Hi ladies, I hope you don't mind me posting here, I just wanted to share something that happened to me this morning.
I've had a fairly rocky pregnancy, my blood pressure is extremely high, I've been on bed rest for 8 weeks now and in the last week it's gotten worse and I was even in hospital for a few hours before it settled a bit and they let me home again. I've been worrying beyond all reason, having nightmares, terrified that my body can't give my baby the healthy environment to grow that it needs, that the baby is going to come really early and be really sick. I wake up in the night after a nightmare with my heart pounding because in the dream this tiny, frail baby has been born now at 23 weeks rather than in 4 months time. Last night was the worst, I woke up terrified, feeling completely lost, tears down my face and couldn't sleep again for hours just in irrational fear.
My DH and I left our last church shortly before we got married as we didn't feel it fit our view of what a Christian family life should be (in short, too fundamentalist, the idea that the wife should be getting up at 4am to clean before the husband woke so he didn't see her doing the housework, and then do a full days work out the home just the same as him, I think I'd crack and start beating him with a frying pan before the first year was out) and since then we've dabbled, gone to a couple of churches for one Sunday, but not committed to any and not gone in any way often. Yesterday as we were saying grace over dinner I felt like God was telling us to go to church today, so we went down to the local one where we've been once before. The service itself didn't speak to either of us, neither did the worship group (very rare, we both said we've never had a service speak to us so little), however a few people got up to speak after the prayers, saying God had spoken to them about different things during prayers. One of these people spoke about how God wanted a woman with pain in the right hand side of her stomach to know that he sees her, hasn't forgotten her, and is watching over her. At first I refused to let myself think too deeply on that, despite the fact I'd sat down during the songs as I was getting sharp pain in the right hand side of my bump. I couldn't allow myself to believe that God was speaking to me, and I felt like by letting myself think he was I was taking something from someone else in the congregation who was more deserving of his attention. However the more I thought on it the more I realised I'm not 'stealing' someone else's message if I take something from it, and that I've been trying to place my faith in the wrong place, in the doctors rather than in Him.
I feel so much better now, more at peace, knowing that while I can't control everything, I can't expect to, and I have to have faith that he will keep our baby safe.