• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here

Any ladies starting ivf in april !!!! ??????

Plan is just IVF but they said they will look at hubby's count on the day and do ICSI if its not a good sample
Em xxx
Yeah that's a good idea that's what they have told me but where going too just do isci becoz I don't wanna risk none fertlizin or something

Are you nervous about EC ? Are you have sedation or ga ? X
Em massive good luck for 2mo i will have my fingers crossed for u both...im glad im not the only one whos bloated my stomach is huge:( xx

Betty and scerena good luck with your scans 2mo xx

Looking forward to hearing how everyone gets on exciting xx
Morning ladies

Good luck with your scans today! Can't wait for your updates!

Em xxx
em GOOD LUCK TODAY :happydance: can't wait to hear how you get on :)

betty good luck with your scan I'm sure you've got loads of big juicy follicles growing :)

trolley gl with your scan also, I hope you can trigger tonight fx'd :hugs:

Hi to anyone else I missed :)
Hi ladies just back from my scan i got 10 follies growing nicely...so im triggering 2nite at 8pm...no drugs 2mo...then egg collection 9am on friday so excited now:happydance:

How did u get on Em eeek hope your feeling ok :hugs:

Scerena and betty how did your scans go today fingers crossed they went well :happydance:

Trolley that's fab!!!! Well done follies!!!

I got..... 9 eggs!!!!!! :wohoo:

Last time I had a scan I didn't even have 9 follicles!!

Em xxx
Em 9 eggs thats amazing hun woohoo:yipee:so they tell u there and then....eeeek....so how was it and how r u feeling hun?xx
Trolley - 10 follies woop !!! That's fab news ekk

Emily- aw wow 9 eggs !!! That's fantastic !!! Bet your made up !!!! Hope you are feeling okay sweetie !!! How was the EC xxxx

Afm- scan was so so got in there she put dlido cam in then looked around and didn't measure ought nothing !!!! And said doesn't look like plights happening silly cow how does she know she didn't even measure them and some looked bigger than others etc.

Anyway after it was done she was like docter will increase yor dose but he didn't want too so I was like okay . Then she asked me how much gonal I had left I was like a small drop left in the vial she was like can I see becoz I can't make up more till I see it's nearly empty she was like shouting why I didn't bring it I was like its in the fridge noone told me too bring that one just my up openend drugs !! Wat a bitch !

Then she was like we need too book an app for Friday then the receptionist was like we can do then she was like no not that early but the rest off the app were full I said I need the earliest as poss she said 8:30 I was like I need earlier or later she was like sorry but this is your app and you might be waiting round a while as we have too slot you in between !!!

Don't think she cracked a smile once ! She proper talked down to me it was embarrassing as the room was full !!! I walked put crying wishing like wa there too tell her straight !!

Anyway I phoned them back up and spoke too a diff nurse and shes changed my app now to 10:45 thank god!!! Hope i don't get that nurse again is made me feel so small and stupid ! !! Arghhhhh
Betty - sorry to hear your scan didn't go as well as you hoped. Sounds like it was more to do with the nurse though

EC was ok, it hurt A LOT cz they had to take the needle out then out it back in, the first time the needle went in it was so bad they gave me gas and air for the second time which took the edge off. I was awake for the whole thing and got to watch it on screen, also heard the embryologist shout through when there was an egg.

Em xx
trolley 10 follicles go you :happydance: gl and enjoy your injection free day to,or row, looking forward to finding out how many eggs you get Friday :)

em I know I said on the other thread but CONGRATS on the 9 eggs well done you :happydance:
OUCH it sounds painful bless you :hugs: are you still sore now?

betty I know we've spoke too, I'm glad you managed to g everything sorted :hugs: I hope hat come Friday we both have better progress :hugs: got everything crossed for us both :hugs:

For the ladies who haven't read my journal-
Scan was OK loads of follicles but all still small, one was 11mm and lining thickening. Anyhow bloods come back ok, they have increased my dose to 225iu , nasal soray reduced to 1 spray twice a day and next scan is Friday...
Awww em !!! Ouch!!! What did they give you then for pain relief wise ? I have asked not too be sedated so I can be awake I just want pain relief !!!

It's amazing being able too see and hear what's going on ekkkk !!!one step closer ?! Have they done icsi or just ivf xxx
Yeah screna I really hope we have both have better progress silly follies!!!! X
Scerena - yep little but sore but I've got a hot water bottle and paracetamol if I need them. Don't worry too much about follicles being small. My last scan showed only 7 follicles big enough, but others must have shot up at the end for me to end up with 9 eggs

Em xxx
Betty - I had a diclofenac suppository then a pethidine injection and gas and air in theatre.

From what we gather just IVF

Em xxx
em I'm glad you've got pain relief if you need it :hugs: :hugs: thanks, I feel a but better know my dose has been increased fx'd they start behaving and growing now!!!

betty fx'd for the both of us :hugs: HURRY UP FRIDAY!!!
Oooo I hope they just give me that !!! Lol !!!! Are you bleeding a lot ? X
Hi ladies hows it all going

Em do u get the call today about how many of your eggies fertilised etc eeek exciting....

Betty im sorry u had a horrible nurse if u get her again i would ask to see a different nurse if u can....this should be a happy positive time and u dont need crap like that from a horrible cow bag...

Scerena im very pleased your scan went well and having more drugs is a good thing will get them follies growing
Ladies dont worry about your follies like em mine were all small at first still some are but the final trigger shot brings them out even more.

Im feeling mixed emotions about egg collection 2mo dont want to feel any pain but also excited its come round so quick...

So friday is another big day :)


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