Any Christians Wanna Chat?

Thoughts and prayers with you as you work through your financial issues. :hugs:

I'm doing well X, how are you? Are you finding out what you're having soon? :) :) :)
Oh good :) I'm glad!!

Well, I have an Ultrasound on the 21st, so lets just pray we get a clear shot of the "special area" haha.

But when it comes down to it, we have faith its a girl. But we'll see :)
ours is on the 31st. i absolutely cant wait. i have no idea what it will be though. no intuition, no thoughts on it, no idea lol. i never do, and when i have guessed in the past i have been wrong. so i dont even take a guess anymore.
I been a Christian of the Pentecost faith my whole life. I go to Gospel Assembly, and used to go to a PAOC church. Stands for Pentecost Assembly of Christ. Both churches are the same thing.

I read somewhere in this chat that your pastor called you out in church about saying good christians dont miss church?

I tell you that is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard in my life. Its your choice if you want to attend church for that sunday or not. Something wrong with your pastors idealogies, becuase that is definitly not what the pPentecost faith is about.

There are 2 types of Pentecost, there is the old school and today.

Old school: Which is women wore hats, dresses, that kind of stuff. And the men wore suits.

Now: Its your choice. The older generation tend to follow the traditions, but defininetly not this generation haha.

Our pastor goes around the church and says hello and welcome to everyone possible.

The only thing about our faith is to follow God's Commandments,
be baptised by water at any age, when ever you feel ready.
Be free of sin, be ready for when Christ returns "(rapture).

we also belive i nthe baptism of the Holy Spirit (speaking in tounges) which comes fro mthe day of Pentecost. in the book of acts. Which means you speak in a Holy Language which Only you and God understands. And we also beleive in interpretations: meaning someone i nthe crowd, by the power of Giod interprets the message. This is true. I heard many many baptims that were interpretated, and its incredible.
Also we believe in mirracles: not by the peron, anyone can perform a miracle (through God) God perfomrs a miracle through the person praying for the individual or that individual praying themselves for healing.

And follow one of my favorite verse: John 3:16 " For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, who ever believes in him, shall not parish but have everlasting life.

Another verse: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. (Meaning the only way to heaven is forgiveness and having Christ in your Life.

That is all we have to do in the Pentecost faith. :) So simple.
skp- i hope you werent offended thinking that i was saying anything bad about pentecostal churches. i believe in everything the bible says too. it clearly speaks about the Holy Spirit baptism and speaking in tongues. i dont have a problem with pentecostal churches at all either and would visit one any time. i do think that any pastor of any church can give the wrong advice if they personally are not walking closely with the Lord. i hope this didnt make you feel as though you needed to defend your church in any way, cuz in no way was i saying all pentecostal churches had these "issues"

im not sure if the one we went to when i was first saved was the old kind or new kind. the people were very nice. we could only go on sunday evenings as we had a child who napped in the mornings still and didnt want to throw him off every sunday, he was a very sensitive baby and would have been very cranky. the pastor made comments that we should be trying to go sunday mornings and showed not too much compassion when we explained the situation to him. we felt like we were taking a huge step with our family to just be going to church at any time since we previously were not saved and had no desire to go to church at all. it was a big thing to us and our kids that we would even be taking what to us was a huge step going sunday evenings. when we missed a sunday because i was having morning sickness all day and wasnt feeling good at all is when he commented in front of the whole church the next sunday about the best christians being the ones who never missed church and tried to attend as much as possible. he then pointed us out and also another gentleman who i guess had also missed. it was a horrible feeling and i fought the urge to leave. we didnt leave until after church, but never went back after that.
Blessedmomma- Its so exciting that you're getting your scan this month too!! :D I can't wait to find out! It's like Christmas is coming!! Urrrggghhh!!

Are you feeling much movement at all?

And welcome SKP! Glad to have you join in the Conversation :)

Thank you for sharing about your Church. That's basically what I was raised to believe. I went to a Pentecostal Bible camp for a few years. But when we decided to go to a Pentecostal Church, it was different from what I was used to. I got quite a few miracles from it, and the Pastor of that Church is FANTASTIC! But they were old school, and I didn't feel comfortable anymore. I'm incredibly blessed to have gone there though. God paved the path there for us.

I think we'll probably skip around to a few diffrent Churches and see where we end up :)

Where in Canada are you from, if you don't mind me asking?
I did not take offense at all. I just thought about what the pastor said to you , that it was uncalled for him to say those things to you. He had no right. Its none of heirbusiness if you come to church or not or what ever time. You can always agree with the faith but if a pastor is out of line that is their own fault. I would said with all do with respect you have no business of saying that to me to this pastor.

I did not take offence at all :)
skp- im glad to hear you werent offended :hugs:

xpecta- we are so excited to find out this month too! i would have been able to find out earlier, but i had to schedule it for a monday since my DH has mondays off. i cant see me dragging a 4 yr old, 22 mo old, and 8 mo old in by myself to the scan while im laying there not able to keep them happy lol. i have been feeling baby since about 12 weeks. my last 3 i have felt around there too. the muscles in your uterus get worn out with each pregnancy so by now im sure mine is just shot :haha:it is nice to feel them so early though. are you feeling baby pretty good?
im back, we did go away for the weekend STN covered all our expenses, It was a really good weekend if exhausting lol but God really spoke and moved in the church we were serving. Looks like big things are in store for STN though in the coming year or so with lots of words being spoken into STN, I felt God talking to me about studying the book of Esther over the weekend so will have to dig out my study bible as I know there is a good study help on Esther in that, all weekend ive had the words from the book of Esther " You have been brought here for such a time as this " ringing in my head so God must have something planned for me
Hoping all the upcoming scans go well, ladies! :) Can't wait to hear progress updates from you!

I'm trying so hard not to fall asleep at my desk at work right now. Not... working out so well. >.<
SKP- I'm also glad you weren't offended, and I agree with you!! That Pastor was WAY out of line!! Also...Could you explain your Sig to me? :blush: I don't understand it...

Blessedmomma: I guess you'd be feeling it that early hey?! Haha. I feel like I was feeling movements at about 14 weeks, but I didn't actually consider it movemenents until about week 16, almost 17 I think. Technically this is my 3rd Pregnancy, but the second one only made it to 6 weeks. They stopped growing at about 4 though, so I don't think my uterus stretched really at all...

Lynnikins: Its so Fantastic when you feel God speaking to you hey? Tell me what you come up with from your studies! Right now my Husband and I are reading "Supernatural Childbirth" together. We're loving it!! God is really proving Himself to us, which is always such a comforting and wonderful feeling!! I'm glad everything is working out for you!! It makes me happy!!

Swan: :rofl: hahahhahahaa Good luck!!! Wake up!!! My work is at home keeping my baby boy happy! But sometimes I want to fall asleep on that Job too!! He's pretty active!!

Also, YAY! I'm a MANGO!! :happydance: Almost half way!!
My siggy represents the 3 AFs I had i nthe past year. Judging by it, Im messed up haha.
Oh wow! Really? That's rough! I'll keep you in my prayers.
Heya Ladies! :flower: Glad I found this thread...I've been looking for other Christian moms (and moms-to-be) for awhile on here!

A bit about me...I was raised in a non-religious home (both my parents are atheists) and grew to know Jesus through my boyfriend of 3 years, Mitch. I was saved at the age of 16, but have had a lot of struggles in my walk with Christ. When we were seniors in high school, Mitch was hit and killed by a drunk driver and it tested my faith a lot. After graduation, I moved to a new city for university and met my husband, Shawn. He was an unbeliever at the time, but together we both grew in our walks with husband was saved only 2 months after we started dating! We got married on June 26, 2010 and in November 2010 we found out I was pregnant with our little boy. Our son, Gryffen, was born on July 21, 2011 and we just love him to pieces! We're thrilled to raise him under the Lord's guidance and we feel so incredibly blessed to be parents :cloud9:
welcome cmarie! God is def good! its so nice to meet some of my sisters in Christ on here. even though we are miles apart and in different countries, we share the same Holy Spirit! thats amazing to me:flower:
Welcome to the conversation CMarie! That is a hard walk in Christ! Its so hard when things like that happen! I'm sorry to hear about your loss. But its just incredible when God really takes the darkest deepest pit and shed's light on it. He really can take the bad and make good of it!

And I agree with you Blessedmomma! That is just incredible that we can come together like this :) I love it! Thank you ladies for talking with me and sharing yourselves! :hugs:
Im the only one here, that has not have a child yet or even been pregnant :(
Im the only one here, that has not have a child yet or even been pregnant :(

Hun children are a blessing but one you gotta be ready for too they are alot of hard work sometimes and can push you like nothing else till you feel your ready to snap.
It will happen for you in the right time, dont lose hope
Heck! I wasn't ready at all! I was 17 when I got pregnant with my Son. I don't think you HAVE to be ready, but when you find out, you'd better get ready.

But, they are a blessing from God, and it is all in His own time. He knows what's best for your life. Which is really hard hearing (I heard it SOOOO often when we were trying to concieve this little one) But still, it is true. Just try to concentrate on that. :hugs:
skp- how long have you been ttc? i said a prayer for you:hugs: there is a ttc prayer thread on here too. i pasted it if your interested in joining

i dont think i could have fully prepared for children. i read everything i could and talked to as many moms as i could. i tried to take into account my experience with babysitting. none of it could even compare to what was in store. it can be rough, but with Christ by your side leading the way it does make things easier and very rewarding. you have to live by His word and lean on Him always though. parenting was much harder before i was saved.

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