Any Christians Wanna Chat?

lynnikins- congrats on another boy!!!!! :blue:

we have 2 girls that are 11 and 13 and 3 boys that are 4, 22 mos, and 8 mos. we have no girl stuff left since the girls are so big now. if we have a girl we will probably buy only a few girl outfits. she would probably wear a lot of blue things while around the house lol. especially while she is little. if its a boy we wont need much of anything at all.
yay for finding out friday xpecta!!!!! cant wait to hear:flower:

ndh- do you know what your having, or team yellow?
Not long to go then! I hope baby cooperates. Will you keep going back if they're not able to tell on Friday?

We're team :yellow: by choice. May decide to find out with future babies but really wanted the surprise this time (though at our scan DH kept looking for evidence of it being a boy :haha:). I've felt like it's a boy all along, but lately whenever I think about the baby and wonder what it is the girl name we've chosen keeps popping into my head.

I always wanted a girl first but DH thinks every girl ought to have a big brother. Lol. 2 months or so til we find out :haha:
thats awesome ndh! i never had the strength to wait knowing i have the option of finding out. i really wanted a girl with my first too. i was so excited to find out she was a girl. it worked out really well cuz my girls help a lot with the boys when i need to get something done real quick. and now its getting funner cuz we have what we call spa nights where we do mudd masks and paint our nails, etc. just things that i wouldnt get to do with boys that age. im sure i will have fun doing boy stuff when my boys get older though. its all so much fun:cloud9: i want to enjoy them all as much as i can for the short time God allows me to have them.
We were Team Yellow with my Son too. Then we decided that we wanted to know this time around. And if we get pregnant again, then we'll see what we liked more, knowing or not.

Plus, if this time around we have a girl, then we want to be prepared. We have so much boy stuff, and I want to get girly stuff.

I'm so excited to find out!! :D :happydance:
i found out with my eldest, not my second or third and i did find out with Ava.
i needed to know there is nearly nothing pink left in this house theres not even much of mine thats girly. Its a blessing not having to go out and buy all new clothes and stuff for this baby caus we cant afford to but in the same sense it would have been nice to, I come from a family of 4 girls and 1 boy so being surrounded by males is totally strange to me, i never pictured myself with a houseful of sons but God obviously thinks im doing a decent job with the ones ive got lol, im probably not ladylike enough to raise a godly daughter without falling flat on my face several times gotta work on that Meekness and stuff lol
i thought after we had caleb that we were done having children and i accepted the fact that i would never have a daughter. I was on the pill and somehow managed to fall pregnant with Ava. She is my only suprise baby. I guess its true that Gods plans are better than our plans lol!
Hi girls, hope you don't mind me crashing by

I spent much of my life (between the age of 7 & 20) going too church then for 1 reason of another it became alot more on and off, more so off these past couple years :( well recently I have been feeling like there is something missing in my life and the other day I was sorting things out when I found my bible and instantly knew what I was missing!

The trouble is my hubby isn't big on religion, but when I spoke too him he said he would be more than happy too attend church with myself & little man if we wished, he just didn't want too go week after week after week (he was forced too as a child and I feel this is where his rejection of religion came from) I am happy too go for a set up of maybe every other week until we really find our feet then myself & little man increase too weekly and hubby can decide as he wishes as I don't want too force him into anything :)

I feel so lost, I don't even know where too start looking for a church as we have moved and there isn't a church in our village and I don't know the area enough too know where too start looking.

How do I find a church???
:hi: and welcome :). Can you try googling for Churches in your area? I'm sure somewhere there must be a listing of nearby churches and most have websites these days. I hope you're able to find one nearby that you both like :)
have you tried googling christian churches in your local area?
ndh we posted at the same time lol! great minds think alike.
Lol Tricia, indeed.

When we first talked about moving here I went straight to google to find churches in the areas we were considering, made lists of ones we wanted to check out, contacted pastors by email etc. It's so important to us that there be a good local church before we move anywhere.

Oh and as a work update, I was hoping DH would work for 8-10 hours but it was only a 7 hour day. And when he got home there was no work for tomorrow, and I'd been going to come on here and ask for prayer (not in a worried way as I think that's behind me for now anyway) but then he immediately got called in :)

I've resigned myself that if we do need to borrow more money from my parents to get our car repaired then it's not the end of the world. There definitely seems to be enough work to at least meet our basic needs, which is more than we've been able to do for ages, and there's no need to worry about more than that at this point.
thank you! I am on the church of England website and you can search for churches in your local area, so far have found 1 in the next village over but they only do a family friendly service once a month, and well I would like a chuch with a family service more often if possible as I feel it is important too make church fun for little ones, I also think my hubby would enjoy a more relaxed/family oriented type service
id look outside the CoE churches too hun theres lots of Prodestant churches teaching the same message as CoE, perhaps a local Methodist , Baptist or Elim church would work well for you. I have found sadly that alot of CoE churches seem to be full of aging congregation and to keep them coming keep things the same year in year out with little for young familys to participate in because they dont want to lose the "old faithful dears" that they dont implement things like Messy church for the younger members of the congregation ( My church is starting up Messy church now we are back in our building rather than a hired hall , its a family friendly service often with crafts etc... for the youngesters that relate to the message and normally a shared tea ) I dont enjoy services where i feel like i have to keep my children silent in case they disturb someone as Jesus taught we are to welcome the little children and encourage them in building their own relationship with God not shhhush them for 20 min and then pack them off to another room so they are out of the way
thank you! see thats what I don't want, I remember when we first started going too church, my brother was a baby and it got too the point my parents had too take turns each week too stay at home with him because they were sadly made too feel so unwelcome because my brother dared too make a sound during a service :( I want Little Man too enjoy the experience and enjoy going.

I'll check those links out later, I did find 1 church on the CofE website that is just a little further out (next parish over) but they do a family service on the first sunday of the month and a family communion on the 3rd sunday of every month, the other sundays it says you are still welcome too bring children, it's just not totally focused on them, but a 1st & 3rd sunday might work well for us as a starting point till we find our feet :) they also do a 'praise & play' session on a monday for pre schoolers, it says they sing songs, do activities, story's musical instruments then they play after while the mum's have a coffee which again sounds nice :)
Sounds like a great starting place to me :). Its definitely important to find a church where children are welcome and not expected to be silent. Our church has just built a play yard outside and has installed a loudspeaker so children can play and parents can still hear the service, but there's a big mat at the back of the church where the littlies all play and colour etc. When there are lots of kids it does get a bit loud and can be distracting but we're certainly glad to have them :).
exactly, church should be about the children too, after all, they are our future :)

eek I am excited now! can't wait till hubby gets home so I can tell him and hopefully we can check it out in a few weeks :)
welcome buttonnose!!!! i hope the church you found works out great for your family. my DH was raised going to church too, but it was more forced and he wasnt led to have a relationship with God. he didnt want to go to church with me after i got saved and even got angry when i would read my bible or talk about God. he said he was tired of hearing about it, even though he still believed in God. he is now an extremely godly man. he is def filled with the Spirit and is completely different than he used to be. it took about a year of me praying non-stop for him, but was well worth it. our whole marriage and family has changed. dont ever underestimate the power of prayer hun!!!!! God opens many doors through prayer

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. -James 5:16

we prayed to be led to a church while we were looking too. if you add prayers to your search, you cant go wrong :hugs:

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