Any Christians Wanna Chat?

oo0o puppies, we cant have a pet due to our rental contract.

Ok ladies the hours are short and time is limited till the time that Mike arrives back with C in tow. this weekend hasnt been easy so far and its only half through there is still ALOT to do before she arrives but at least the bedframe is re-assembled in the right room so Mike just has to drag the mattress back up the stairs since we have secured a sofabed now for us. I cant wait to get this house back in some kind of organised state.

Oh and im probably going to Home-educate the boys please pray that Mike will be receptive of this I cant see Nathaniel being happy at school or me being happy taking him to school from Sept
hope you get to homeschool hun, although stressful at times it really is the most rewarding job in the world.
well i spoke with Mike on the phone and he says he fully supports me so we will see how it goes next week when we look into it all in more depth.

I just know the Godly characteristics that I want to see my sons developed arent going to be encouraged so much in the school setting here id rather raise sons of Godly character than have them be great academics caus I know what will serve them better in life lol
Hello Ladies,

Just want to introduce myself and say Hi. This is my fourth baby, I'm 41 and had given up the thought of having another child after I had a mc about 5 yrs ago. My dh and I hadn't tried, but hadn't prevent conseption after that. But we were really, really surprised that God had decided to bless us again.

Especially now, I have arthritis is both my hips and lower back, I also have fibromyalgia, and have a bad feeling I am having nerve problems too. I know I am having problems in the nerves in both hands, but haven't been to the nerve Dr yet to see the extent of it.

Our other three children are 17, 13 and 7, we homeschool them, and always have. Both of us felt it was the best thing for our family. We both grew up in schools, and just couldn't face putting our little ones on a bus to be gone all day. Especially how awful the school system is going.

We own a bit of land, raise a few veggies, and are wanting to get chickens and goats. I'm a quilter, my dh is a logger. Please say a prayer for us that he works long and hard this year. We've been struggling for the past few years.
Welcome Dorian - it's always good to see another face around here :) Praise God for your surprise pregnancy!

Lynni, I'm glad Mike is on board with homeschooling :thumbup: Also, your Christmas card arrived sometime this last week (only checked mail on Friday as I'd been in hospital all week) - thank you :D

Courtney, I'm sorry to hear your DFs job fell through :( Hopefully that means God has something better in store for you.
welcome dorian!!!! and congrats on the new blessing, God is so good! :flower:

lynn- so happy you can home school. we do for the same reasons as you want to and like tricia said, it can be rough but also so wonderful. :cloud9:

leopard- i hope things work out with work for your dh :hugs:

praying for you all!!!!! :D

i had my breast feeding class today and it was so great. so glad i was able to go.
i got a card from one of you ladies last week thankyou, im sorry cant recall the names in it and its not by the computer so cant double check right now

aww great to know that theres a few other home-ed's here im sure i'll be looking to you ladies for inspiration and advice
Thanks for the warm welcome Ladies.

Lynn, home ed is the best in my book. Feel free to ask any questions you have. Of course, I am here in the States, so have no idea what kind of laws and regulations you have over there. The best advice I have for now is to start reading everything you can on it.
i know heaps about home-ed as i was home educated myself from age 7 so familar with it but im sure i'll be looking for ideas on how to teach some things , my mum is in australia so its not always a convient time to call her with the time difference if i have questions around lunchtime or in the afternoon/early evening as its night there
So, I don't have internet right now, but I've been itching to come say Hi to you guys!! I miss all of you, and welcome Dorian! I look forward to getting to know you. I will hopefully be getting internet soon! Also, NDH, Any baby yet?! :D Anyways, hope all is well! Talk with you all soon! :hugs:
Yes! Saranna Rebekah, or Sara for short. 8 days old and perfect :cloud9:
I wanted to sneek on again and see the new fruit on my ticker hehe! Yay!£

Yay!!! How was your delivery? She's beautiful!! And what a name! I've never heard it before. Does it mean anything? How is parent hood? I'm so excited for you!!

Also Lynn, I'm well. We had our 1 year Miscarriage anniversary a few days ago, so that was a little rough, but we're good now. Thank you for asking! How are you?
The labour was very intense but amazing. I was induced (augmentation technicalky as i was on the way on my own) and she was born 8 1/2 hours later. The not pushing for 2 hours as i got the urge way too early was the worst, but i still managed to practically fall asleep between contrsctions. 2 1/2 hours second stage as well, had to keep praying for strength to keep going, and God granted it to me cause i got her out without help or drugs.
She was nameless for a day and a half as neither girls nsmes suited her (Moriah or Chloe) . Id been cakinf her princess all night and in the morning DH came in and said "what about Sara?" But we didnt know which spelling so dh looked to see if the spelling changed the meaning at all when he came across Saranna, whicg means 'Princess of grace'/'God's favoured princess'. We still call her Sara for short though.
im doing ok theres new challenges every hour with having a teenager in the house but we are coping will be a shock for her next week when Mike has to go back to work though
The labour was very intense but amazing. I was induced (augmentation technicalky as i was on the way on my own) and she was born 8 1/2 hours later. The not pushing for 2 hours as i got the urge way too early was the worst, but i still managed to practically fall asleep between contrsctions. 2 1/2 hours second stage as well, had to keep praying for strength to keep going, and God granted it to me cause i got her out without help or drugs.
She was nameless for a day and a half as neither girls nsmes suited her (Moriah or Chloe) . Id been cakinf her princess all night and in the morning DH came in and said "what about Sara?" But we didnt know which spelling so dh looked to see if the spelling changed the meaning at all when he came across Saranna, whicg means 'Princess of grace'/'God's favoured princess'. We still call her Sara for short though.

beautiful! all glory to God!
Ugh, I feel better now. Just made a huge vent post, probably going to offend thin-skinned people :shrug: I'm not in a very christian mood today. We take bub to see the specialist today and my head is all over the bloody shop.
:hugs: i totally get your rant and your need to do it, lots of things about parenting wind me up esp when i have people telling me that their baby " needs " xxxx because of xyz when xyz are totally normal development/growthspurts and doing xxxx wont change anything for the better but can actually do some harm.
i feel for you for having such a hard time. :hugs:

for anyone who has trouble BF, here is my healing story. if anyone wants to PM me, im here for you!
i do know that there are certain things that make it very difficult to BF though and i have nothing but sympathy and love for women who are suffering. the devil attacks these women and i dont think we, as christians especially, should help him in that attack. its easy to think what we do/have done for our children makes us better than others but pride or arrogance has no place in the christian life.

some women have had breast reductions/augmentations due to breast cancer, etc, and some women have had chemotherapy which makes breastfeeding toxic- one woman i read about had green milk from it. still others have PCOS which can make their body not make milk at all due to lack of hormones. adoptive mothers have very limited ways to feed their babies breastmilk. and yet, the Lord has still given these women the blessing of a child. He loves them and provides for them just as He does others who do BF. in His Word He is very clear that all good things come from Him, not us. He provides for our health and i give Him glory for that- not myself. we are called to spread love and not to judge. we do not know their hearts, only the Lord does. we are told to pray for people who are hurting, not get angry at them or be offended by them. offense comes from the devil, he wants us to join in his attack. we have to stand guard over our hearts so we arent fooled by his ways.

i have been unable to BF due to being molested as a child. i dont expect anyone to understand. i know the Lord understands, and thats all that matters really. i know that being molested effects many aspects of my life, as it does most people who were molested as children. although i believed in God, i have only been saved for 4 years so i didnt really KNOW Him or His gentle ways. just in the last 4 yrs, He has done miraculous things in my life. one of those things was to heal me of being molested as a child. i can finally talk about it without having a breakdown. He taught me how to forgive my uncle and in that process has also changed me spiritually and physically. for the first time i feel as though i could try BF, but only by His grace and guidance. this is my 6th child and will be the only one i have even thought for a moment i could try to BF. this is a gift from the Lord to accompany my healing. maybe He will use it to further heal me?? before i would have felt dirty like i was molesting my child by putting my breast in their mouth. its hard to have other people tell you how natural it should be and judge you about it when it would feel shameful and disgusting. it would be like if someone told you to molest your child and that it should feel natural for you to do that, and that you are a bad mom for choosing not to. im sure i will take some heat and anger for this post, but since there may be others suffering it will be worth it. the Lord can heal you, and you should only think about pleasing Him. no one else will love and care for you the way He does. they may condemn you, but hold on tightly to the only One who can help and heal you.

we pray over the formula He has provided for our children, as we do all of our food He provides. i wonder how many women pray over their breast milk, or just assume it will nourish their children and never give Him thanks? i fully intend to pray over my breastmilk as i would any food for my family. we give Him glory and thanksgiving for the health of our children He has given us even knowing i was broken and couldnt BF all along. i also give Him thanks for leading me into healing and will continue to do so for my life. i ask Him to help me help others overcome the things the devil has stolen from them. my innocence was taken, but i know the way out of that dark place. He has given me mercy to give to those who are judged for not BF for whatever reason and to reassure them that the Lord is their provider, even of formula to nourish their children. all glory to God

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