Any DECEMBER babies out there?!?

Starlight, happy And sorry. What a terrible bh weekend. Hoping everyone else is good. I'm a terrible worrier and but these last few days have kept me positive... I've felt unbelievably crAppy!!! Praying that's a good sign. Hurry up midwife and contact me, should be this week or next!!
starlight, happy and wriggler so sorry lots of love coming your way xxx

all day i have been on the sofa feeling knackered, back to work tomorrow though :(
Starlight, Happy and Wiggler, many hugs to you :hugs:
It's a horrible feeling. I lost my first pregnancy and even if I very shortly after became pregnant again and gave birth to a wonderful lil girl, I'll never forget my first baby.
My priest told me something that kept me going: "This pain you are feeling is the price for giving birth to a little angel in heaven".
Starlight, Happy and Wiggler, many hugs to you :hugs:
It's a horrible feeling. I lost my first pregnancy and even if I very shortly after became pregnant again and gave birth to a wonderful lil girl, I'll never forget my first baby.
My priest told me something that kept me going: "This pain you are feeling is the price for giving birth to a little angel in heaven".

Thankyou, and congratulations on the birth of your daughter :flower:
I too have a daughter and she's keeping me strong right now xx
I really am going from this thread now as I don't want to bring you ladies down :flower:
I wish everyone waiting for scans the best of luck and a happy and healthy 9 months and thank you for your condolences and kind words. It really does mean a lot to me.
I plan to start TTC as soon as possible so really hope to be back soon and to chat to you all again in first tri :hugs:
Much love,
Starlight xxx
Sorry ladies, more bad news. Went for my ultrasound today and they didn't find a heartbeat. The baby stopped developing at 8 weeks 2 days and I should be 10 weeks tomorrow. I will go for a D & C this Friday if the miscarriage doesn't happen on its own.
Oh 3xblessed I'm sorry. I wish we could all meet in person and have one big talk out!!!

AFM: Some strange things going on. My LMP date adds at 8 weeks pregnant my HCG levels have just come back at 32,000 which makes me 2-3 months pregnant (they haven't dropped) yet the scan says 6 weeks, a yolk sac and a small embryo??? The midwife and nurse are both confused and the dr is going to ring me after lunch to try and shed some light. This is one crazy rollercoaster!!! Anyone ever had something similar?
Starlight, happy, wiggler, and 3xblessed, I'm so sorry :hugs: what a horrible day for this thread. I hope you are all able to find peace.
I kind of feel bad about giving good news when so many are getting bad news. But this thread could use a little cheering up I guess. I had my first scan today at 6+6, and everything looked great! Saw a heartbeat, 148 beats per minute! And we're measuring at 6+3, but I know that I ovulated late, so this is right on track. The doctor is not adjusting my due date, so we're still due Christmas day!


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oh scooby don't feel bad :kiss: I still want to hear everyone's good news even though things are looking confusing for me :wacko: That is great news!
Sorry to all of u ladies ill feel the same scooby, i had a scan today and messuring 8 weeks i had a lil baby on the screent his time not nothing with tiny little legs and a heart beat xxxxx
Hi Everyone,

Ive been lurking on here for a bit after posting my question about what we should see at 5 weeks 4 days at an ulatrasound (it was last week) - thanks for people's replies.

Have had an exhausting 48hours and would like to share and also get advice:

Friday at 5 wks 4 days the u/s showed gestational sack and some yolk. I was pleased.

Monday night at 6weeks 1 day I started spotting very lightly. Just one spot when I wiped and looked. Ive had a missed miscarriage before and this was how it started.

Tuesday night 6weeks 2 days I had the same thing happen - then it stopped.

Wednesday I really didnt feel up to going into work and only had two classes so stayed home - I just didnt feel right. At 2pm I started bleeding bright red blood. I took a shower, packed some things, and phoned my partner to meet me at A&E. By the thyme I got to A&E I was bleeding quite heavily and clotting stringy bits. By 6pm the clots had become dark red and almost the size of the bottom of a water bottle. By 10pm I had passed about 6 of these large clots. My blood results came back and the dr said that my HCg levels were high but that that could happen with a miscarriage anyway. So we went home.

At home I passed more clots and my partner and I resigned ourselves to the idea that I had miscarried. I texted a close friend and said that the only thing I could think of was if there was a hidden sack but that I was probably being unrealistic. Was going to have a big glass of wine but my partner said he was worried about the alcohol thinning my blood so I didnt.

This morning I went to the EPU and they did a scan. I said that I had been bleeding and passing big clots and they clicked their tongues sympathetically.

After what seemed like hours of silence, the sonographer called the dr over to have a look. The dr called my partner over to have a look, they then said that they needed to do some explaining.

There was the embryo that we had seen Friday...still intact! With a heartbeat!!! 144. Then in the other horn of my uterus there was a second embryo surrounded by clots and bleeding. There was a sack but no heart beat.

So, it was the second unknown embryo that I am currently miscarrying...probably...

The sonographer also found out that I have a biconical uterus..which means that theres a valley and a big dip (im still not entirely sure what that is and need to google further)...the dr said that this increases my chances of miscarrying the viable embryo (embryo 1) and that there will be problems with the baby's position.

Has anyone heard of a biconical uterus? As you can imagine Im on a bot of a rollercoaster of emotions here: I really thought I had lost the embryo we saw on Friday and altho I am sad to be losing the second one - I didnt even know it was there. Theres also a small part of me that wonders if maybe there was a third embryo and thats what Im miscarrying and if maybe the reason we didnt see a heart beat in the second embryo was because it implanted later...Im grabbing at straws arent I?

Anyway, thanks for letting me cautiously optimistic but worried about my biconical uterus...anyone got that?

Thanks and best wishes,

Hi! I'm not quite sure about the biconical uterus, but I too was told I was having faternal twins @ 6 weeks. B was far behind A. A is doing wonderfully and I was assured that the loss of B would NOT affect A in any way. Try to keep hope :flower: They told me I would most likely start bleeding and cramping a bit within the week, and to not worry about the other embryo.

Hi Everyone,

Ive definitely lost Embryo 2 - I passed the gestational sack over the weekend.

Still have my fingers crossed for Embryo 1.

After doing research about a bicornuate uterus am even more cautious - but Ive read lots of success stories too.

Fingers crossed for you all x
Im so sorry for all this horrible news for you ladies. Im thinking of you all - melanie and clara, im sure everything will be good with your other little babies :)

Who is at the 8 weeks stage? Im feeling absoloutely horrendous. I can barely get myself dressed in the morning im so lacking in energy, my skin is awful (wasnt even this bad as a teenager) and I usually wash my hair every other day - now every day as its so greasy!! After weeks of feeling queasy, I finally had a bit of m/s on friday and saturday - but not much. Im a tea drinker and had switched to decaff, but the thought of any kind of tea just turns my stomach! Im constantly thirsty and have had nothing to drink but water for the last 3-4 days. which i know isnt a bad thing! Hunger wise its on/off -when I eat I dont feel sick, but immediately afterwards I regret it! I can pretty much eat anything thats not hot!!! Im eating alot of bananas, blueberries, oranges and bran flakes! Some cold chicken and some cold veg - im trying to eat all the good stuff I can! I did manage spagetti on toast yesterday which was amazing!!

I cannot WAIT for this first tri to be over. All these stories do worry me, it must be so heartbreaking and Im getting concerned because Im a natural worrier and I need some sort of confirmation! Im still testing every week (still very very pregnant according to my sticks!!) but as the docs dont confirm anything with you (I went to him at 4 weeks) and the midwife is due to contact me any time now, im in such a limbo!! Anyone else feeling like that?

Lots of love to all of you that have had bad news and lots of luck to those who are in similar positions to me :) xxxxx
So maybe I may not understand this whole thing, but to add to the confusion I spent last night with me head in the toilet feeling crappy! What is going on. Off to have another HCG test tommorrow. If indeed I am 6 weeks pregnant it doesn't make sense basically the sperm has lived inside me for two weeks to implant because we didn't have unprotected sex until AFTER my + pregnancy test and that was only once!
This morning is not much better :-( taking maxalon and zofran now for the vomiting...
Congrats Sara!!

Happy, what a strange situation you're in. Sure hope you get some answers soon.
Melanie, I'm doing some googling and it seems like there are success stories, and am keeping my fingers crossed for little Embryo 1! I'm so sorry about Embryo 2, and hope you're doing okay.

Kelly I'm also at 8 weeks and feeling awful, with exhaustion, a headache that doesn't want to quit (and I don't want to take something for it since it's constant), and I'm constantly hungry and nauseous at the same time. The only way I can explain it to DH is like a nasty, epic hangover. I'm not throwing up, but my allergies are going crazy too.

My spotting lasted less just an afternoon, then was followed by a day of beige-light discharge, which today is clear. Holy worries and exhaustion!

Just wanted to send positive thoughts to all the other ladies out there too!
Sorry to all of u ladies ill feel the same scooby, i had a scan today and messuring 8 weeks i had a lil baby on the screent his time not nothing with tiny little legs and a heart beat xxxxx

YAAAYYYY!!!! :yipee::yipee::yipee: I was thinking about you and your ultrasound today. So glad you got to see a healthy little baby :hugs: I go for mine on Friday I hope I get to see that sweet little heart beat too!!

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