Any Christians Wanna Chat?

BlessedMomma- Thankyou darling. It is just hard ya know? But God has always been there even in my stupid moments in the past, we are lucky to have such a kind god.
Blessedmomma - You're such a sweet heart! Your post made me smile!! :hugs: Thank you for saying such kind words! It also made my Husband smile.

Leopard- I'm so so sorry about your financial troubles! I have BEEN THERE! For about 4 years out of our 5 year relationship, My Husband and I really really struggled. We're still not doing great. But there is so much Joy in the world even when we struggle, as I'm sure you know as well.

Its amazing God has a way of supporting us even when sometimes we really can't see it. My hubban and I have looked back over the years and Really just tried to think of how we've made it through, and the only answer we have, is SOME how, God made it happen.

One day you will look back on this and say to your Husband "Remember when...?"

You will be kept in my prayers! I know things will work out well. And yes, I agree, We are VERY lucky to have such a kind God!
Courtney I'm sorry your OHs job has been pushed back another week :(. My DH hasn't heard about work tomorrow yet either and is supposed to know by 2pm so it's not looking promising for him working tomorrow :(

We're in pretty much the same boat financially. For the last 6 weeks at least my parents have been having to loan us money for rent and groceries as we've been flat broke with no money coming in at all for over 4 months now. A few times mommies come over with groceries or taken me grocery shopping as an outright gift rather than a loan. My dad has been constantly reminding me to make sure I get enough to eat cause they'll make sure we have enough food. It's very humbling and hard to accept so much help from my parents but I'm so grateful they're in a position to help us. There hasn't been a time since we got married where we've not had financial struggles but there were definitely times when we could have definitely been smarter with what we did have... Certainly things haven't been as bad though as they have this past year, the last 5 months especially.

I'm not sure what God's trying to teach us through this but we've obviously not figured it out yet :(. I just want to stop needing more debt to survive - at this point living paycheque to paycheque sounds like a pretty nice luxury :haha:
They say money cannot buy happiness, but sometimes I think it would help with a bit of my happiness. I hope your OH hears about work NDH, it disgusts me when employers try and work people over.
Your blessing is in the form of your parents, how nice it is they still support you!
My prayers are still with you.
financially we are not doing so great either, my hubby lost his job and couldnt find another in the recession so he went back to school and is now in year 2 of a BA Hons Degree in Social Care Practice which means he can only work part time but God has definitely opened alot of doors to get us this far so we know this is his plan for our lives so although its tough now and will be for the next 2 and a half years we will be ok.
That is good to hear 3boys :)

Went for a 1.5km walk to the servo earlier today and had contractions the whole way. I wish my little sweetheart would decide what she is doing.
That is good to hear 3boys :)

Went for a 1.5km walk to the servo earlier today and had contractions the whole way. I wish my little sweetheart would decide what she is doing.

gosh hun that must be tough, what are the docs saying?
ladies i need some prayers for tomorrow. We homeschool our children which is perfectly legal in our country but you do get assessed by the board of education when your child turns 6 to make sure they are getting an education. I am being assessed tomorrow. The lady who is coming sounded lovely on the phone but i am so so nervous. We homeschool because we want our kids to have a strong Christian education and no schools in the area offer that. Hopefully all goes well tomorrow and i can continue what i am doing.
Will do 3boys!! I understand completely! We were (Still might) do the exact same thing!! I pray that everything goes well! I'm sure it will!! :hugs:

Courtney - I hope your girl comes soon!! Do the Contractions hurt?
The doctor has basically said to expect a baby before due date; he's not very reliable :shrug: And yes, the hurt, if it was just braxton hicks all the time I'd be happy :(

Again my prayers are with you 3boys and I'm sure they will do brilliantly!
tricia- DH and i prayed for you before church today but i didnt have time to post it. :hugs:

leopard- are you dilated already at all or effaced? when i have braxton hicks they hurt. they arent yet, but here in a month or two they will double me over. not looking forward to that :nope:
Tricia I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, but I said a prayer for you last night.

Courtney I hope Kezzy makes up her mind soon if she wants to stay in or come early and stops tormenting you with contractions.

Well DH isn't working today :(. I don't know why not either as on Friday they started a new contract he was supposed to finish with the crew but they never called him :cry: I'm starting to question whether we made the right decision work wise now. Maybe he should have taken the job that's regular hours even if it did pay less and cost more in petrol and mean working evenings and have to miss out on our antenatal classes... Too late now. :(

This whole time he's been out of work I've done quite well about not stressing or worrying (the odd time of course) but this job is going to make me stress every day I think - first about whether he'll get a call and then how we'll make it if he didn't get called to work that day and then worry what if he doesn't get called the whole rest of the wek either. My faith is wavering
NDH- Well we don't want your faith Wavering at all!! Prayers will be coming to you from all angles!! Not to worry :) I'm sure everything will work out! And there's probably some sort of lesson that you will learn from this...Even if you can't see it now. I figure, every hard thing we go through is a lesson of some sort.
ndh- i hope this only makes your faith stronger in the end when everything works out for your good. dont forget jeremiah 29:11. its meant for you! its hard in the midst of stressful situations but lean on Jesus so you will stand firm. love ya lady! one day all this will be a distant memory and you will use the experience to help others going through the same thing.:hugs:
Thank you both for your prayers and encouragement. I knew that the work would be unreliable at first so I don't know why I reacted that way this morning. I guess after spending the weekend praying for assurance that we made the right decision job wise his not having work felt like proof that we made the wrong one :(. But I don't know that that's the case of course.
it can be scary to see things not going the way we think they should. just know that God is all over things and he is the only one that can turn things around. dont put your faith in what you see. remember... we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 corinthians 5:7

you have prayed and its in His hands now, what a great place to be! im praying for you hun.:hugs:

think of when joseph got sold by his brothers into slavery. im sure that looked lke rock bottom to him, but he kept his faith that God would provide a way, and boy did He! after a few years joseph was in charge of everything. im sure those first years were no picnic though. the joy of the Lord is your strength!!!!!
Blessedmomma, you are definitely a woman who is out there to help people! Thank you very much for every word you type into this thread! You're such a blessing!
thanks hun, but all glory goes to the Lord! i felt very ashamed of things i had said and done when i first got saved. since He washed all that away with His blood i asked him to lead me to people who need Him and use me to say what He would say. none of it comes from me. it was time for me to quit being used by the devil to bring evil into the world and hurt people, and def time for me to be used by the Lord to shine light and goodness from Him. its such a small thing compared to what He did and does for me. i believe my gift is faith and we are supposed to use our gifts to serve others so i will go where He leads and do what He says.:thumbup:
Well said once again. Well you definitely have a gift with words. Thank you for sharing your Gift with us!
BlessedMomma - I was 1/2cm dilated last Sunday and my cervix was 'ripe' whatever that means :shrug:

NDH- I hope things work out for you soon :hugs:

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