feeling completely rubbish about it, i have never felt so insulted and singled out in my life.
heres the link if you want the details:

anyway, i was just wondering if anyone else was around my size, my BMI is 48.
Hi Betty. Your Christmas sounds perfect! I'm a little jealous :haha: DH and I spent our holiday running around everywhere. It was exhausting! I am convinced next year we will stay home since there will be a 6-month-old to care for. :happydance:

How is the nursery coming along? I am eager to see pictures. And how is your bump looking?

Hi love! The nursery is looking super - just need a couple of bits to finish it off but it's basically done. Promise I will post some pics in the next couple of days.

My bump is pretty much the same but I feel absolutely massive lol. I think it might be time to take another pic to compare and see if there has been any change lol!!!

How are you doing?
Hi girls,
i thought i would pop my head in, i have just seen my consultant for the first time and im feeling completely rubbish about it, i have never felt so insulted and singled out in my life.
heres the link if you want the details:

anyway, i was just wondering if anyone else was around my size, my BMI is 48.

Hey sweetie - I've just read your thread and I'm so sorry you have been treated like that. I would definitely take someone with you next time and if you receive the same treatment then you should definitely ask to be referred to someone else - she has no right to speak to you like that.

My bmi at my booking appointment was 44 and apart from heartburn and prolonged morning sickness, I have had absolutely no complications whatsoever! My glucose tolerance test results were fine, all my bloods and urine samples have been fine and my blood pressure has been perfect all the way through. I am living proof that just because a woman is fat, it doesn't automatically mean she is going to have complications!!! I even had an appointment with an anaesthatist to discuss options and she was more than happy that she would be able to knock me out or give me an epidural should I need an emergency c-section and so wants me to have as active a birth as possible!

In fact the combination of m/s and not being able to eat as much since getting pregnant has meant that I have lost about 3 stones - so losing weight during pregnancy isn't an impossibility!

Please don't feel like you are alone love, there are some wonderful women on this thread who are willing to listen and provide comfort and advice any time you need it.

Feel free to send me a private message anytime xxxxx
Hi girls,
i thought i would pop my head in, i have just seen my consultant for the first time and im feeling completely rubbish about it, i have never felt so insulted and singled out in my life.
heres the link if you want the details:

anyway, i was just wondering if anyone else was around my size, my BMI is 48.

I can't remember my bmi I'm 5 foot 7 and 16 stone 4 ish. But my consultant was a twat so I switched and she is much better. Anyway hope that helps.
thanks girls, im adamant that im not going to choose to have a c section, i want to atleast try and push this baby out, i have to see an anaesthetist, and im hoping she will be a bit more understanding and not pressure me into being cut open iykwim?

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