Any ladies starting ivf in april !!!! ??????

LynnQ and 2have4kids- good luck with your scans, I hope the outcome in better than what you are expecting.
Hi hunnie :D !!! I think unexplained is the worst but at least you know you can Create miracles :) I'll be stimming in about 2 weeks ! So looks like where all on similar timing :D !!

Am really glad am on the short proctcol, don't think I could do a month of injections blah!

Do you have any children or you ttc#1. ? X

This is great we can be ivf buddies :happydance:just done a shot...i do it at 10 every eve and if i get any side effects hopefully they wear off by the morning hows u?

Another IVF buddy! I started on 3/31

This is great so nice to have ladies going throught the u finding your injections future mommie?
Good luck with your scans ladies....i got my first one on the 11th :thumbup:
Hi ladies, my scan didn't go so well, I have 2 cysts in my R ovary thanks to the BCP. They'll call after 11am to let me know if these cysts are letting off estrogen, if they are, I'm back on the pill for another week, if not, they'll pop them (lucky me) and continue with IVF. The scan doctor walked in and said 'Oh my, you're much too young to be doing flare protocol. I was really taken aback at her manner. I know I'm young to have diminished reserves. Reminding me of this doesn't make it better. Don't they see this all the time?
Sorry about your Cysts !! Hopefully they will go !

Doctors can be arses sometimes I went for a Antral follie count and as I had a lot she checked my DOB and said oh it's normally coz your young the she looked again and. Went blimly your only 20 a year younger than my daughter and looked at me strange made me feel like shit!!! On her shoe she then said do you work I was like yeah and am a full time student !!! Then she shut up ha!!!
Trolly- so far so good with the injections, I'm using follistim and menopur, I mix them together so its only one shot per night. I'm feeling ok but a little crampy today, I guess tomorrow I will know how they are growing.

2have4kids- so if the bc caused the cyst then why are they putting you back on them?

Drs can be such jacka**es sometimes, you would think they would know to be sensetive especially when you are in this particular field of medicine.
To lower estrogen levels. They said with a shrug, 'it happens". I don't know, all I can do is trust. They have the most successful IVf stats in canada.
hi ladies, just checking in - very exciting to here how things are going for those of you that have started with your meds!

I can't believe the comments about age - nurses and drs are not there to judge or comment on things like is none of their business what has led you to IVF or what age you are, they should focus on doing their job....grrr....

i am 37 and i get comments from the nurses that 'with mature ladies like yourself...' and then the next thing they will be telling me that I shouldn't really contemplate a 2 5-day blasto transfer for first IVF because I'm not that old and SET would be enough....I just try to ignore them, read up on the stats and discuss with DH and we will make our own decisions from there.

Anyway, I'm on CD18 and my cycles are usually 26/27 days long so I'm expecting AF to arrive on around 11/12 April and I'll start the jabs on CD2. Unless of course my March BDing efforts haven't resulted in a natural BFP...

good luck ladies! x
We're starting the IVF process this Saturday. I'm completely overwhelmed by everything. We got all the medication in the mail, and I don't even feel like I really know what I'm supposed to do with half of it! The doctor's office said that the majority of it is for after the transfer so they'll advise as needed, but still. They've all been really nice and helpful, but the expressions of shock I get when some one I haven't dealt with before finds out I'm "only 24" is getting a little old.
2have4kids-whats the outcome of your cysts?

futuremommie-let me know how your follies r growing?

bettybee1-your taking no crap from the doctors made me laugh ;)

captainj1-my af is due around the same time as yours another ivf buddy ;)

mmw430-i have to say when all the meds do arrive it is so overwhelming and u panick thinking what the hell is that for but i got all my info out and calmed down and u start to feel excited what protocol are you on?
Captain, bring on AF! MMW, did they give you a little timeline sheet? I recieved this first and can see there is lots to administer. Hopefully your OH can help you sort it out.

Thanks for the support and kind words everyone :wave: they said my estrogen levels are high, 300+ and need to be under 150 to start IVF so they've sent another pack of BCP to the pharmacy for me to pick up. They said sometimes another week of bcp will get the estrogen down and the cyst will shrink. We'll see. I've read a few blogs from ladies in the same shoes as me online. Some seem to cancel their cycle when the cyst doesn't go down, some have their cyst aspirated and continue.

I'm going skiing to forget about this all on saturday the good news is that the psychologist that I saw there today (mandatory part of the program with IVF) said that they'd give me a doc's note for time off from egg collection through to BFP time. I get paid sick time so this made me happy for sure. I've been telling the boss I need to get preggers this spring and want him to lay off giving me the stressful jobs/clients at work and so far we're just so understaffed it hasn't happened-I'll have to take this into my hands I guess! :winkwink:

Are any of you taking time off?
Hi all
Just wondered how everyone is going with their cycle and what others e2 levels are like this far into their stims.
I'm currently responding very very slowly so have to stim a little longer to see if things improve
Hi ladies

2have4kids pleased they r working round solutions to improve the cysts and e levels hopefully that extra week on the bcp will reduce them ;) having unpaid leave with work 6 weeks in total it was just the less stressful option working as cabin crew going through different times zones and delays is so not worth it and trying to get through security with needles defo no go....may be a struggle with the money side of it but the dh is gonna support us and i need to clear my house out and try make some money on ebay lol.

lynq sorry hun not sure till the 11th first scan since taking buserilin
2have4kids-whats the outcome of your cysts?

futuremommie-let me know how your follies r growing?

bettybee1-your taking no crap from the doctors made me laugh ;)

captainj1-my af is due around the same time as yours another ivf buddy ;)

mmw430-i have to say when all the meds do arrive it is so overwhelming and u panick thinking what the hell is that for but i got all my info out and calmed down and u start to feel excited what protocol are you on?

Captain, bring on AF! MMW, did they give you a little timeline sheet? I recieved this first and can see there is lots to administer. Hopefully your OH can help you sort it out.

Thanks for the support and kind words everyone :wave: they said my estrogen levels are high, 300+ and need to be under 150 to start IVF so they've sent another pack of BCP to the pharmacy for me to pick up. They said sometimes another week of bcp will get the estrogen down and the cyst will shrink. We'll see. I've read a few blogs from ladies in the same shoes as me online. Some seem to cancel their cycle when the cyst doesn't go down, some have their cyst aspirated and continue.

I'm going skiing to forget about this all on saturday the good news is that the psychologist that I saw there today (mandatory part of the program with IVF) said that they'd give me a doc's note for time off from egg collection through to BFP time. I get paid sick time so this made me happy for sure. I've been telling the boss I need to get preggers this spring and want him to lay off giving me the stressful jobs/clients at work and so far we're just so understaffed it hasn't happened-I'll have to take this into my hands I guess! :winkwink:

Are any of you taking time off?

I have to start Lupron on Saturday, call them when AF comes, then I have to start Follistim. Then there will be scans of course. Probably the last week of April will be the retrieval, and then depending on when the retrieval happens, the end of that week/the start of the next will be the transfer.

I do have a calendar, but all they really us about were the 2 medicines mentioned above. All the other stuff, I didn't even hear about, but the Dr. office assured me that everything else is for after transfer, so not to worry about it until then.

It's just stressful in general, because I got "talked to" at my job about having to miss days for appointments (even though I have almost 2 weeks of sick time). I really don't plan on telling them about this because it's not their business. I told my boss before I had the hsg (in February) I was having "health issues" and was probably going to have to miss some days, she said it was fine. I had to miss March 21 to have the IVF teach session. The next week, I'm in trouble. Now, I'm having to scramble in order to get FMLA so I can't be penalized. I'm sure it's going to be approved because the outside company who handles it assured me it would, but it's just another stress I don't need because unfortunately we're paying for this out of pocket, and had to get a 10k loan, so I need my stupid job.

I just don't see what the big deal is if I'm having to miss a few hours here and there for appointments. When I told my dr.'s office about it, they were just appalled and told me that when they filled out the forms, they put down that I needed more time off than necessary because you never know what could happen, and they don't want me in trouble.
MMW - that must be really difficult for you, like you said you don't need any added stress

LynQ - I haven't started yet so can't help with that, hope you respond soon

My drugs arrived today... With no needles! I spoke to the clinic and they are going to give me some when I go for my scan on Monday. They've told me I will start injecting next week, but haven't said what day, I find that out Monday.

Em xxx
Captain, bring on AF! MMW, did they give you a little timeline sheet? I recieved this first and can see there is lots to administer. Hopefully your OH can help you sort it out.

Thanks for the support and kind words everyone :wave: they said my estrogen levels are high, 300+ and need to be under 150 to start IVF so they've sent another pack of BCP to the pharmacy for me to pick up. They said sometimes another week of bcp will get the estrogen down and the cyst will shrink. We'll see. I've read a few blogs from ladies in the same shoes as me online. Some seem to cancel their cycle when the cyst doesn't go down, some have their cyst aspirated and continue.

I'm going skiing to forget about this all on saturday the good news is that the psychologist that I saw there today (mandatory part of the program with IVF) said that they'd give me a doc's note for time off from egg collection through to BFP time. I get paid sick time so this made me happy for sure. I've been telling the boss I need to get preggers this spring and want him to lay off giving me the stressful jobs/clients at work and so far we're just so understaffed it hasn't happened-I'll have to take this into my hands I guess! :winkwink:

Are any of you taking time off?

My estrogen was high and I had to stay on bcp and wait a week and then it came down, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that is going to happen for you. I'm not really taking any extended time off, I plan on taking 2 days for retreival and maybe a day after ET that assuming everthing else is ok. That is horrible that your job gives you such a hard time for taking just a couple of hours off. I'm glad that you are getting FMLA in place so you won't get in trouble.

Hi all
Just wondered how everyone is going with their cycle and what others e2 levels are like this far into their stims.
I'm currently responding very very slowly so have to stim a little longer to see if things improve

I just had mine checked to day but don't have the results yet, I had a scan and the RE said I'm responding slowly and still have a ways to go.
Emily- Thats exciting! Can't wait for you to get started.

AFM- I went for my scan this morning, I was seeing a local dr because my RE is 2 hrs away. He said that there were follicles growing but I still had a ways to go, he didn't tell me how many or how big they were, I will wait on my RE to call me today to let me know what to do next.
:hi: ladies! Hope everyone is doing well and staying positive!!

I started my BCP pill yesterday and my baseline ultrasound and blood work is April 17! I'm on the antagonist with cetrotide protocol. :)

Looking for buddies as well as just trying to keep positive during this whole process because I'm so nervous. I want everything to go well!!!
My RE called me late yesterday afternoon and want to another scan tomorrow, he says that my estrogen is 600 and I should have more growth and more follicles than I have so just waiting until then to find out what's next.
BettyBee, Hopeful & Divaparalgal how are ladies two doing? I haven't heard much from you lately xx
Emily :woohoo: roll on next week already!
LynQ all we need is one, I have fingers and toes crossed for you. I'm in your shoes, will for sure be a low responder, I hope with more time your eggies grow & grow! How are you doing with that massive dose of P? You have 2 needles of it to inject every day? Which drug/amount did you try on your first go?
Futuremommy, I hope everything is OK with you, is elevated E levels a sign of HOSS? grow follies grow!! Why are our bodies so difficult sometimes! Frustrating and stressful. :hugs:
Bma11, cetrotide, is that like burselin/suprefact? Your bcp packet will be gone in no time!
MMW430 are you in the US or Britain? They really shouldn't be hounding you about your appointments. What's FMLA? I had a chat with my boss who knows what I'm going through and after explaining to him that we'll likely only have 1 shot at this and paid nearly $10,000 for treatment the doctor said that I'll be off work from egg collection to test time (depends what I want/need to recouperate). My boss responded by asking "so is this time that you take off with holiday time?" and I said no, this is a medical intervention that is no different than any medical surgery. I mean come on, they blow our ovaries up to the size of grapefruits and do totally invasive surgery and with this much expense you think I'm going to come to work and chance that I'll be losing my embryo over some stupid stressful client? You've got to be kidding me. If this was cancer, which often would have the same links to stress and surgery, they wouldn't bat an eyelash but getting pregnant isn't the same? Well, take that up with the doctor. I'm not arguing the merits of having a family and which surgery is more important. Stick to your guns and if your boss has any more condescending remarks, just tell them, if one of their employees had cancer and needed to go to appointments, this is really the way you'd treat them? That should shut them right up. You don't need to tell them what your medical issue is. But they should get a little feedback about their unprofessional behaviour.
Trolley_Dolly how's the burselin so far?
captainj1 I'm hoping for a march natural bfp for you!! FX xx

I just booked a cheapie trip to Florida on our airmiles for August long weekend (distraction distraction!). I figure I'll be around 3-4 months pregnant (yes being incredibly optimistic here) and could use some beach time and a little inexpensive USA baby shopping therapy. OH would like to go to Cape Canaveral too. A little walk in Miami and the everglades national park...wooo fun! It's so cold here and we're so land locked, can't wait to see the ocean.

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