Any Christians Wanna Chat?

Welcome Buttonnose82! I agree with all the ladies here! Church is very imprortant for Children! It has to be a place that they're comfortable to be in. The new Church we found really is, and I love it!! My son gets really excited to go to "New Church" :haha:

Also, pray about it! God definitely leads you to where you need to be! I prayed about finding a new Church in our new City, and I found a really nice one! We then left after a few months to this new one, but it was great there!

I hope you find the place best for you, and I'm sure you will! God is just happy to have you coming back!!

On a COMPLETELY seperate note.... I'M HALFWAY TODAY!! :happydance: :happydance: YIPPPEE!!!!

Okay, back on the same kind of similar note, How do you guys bring God home to your Children? What do you do with them to get them Interested in a Relationship with God?
yay for half way xpecta!!!!!! i cant wait to get there, its getting close for me too:flower:

as for getting God in their hearts, we do a lot of things. we pray as a family every night. we all go around and say who and what we want to pray for and about, then say something we are thankful for. it gives my girls a direction to think of something. my boys are just starting to get in on it. they usually pray for their uncle b who is pretty much the only family they know (my brother). and they sometimes pray for the babies and their friends their age at church. sometimes my 4 year old prays for something off the wall like his daddys eyes, or someones hair. but hey its a start. sometimes we read the bible to them or tell them a story from the bible and discuss it. we also have times when we just sit around and talk about God and Jesus and their love for us, what is expected of our behavior, etc. since your son is little you might want to do some things that are more his age. there are websites that have bible coloring pages and stories that you can read and relate them to him. i would def pray with your DH to have God come into his heart and ask God to lead you and DH to teach him what God wants him to know. i would also tell him how much God and Jesus love him and things like that. i think kids understand more than we give them credit for and he will absorb so much even at a young age. there is also 'veggie tales' cartoons you can buy that are good with bible stories. i dont know if you have christian stores there, but we have some that has games and teaching tools for kids ranging in all ages. one is perfect peace christian store, and one is family christian store. maybe if you google something you can find one there to get some good tools to use with him. or even just some online things you can print off or order to use :hugs:
Happy halfway baked baby day Xpecta!

As for making God real to my children, I can't answer that as I don't have any yet, but I've been praying since day one that God will help us bring up godly children who desire to have a real relationship with Him from a young age. I feel like a failure as a Christian often so i know its certainly not anything I can do in my own strength. I'm anxious to see what you mommies do.
oh blessedmomma my kids love veggie tales.
lol it is great cartoons. and can be a great break for mommies to get some housework done :haha:
Oh my goodness, don't even get me started on Veggie Tales!! My husband and I had a fair collection before we even thought of Children!! haha. Yes, we have almost every Veggie Tales there is. Its one of my absolultely favourite shows!!

Ahem...Sorry... Anyways, Yeah, he watches Veggie Tales, and we Pray for him Often. He has a Bible Colouring book, but there are no captions, so even I don't know what all the pictures are.

He has a Veggie Tales Bible which he loves!! I can't find it right now though ahhaa

But I really like the idea of sitting down and praying and asking what they would like to pray for! Thank you!

I should start trying to talk to him more about it. He Prays before every meal and at Bedtime. Its so cute! On Thanksgiving this year, he was praying and said "Thank you for our Gingerale, and bless it to our bodies!" hahahaha I love him!! <3
xpecta- that sounds so cute. sounds like you are already doing much. you and DH are his biggest example. do what you can and God will do the rest.

ndh- i hope you dont feel like a failure as a christian too often. that is not from the Lord, but from the devil. you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, that gives you all of the promises of God. He sees you as a beautiful song. to Him, you are not in any way a failure. i used to feel like that too when i was first saved but then the Lord showed me #1-those feelings are a lie. when you feel like that, instead of going on with that feeling, turn to the Lord and thank Him that you still need Him and that He is always there for you. its good for us to feel humble, but the devil twists it up and makes us feel like failures instead. #2- your feelings are not the truth. His word is the truth. your feelings change all the time based on circumstances. His word stands forever. His word says you have everything Jesus has. you are blessed, pure, holy, and blameless. that hardly says failure to me. :hugs:
Aww thanks Blessed - you are such an encouragement.

And no it's not an all the time feeling or even questioning my salvation - just knowing that I'm not walking with the Lord as I ought to. I guess more of a realisation of my shortcomings and areas that need a lot more improvement. I just feel like if my walk is far short of where it should be how am I supposed to be responsible for teaching my children, ya know? And I certainly know I'm not unique in those feelings :haha:
Aww thanks Blessed - you are such an encouragement.

I KNOW RIGHT?! :thumbup:

Anyways, I just went to a seminar/workshop thing at my Church about Parenting! Oh my goodness, it was so amazing and enlightening!! I sure hope I can apply everything they said there!!

Also, NDH, you'll shine for your Children!! Pray about it! God will help you guide your children! Just keep them in your prayers! :hugs: I hope you're not too overwhelmed at becoming a parent. I was with becoming a parent of two, but now I'm excited! :D
With regards to the teaching our children thing, I will read the bible to them but I will not force it on them. God can only be in your heart if you choose, so I will be giving my children that choice.
i read the bible to the boys and tell them bible stories, they watch veggie tales lol and we pray before meals and when we tuck them into bed at night and DH likes to pray before we set off on car trips. ds1 joins in with praying at mealtimes and bedtime ds2 doesnt really just yet but when people are praying we do encourage the boys to sit quietly and close their eyes and most importantly we Pray FOR THEM and speak Scriptures over their lives
blessed, those are some encouraging words, ones that I myself needed to hear..:)
Praise point - DH worked 10 1/2 hours today (the poor man is completely fried though, body and brain, from standing on hot, fresh poured asphalt all day). Anyway for the pay period to start with 2 1/2 hours of overtime and know he works tomorrow as well is something I'm grateful for and not something I'm taking litely right now. And I'm also very grateful for a hubby who appreciates me too :). When he got home tonight he thanked me for making it easy for him to work (Ie make his breakfast and pack his lunch so he doesnt have to think about anything just go out the door) and coming home such a pleasure. I know from his actions he appreciates me but it's nice to hear the words sometimes too lol.
aww..what a both appreciate each other, you appreciate his hard work and he appreciates you being there for him:flower:
thats so sweet NDH! But now i feel guilty, I used to make DH his lunch but haven't in the last few months because im so tired he now gets up on his own and makes his lunch and calls me to get up when hes leaving. I might have to think about giving up that extra hours sleep! lol
ndh- thats so awesome!:thumbup:

tricia- i wouldnt make things too stressful on yourself hun. by him letting you have that extra sleep its probably making things on you and the kids better. just praise and thank Jesus for the little things He puts in your DH heart to do for you while your growing that baby :hugs:
Tricia, I didn't/don't always make breakfast and pack DHs lunch lol. When I was working I often had to start at 6 - there was no way I was getting up more than 15 minutes before I had to be out the door so breakfast was out f the question! If I didn't have to start til 8:30 then I'd make breakfast for us both. Otherwise it was cereal. I always packed leftovers for his lunch whenever possible though, and if not he was on his own for making sandwiches.

And I totally agree with Blessed - with 4 kiddos and one on the way you have more than enough on your plate right now :) At the moment my only responsibility is to my home and my husband so I'm able to spoil him (and he knows full well this isn't forever). Plus also right now it's a bit of a novelty having him working again lol.

(PS - today I'm celebrating having money in the bank for the first time in ages that was earned and not borrowed lol. And it's a good $120 more than I was expecting and $70 more than I was hoping it would be which is even better news :))
I make DH breakfast and coffee ( while i make the boys theres) these days while he showers and dresses then he changes the boys nappies while i eat mine and then i dress them while he eats so we can all leave at the same time, its working well for now
That sounds like a pretty good system Lynn :)
its nice to get a little bit of family time in the mornings too as with DH's old job he often left before i had to be up and didnt get home any sooner than he does now

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