Any Christians Wanna Chat?

hey ladies, you all have been getting to know each other while i was sleeping then doing the morning school run i see, lol im a Kiwi by blood but my parents are in Oz atm my FIL and step-MIL are in Canada and my MIL is in Sweden but OH was born in South Africa and my family mostly still live in NZ lol we are pretty spread out
Boy is your family ever spread out Lynn!
NDH - 30,000 is wayyy to many people for me, our town has just under 7000 lol!

Lynnikins - Wow you are spread out! And Hi!
yeah , me and DH met online and his dad had moved him and step mum and brothers to Canada from the UK for work ( they came to the UK when DH was 6 from South Africa ) and DH's mum had moved to sweden with his sister about the time he went to Canada with his dad, I was planning to go to Canada but DH decided that Uni out there wasnt what he wanted so returned to England to go to Uni here and I came here ( part of a plan to see Europe and ive still not gotten out of the England! cept for visits to DH's mother ) and my parents moved to Brisbane for my Dad's work in early 2008 before DS1 was born and left 2 of my sisters in NZ who are now married one with a toddler and pregnant agian the other only married earlier this year and no kids on the way yet lol. DH's father then moved to Maylasia for work then took early retirement in NZ (because Step-mil's parents live there ) taking DH's brothers with him but the earthquakes scared him and Step-MIL off and then went back to Canada at the beginning of this year leaving DH's full brother in NZ with his girlfriend.

lol complex family, DH and our boys only got to meet my Dad earlier this year at my sisters wedding, my Mum came out to the UK when DS1 was born so DH had met her and she met ds1, I thank God for Skype else keeping in touch would cost us a fortune
yay!!!! good morning everyone and welcome NDH and leopard!!! so nice to get to know more sisters in Christ!

NDH- thats a fab testimony you have! i wont go over the big details of my testimony again, as i think i typed it somewhere in the beginning of this thread. basically, i was saved about 4 years ago, even though i believed in God before that, i did not know Him. i did not pray much or have a relationship with Him, didnt read the bible at all. i just believed He was there and He created everything. how much sweeter it is to converse with Him daily. i love to talk to Him and listen to what He has to say to me. its a beautiful walk that im thankful i didnt miss out on entirely! my Dh was saved about 3 or so years ago after much prayer. my family now has been led to go to church, bible study together, pray, and live by His grace. its amazing to know how much we have changed. :cloud9:

we have recently been led by the Lord to submit our bodies to Him for His purpose. we were pregnant with our 5th child and i prayed for Him to show me what birth control to use. i didnt want anymore children. He has turned that completely around and asked that i trust Him with my body and know that His plans are greater than mine. we are now pregnant with our 6th and have no idea how many we will end up with. we wont ever prevent any children and we wont ttc anymore. just leaving it all in His hands. we have already gotten presecuted for this, and i expect any way the Lord leads someone they will be persecuted by the world when they agree and follow. our own family, friends, and sadly even other christians make comments to us that we have too many children. we have no fear of it though, as the Lord is leading the way and will always take care of us. i compare it to the person the Lord leads to sell all their things and take up missions in other countries. im sure people will think that person is crazy for doing such things, but to that person the Lord has spoken to them and they know they are doing His will for their life.
skp- how long have you been ttc? i said a prayer for you:hugs: there is a ttc prayer thread on here too. i pasted it if your interested in joining

I have been trying for 14months, and this month is out now because I have a hsg next month so no procreating lol
wow hun, im sorry its taking so long. the longest i was ever ttc was 5 months and it was horrible. it takes a toll on your emotions. i cant even begin to imagine 14 months. my heart goes out to you :hugs: i hope the hsg works!
hey guys blessedmomma invited me over so i thought i would come and say :hi:
yay welcome tricia! this is a great spot for christians. how are you doing?
Hi Tricia :)

SKP - I was ttc for 27 cycles, though fortunately they were short ones. It would be immensely frustrating not even having regular cycles or having any clue when you might ovulate or expect AF.
blessedmomma im good thanks very tired but good. Im just on my way to bed so i will chat to you tomorrow. NDH Hi!!!
My longest was 6 months with out af, I know I ovulate but whats the problem haha. My shortest was 2 weeks apart and that one was only a 4 day.
Hey ladies, Sorry I haven't replied at all. I've been reading though. I'll be out of town for a little while, with little to no access to a computer. There was a death in the Family, so I'm going home for a bit.

I hope all of you do well in the next week or so. I'll be keeping you in my prayers!

Also, to add to the conversation, I was TTC for 22 months. I had a miscarriage as well...I guess it probably would have been shorter had I known that the sleep aid I was taking, was acting as a Birth Control :doh:

Also, welcome to the new comers! Glad there are so many women in Christ to get together like this!
xpecta- sorry to hear someone in your family passed. i hope they were saved. your in my prayers :hugs:
Oh wow Xpecta, what sleep aid were you taking that was acting like birth control?
Ladies, can I please have prayers that my hubby will be blessed with loads of work leading up til Christmas. At least 40 hours/week but 50-60 would be even better. Before helots his job I had a budget for all those annual expenses and was setting aside a bit every cheque so they'd be covered at the end if the year without worrying, but with 4 months of no money coming in... Anyway I just did some calculations and we need $3200 by the end of the year in addition to our day to day needs beteen now and then (not even counting what else we still need for baby or Christmas presents). 50 hours a week will take care of it all but even 40 hours we can make due with. The drawback of his new job is we have no idea when and for how long there will be work. But I have faith that it will happen and nothing is impossible with God. (additionally we could get by with only $2000 in addition to our day to day expenses if he can work through the Christmas season but I don't think that's very likely).
xpecta sorry to hear of a death in your family and NDH of course we will pray for your hubby! x x
NDH you are in my prayers. We too need prayers for my fiance to find full time work after his temp work next week, our bills are stacking against us and I am terrified of debt.

Well early labor is not fun! 15 contractions today :(
well we can Thank the Lord for my DH's new job he starts Tuesday, hes just got today and tomorrow left with his old company.
praise the Lord lynn!

leopard and NDH- prayed for you! i know the Lord is your supplier and He will exceed all your needs :hugs:

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