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Any ladies starting ivf in april !!!! ??????

Hey ladies
I've got 7 follies over 13mm. Lead is 17mm, can't trigger tonight. Trigger will be Monday as long as today's bloods are fine. EC will be weds.
Got more gonal f and cetrotide for tonight and tomorrow.
Em xxx
Hello ladies. I had my er yesterday the 19th. I had 8 eggs retrieved. I wanted more but only got that amount. I am waiting for today's call to find out how they're doing. This is so nerve wracking and would love to join u ladies.
Hey hun

Congrats with the eggs 8 sounds good to me!

How many follicles did you have?

Em xxx
Hey em thats great news ec on weds eeek....i mite be joining u i find out on monday eeek!

Hi babywish 8 is a great amount how r they getting on how exciting eeek!

Hows everyone else?xx
Yay trolley!!! How you getting on with your stims? How many follies you expecting?

Em xxx
Hey ladies :)

em fab news that EC is next week how are you feeling??

trolley hope you're doing okay? Are you feeling heavy etc yet??

babywish welcome :) 8 eggs sound fab :)

Hi to anyone I missed :)
Hey em ive got 5 that have grown more than the others so fingers crossed i get a couple more would be nice....we be the same yay...stims r fine actually apart from being bloated and achey....how r u?

Scerena im fine thanx feel bloated and achey how r u?

Hi to the rest of u ladies xx
Scerena - bit disappointed but ok thanks Hun. How are you? Are stims going ok?

Em xxx
The plan was to trigger today, but follicles weren't big enough :(

Think I'm just tired and emotional. Every step of the way for the last 2 n half years, something has come up to delay things :cry:

I just hope there are eggs in the follicles

Em xxx
Oh em pls dont get to disheartened now...u have got this far huni u need to stay positive i know this treatment and process is an emotional rollercoaster but we r all going through it together so lets stick together and stay positive xx
em you're doing fab Hunni please don't be disappointed :hugs:

trolley aw bless ya feeling bloated and achey :hugs: I bet that you can't wait for EC now :hugs:

I'm ok, still ill :( scan Monday...
trolley I have a virus I went to my gp yesterday... Sucks its like my body knew I was about to do IVF :(
Thanks girls, hubby will be home in few hours, can't wait :)

Scerena hope you feel better soon Hun

Em xxx
Oh bless u i hope u get better soon....i was the same i nearly had to call off ivf as i got a kidney infection but it cleared up just in the nick of time...

Chin up em xx
Baby - 8 eggs is good :) welcome

Em- 7 is good too sorry you couldn't trigger hope they give the go ahead mon :)

Trolley how are you ?

How's future?? Haven't heard ought in a while ?

How's everyone else screna you feeling better yet ???

Afm- 2nd injection this morning !!! Stung a lil !! Hoping it doing the trick tho my scan is we'd morning too exited !!! Ekkkk xx
Betty - I must have missed Af arriving!! Yay for stims!! When are you expecting to trigger?

Scerena - hope you're feeling better, gl with scan tomorrow :hugs:

Trolley - how you getting on with stims?

Hope everyone is doing fab!

I've just taken last gonal f!! Trigger tomorrow!! Just got to wait for my phonecall from clinic tomorrow pm.

Em xxx
I think I'll trigger the 28th ish I'll know more on weds !!! They only give me 8vials of gonal f xxx
Thanks ladies, I'm still unwell, maybe even worse... Will find out tomorrow what is safe to take as just paracetamol isn't working...

em bet you're glad to of taken your last gonal f :) can't wait for you to trigger tomorrow :happydance:

betty gl with your scan weds can't wait to hear all about it :)

trolley thanks Hun :hugs: glad your infection cleared up in time :) how are you getting on??

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