i do know that there are certain things that make it very difficult to BF though and i have nothing but sympathy and love for women who are suffering. the devil attacks these women and i dont think we, as christians especially, should help him in that attack. its easy to think what we do/have done for our children makes us better than others but pride or arrogance has no place in the christian life.
some women have had breast reductions/augmentations due to breast cancer, etc, and some women have had chemotherapy which makes breastfeeding toxic- one woman i read about had green milk from it. still others have PCOS which can make their body not make milk at all due to lack of hormones. adoptive mothers have very limited ways to feed their babies breastmilk. and yet, the Lord has still given these women the blessing of a child. He loves them and provides for them just as He does others who do BF. in His Word He is very clear that all good things come from Him, not us. He provides for our health and i give Him glory for that- not myself. we are called to spread love and not to judge. we do not know their hearts, only the Lord does. we are told to pray for people who are hurting, not get angry at them or be offended by them. offense comes from the devil, he wants us to join in his attack. we have to stand guard over our hearts so we arent fooled by his ways.
i have been unable to BF due to being molested as a child. i dont expect anyone to understand. i know the Lord understands, and thats all that matters really. i know that being molested effects many aspects of my life, as it does most people who were molested as children. although i believed in God, i have only been saved for 4 years so i didnt really KNOW Him or His gentle ways. just in the last 4 yrs, He has done miraculous things in my life. one of those things was to heal me of being molested as a child. i can finally talk about it without having a breakdown. He taught me how to forgive my uncle and in that process has also changed me spiritually and physically. for the first time i feel as though i could try BF, but only by His grace and guidance. this is my 6th child and will be the only one i have even thought for a moment i could try to BF. this is a gift from the Lord to accompany my healing. maybe He will use it to further heal me?? before i would have felt dirty like i was molesting my child by putting my breast in their mouth. its hard to have other people tell you how natural it should be and judge you about it when it would feel shameful and disgusting. it would be like if someone told you to molest your child and that it should feel natural for you to do that, and that you are a bad mom for choosing not to. im sure i will take some heat and anger for this post, but since there may be others suffering it will be worth it. the Lord can heal you, and you should only think about pleasing Him. no one else will love and care for you the way He does. they may condemn you, but hold on tightly to the only One who can help and heal you.
we pray over the formula He has provided for our children, as we do all of our food He provides. i wonder how many women pray over their breast milk, or just assume it will nourish their children and never give Him thanks? i fully intend to pray over my breastmilk as i would any food for my family. we give Him glory and thanksgiving for the health of our children He has given us even knowing i was broken and couldnt BF all along. i also give Him thanks for leading me into healing and will continue to do so for my life. i ask Him to help me help others overcome the things the devil has stolen from them. my innocence was taken, but i know the way out of that dark place. He has given me mercy to give to those who are judged for not BF for whatever reason and to reassure them that the Lord is their provider, even of formula to nourish their children. all glory to God