I been a Christian of the Pentecost faith my whole life. I go to Gospel Assembly, and used to go to a PAOC church. Stands for Pentecost Assembly of Christ. Both churches are the same thing.
I read somewhere in this chat that your pastor called you out in church about saying good christians dont miss church?
I tell you that is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard in my life. Its your choice if you want to attend church for that sunday or not. Something wrong with your pastors idealogies, becuase that is definitly not what the pPentecost faith is about.
There are 2 types of Pentecost, there is the old school and today.
Old school: Which is women wore hats, dresses, that kind of stuff. And the men wore suits.
Now: Its your choice. The older generation tend to follow the traditions, but defininetly not this generation haha.
Our pastor goes around the church and says hello and welcome to everyone possible.
The only thing about our faith is to follow God's Commandments,
be baptised by water at any age, when ever you feel ready.
Be free of sin, be ready for when Christ returns "(rapture).
we also belive i nthe baptism of the Holy Spirit (speaking in tounges) which comes fro mthe day of Pentecost. in the book of acts. Which means you speak in a Holy Language which Only you and God understands. And we also beleive in interpretations: meaning someone i nthe crowd, by the power of Giod interprets the message. This is true. I heard many many baptims that were interpretated, and its incredible.
Also we believe in mirracles: not by the peron, anyone can perform a miracle (through God) God perfomrs a miracle through the person praying for the individual or that individual praying themselves for healing.
And follow one of my favorite verse: John 3:16 " For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, who ever believes in him, shall not parish but have everlasting life.
Another verse: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. (Meaning the only way to heaven is forgiveness and having Christ in your Life.
That is all we have to do in the Pentecost faith.
So simple.