Any Christians Wanna Chat?

prayers going out for all your situations ladies.
Im dealing with challenges myself half i think are issues im making up that others can't see but others i know are real as my husband brings them up too lol,

I have a self defense mechanism when im stressed or under extreme presure where i back away from confrontation and would rather make more work for myself than deal with a little bit of fall out from standing up for myself and my feelings. im a proper Mamma bear if anyone says anything about or does anything to my children but would rather not rock the boat when im stressed already if its only my feelings that get trod on iykwim? So im avoiding things with C rather than doing what i would normally do and asert myself about things caus I dont have the mental strenght to have a battle with her over the same ( insignificant to her mind ) stuff daily. its probably pointless me even avoiding the issues because she probably wouldnt dare disagree with me on 99% of them but its the 1% where she has a meltdown and crys and strops that require the mental strenght I just dont have, plus unlike any other teen who i would just tell to " suck it up and deal with it " she when she does have a meltdown needs to be talked through it and helped to understand about it and that takes forever.
It doesnt help that she doesnt talk to me either unless its to tell me one of the boys has done something wrong. and I have tried making conversation with her but after not having a person around 24/7 for conversation for 3 1/2 years now that ive been a mum and not had DH around all the time to talk to then ive grown to like my quiet and my space and not having to talk just for the sake of avoiding silence.

sorry that turned into a bit of a rant i just i needed to clear my head a bit
lynn- :hugs: prayers for you! it can be very stressful to live with someone, even family
You Ladies are always so wonderful and encouraging to me. I love reading your posts, even if it's a vent post, because I know you are walking with the Lord and your posts and answers always help me to realize that I need to just give everything to Him and let Him show me the way. :hugs: So thank you!

And prayers going out for each of you from me too.
Sorry that you're going through this Lynn. That's so hard. I can't imagine what its like. I hope things get better for you!
oh she isnt autistic after all apparently the doctors in Sweden mis-diagnosed her ( i could have told them that because all the "problems" she has i can see could have been caused by the way people including MIL have treated her and babied her over the years ) she does however have ADHD but thats something im used to dealing with and without medication however it might involve some diet modifications which she wont be happy about
Lynn, my son has a few signs of ADHD, but not full blown, and I've never had him checked at the Drs. But I HAVE found a few changes in diet has been good for him.

He eats an apple every, single day! Apples have something in them that is good for that.

Eggs are also good.

And NO FOOD COLORING! That is a big one. It's hard sometimes, especially telling the Grandparents no fun, colorful goodies during the holidays for him. Just chocolates and caramels. And thankfully many companies are now using natural ingredients for food coloring. It's a lot of work to read food labels, but sooo worth it.

And take out high fructose corn syrup too!

Good luck.
Hey Lynn, I don't know if you posted and I missed or what, but why is she living with you?
because DH and his mother felt it was the best move for her during her Mum's eye surgery ( had first eye done 4wks ago and still got 8wk wait for the second eye ) for her to stay with us as there was nobody who could step in and help in sweden to allow MIL to recover from surgery. DH is ever hopeful that his mother will move back here if Celina settles in well and she does seem to be doing that she already has more friends she talks about and wants to talk to than she had in Sweden and it does make better sense all around for MIL to live here not there since the reason she moved there no longer exsists
Oh alrighty then. Well that's nice of you guys to step up! I hope the eye surgery goes well.
Dh finally has work today! Not exoecting anything beyond this one day but its a start. Rent this week was covered thanks to money dhs nana sent for a baby gift (will buy a gift soon bur rent is a necessity) but wouldnt have been able to cover next weeks if he didnt get work today. And my fanilt assiatance should kick in befire we have to worry about it again.
This is however my first day home alone with the baby and my mom is working so i dont have backup.
Well good luck NDH! I'm sure you'll do great!

Also Fides, I don't think I've said yet, but your baby is just SO adorable!
you will do great hun, its daunting that first day but you will get yourself into a little routine,
I find days without Mike here easier than ones with him here as I have a routine which gets stuck to so the kids arent ever reaching tired-hungry stages caus meals happen on time and naps happen on time lol
So, Billy and I celebrate 3 anniversaries a year, and today is one of them, but he's gone all day :( Like from when I woke up he's gone, and he'll be home after I go to bed. I get to see him a bit in the middle, but he'll be napping so that he can stay up so late. Urrgg. Plus, I'm starting to feel sick, despite all my prayer and confession efforts, So I'm tired and groggy.

But I'm sure Today won't be as bad as I'm thinking it will be...
xpecta- :hugs::hugs::hugs: we have several anniversaries every year too, so i kinda know how you feel about that. and i will be praying you feel better physically too!
Thank you. I appreciate that! I think I'm losing the battle of health right now :( I'm trying not to focus on it, but its all I can focus on. Urrgg
well i ordered the girls homeschool curriculum for the rest of this year and i just pray it works for them.

and prayers to the rest of you girls. Sorry i havent been on much. Things are kinda hectic around here. The neighbor who complained about the dog smell in the hallway? If you remember me telling you about it, well she got snippy tonight and poured water on DH and 2 of our dogs tonight because the dogs were pooping under her 2nd floor window. Yes, seriously. :dohh:
.....That is SOOO immature! I'm sorry you're going through that and you have to deal with it.

Hopefully the Homeschooling works out! I'm debating whether or not we should do homeschooling or not.
Morning Ladies,

Continued prayers for you NDH and xpecta. Having an anniversary without your dh around is no fun :( Hope you had a decent day anyways though.

Onearth, how silly that women is! I'm sorry you have to deal with it. Praying the homeschool books work out. Sometimes it's SO hard to find the right books/programs. I teach mine the basic bookworks, but then let them led on what their interests are. My oldest was my best schooler, my girl hates math so is REALLY hard to teach it too, and my youngest (he's 7) he says he doesnt' want to learn how to read, he doesn't care. LOL, not only that, he is VERY stubborn...sigh~ the more the other kids push him to learn to read, the further he digs his heels in.

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