Hi ladies
Thanks blessedmamma for directing me to this thread. I don't explore much of the forum any more (mainly stick to the 30-40 journals and discussion groups I follow) and didn't even know there was a religious discussions section!
I'm thrilled to discover a group of fellow sisters in Christ - some of you I even know from other threads (yay another Snowflake! Lol).
I want to give God the glory for a really wonderful week so far. After 4+ months of no income whatsoever due to DH being unemployed (twice) and not being entitled to any unemployment assistance as only a temporary resident DH finally has work again and things are looking up. We've been totally dependent financially on my wonderful parents for the last two months at least, and while I'm amazingly greatful they're in a position to help us it's been awfully hard being totally dependent on them again as a married 26 year old with a baby on the way. Praying now that his job lasts this time and we're able to soon pay back my parents for all their help (we owe them about $20,000 now but thankfully don't owe anything besides that).
My testimony in brief: I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home (Lutheran background) with good values and wonderful godly role models, but wasn't saved until I was 13 as sometimes the drawback of growing up in a Christian home is that we can easily succumb to the belief that the "Gospel isn't for me but other people - after all I go to Church and believe in God and I'm a good person". That's my experience anyway and it will be a good reminder for me to make sure my children know early that God has no grandchildren.
Anyway, I followed the Lord in believer's baptism when I was 19 after I'd been attending an independent Baptist Church for a while. I'd been baptised as a baby in the Lutheran Church of course, but felt strongly convicted by the Holy Spirit that it was something I needed to do. I met my husband when I was 21, was married at 23 and we spent two years trying and praying for this baby.
He was a Christian when we met though more of the "Sundays only" type (was saved and baptised when he was 18 but hadn't done much growing) but the change in him over the last three years has been astounding. In both of us really - we've had a lot of challenges the past few years that have really challenged us to grow in our faith.
I'm really missing my home church though - the one back in Canada where I was baptised in. I went there for 10 years and there isn't one that really feeds us spiritually like that one did nearby. After moving here we were going to a Church two hours away that was really wonderful, but it's too far to really develop close relationships with anyone there so while everyone was very welcoming on Sundays we always felt like we were on the outside because we missed out on all the midweek fellowship and social activities. And when DH lost his job in May we had to stop going as we could no longer afford the drive. We've been going to an evangelical Anglican Church here locally which is nice and there are lots of lovely people, but the sermons aren't as substantial as we're used to so we don't feel as fed. And they don't have evening or midweek services that were used to either. DH and I host a young adults Bible study in our home on Wesnesday nights but we have a few differing doctrinal beliefs in our group that make it hard to delve into any of the meatier subjects.
Whew, sorry for my long winded intro.