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Any one else hoping to get pregnant in March?

I lost my last baby at 4 weeks on february 26th. so I am trying this march too.

welcome my dear! :flower:

We're still waiting for our 1st BFP on this thread!!

How do you get the stuff at the bottom of your page I found the cute little things but how do you get them on your page??

You need to add them onto a signature on your profile, they need to be in a url format I think!?

Hope everyone is feeling ok today - Hnaskiz how is the bleeding? Im back at work and had a horrid morning, already cried twice and got a horrible headache too. Just the afternoon and meeting to go.

Im still keeping all things crossed for a bfp this month (even though Im yet to get my bfn following mc), think the pma really helps me to stay focused. Im going to give the soy a go once af arrives, my cycles were all over the place before I was pregnant (anywhere from 33 - 64 ish days), so am hoping it will make me regualr and I can try every month instead of every 3 months!

Lots of :hugs: to you all, you have kept me sane for the past 2 weeks. :thumbup:
I lost my last baby at 4 weeks on february 26th. so I am trying this march too.

welcome my dear! :flower:

We're still waiting for our 1st BFP on this thread!!

How do you get the stuff at the bottom of your page I found the cute little things but how do you get them on your page??

You can go up to the top left of the page and click "USER CP" and then click "edit signature" and put in there whatever you want :)
I lost my last baby at 4 weeks on february 26th. so I am trying this march too.

welcome my dear! :flower:

We're still waiting for our 1st BFP on this thread!!

How do you get the stuff at the bottom of your page I found the cute little things but how do you get them on your page??

You need to add them onto a signature on your profile, they need to be in a url format I think!?

Hope everyone is feeling ok today - Hnaskiz how is the bleeding? Im back at work and had a horrid morning, already cried twice and got a horrible headache too. Just the afternoon and meeting to go.

Im still keeping all things crossed for a bfp this month (even though Im yet to get my bfn following mc), think the pma really helps me to stay focused. Im going to give the soy a go once af arrives, my cycles were all over the place before I was pregnant (anywhere from 33 - 64 ish days), so am hoping it will make me regualr and I can try every month instead of every 3 months!

Lots of :hugs: to you all, you have kept me sane for the past 2 weeks. :thumbup:

Honey is the cure for tears hun! :thumbup: I'm sorry you're having a rough day :( I hope the day gets better for you! And just remember each day that passes~ is another day that you are one step closer to holding your own little baby!!:hugs:
Hi guys sorry wasn't around yesterday looks like you had a busy day, will have a read through in a sec.

Just letting you know I haven't tested yet, I'm going to town today so will get some tests, still don't know if I'm brave enough :shrug:

Although how spooky I met a friend in the street whose a medium, she asked if I was PG and I said no, she said if your not already you soon will be. She's not a close friend so knows nothing of what's gone on xxx

Well, I think it's good you are going to test.. and give you some peace of mind either way. That's really cool/weird about the friend you saw! I saw one on my honeymoon and she said I would have 2 more kids... well- let's get working on that now!! lol
hi girls didnt come on yest felt so low :(
welcome new girls gl on opks
I'm in the 2WW now... its the first time i've ever been here (in the 2WW) and OMGosh its driving me mad lol

Im right there w/ ya! I was feeling different at first hoping I was pregnant but I was extremely tired and then ended up getting a sore throat... So do you have any symptoms yet? when is your af due? Im thinking Im due by Next wed. so i dont know when to test waiting til 12dpo! Have tested like 3 times already knowing that it was way too early...which is worse to see that BFN! .... Good luck hoping for a BFP for you!! :)

I honestly don't think i will get a BFP this month, its just how i 'feel' at the moment if you get what i mean. I'm due the :witch: on the 18th if i've gone back to a 28 day cycle. If not then i have a bit later to wait :wacko:

did u manage to catch ov hun?
I just got a call from the hospital. My HCG levels are at 200 so how I managed to get a BFN I have no idea!! Rubbish tests - won't be using those again!
They want me to come in for more bloods on wednesday - I guess so they can check that they're coming down ok. FX'd they are.

If they are coming down at the rate they should and they're 200 now I should be at non pregnant level by the weekend. I really hope that happens.

Today has really knocked my confidence for TTC this month and I'm wondering whether I should just leave it, but I SO SO SO want a baby!

Thanks to all of you for listening to my whining on and for your positivity and support. :hugs:

Anyone for honey?? :haha:

hope u get sorted soon and get levels back to normal :hugs:
baileykenz :hugs: I noticed you weren't really online. I hope today is better for you hun!
Wellllll ~ I could certainly be better~ somewhere in the middle~ my OPK's are getting lighter :growlmad: so I am guessing 1 of 2 things~ I either didn't ovulate this month- certainly possible and AF is around the corner- which wouldn't be a bad thing or 2- I didn't start using them soon enough and missed it~ also possible~ grrrrrrrr
I'm in the 2WW now... its the first time i've ever been here (in the 2WW) and OMGosh its driving me mad lol

Im right there w/ ya! I was feeling different at first hoping I was pregnant but I was extremely tired and then ended up getting a sore throat... So do you have any symptoms yet? when is your af due? Im thinking Im due by Next wed. so i dont know when to test waiting til 12dpo! Have tested like 3 times already knowing that it was way too early...which is worse to see that BFN! .... Good luck hoping for a BFP for you!! :)

I honestly don't think i will get a BFP this month, its just how i 'feel' at the moment if you get what i mean. I'm due the :witch: on the 18th if i've gone back to a 28 day cycle. If not then i have a bit later to wait :wacko:

Its even harder waiting if your not sure it your cycle is 28 days. Because mine is never the same. Yeah I know how you feel! you never know! good luck keep us posted.
hi girls didnt come on yest felt so low :(
welcome new girls gl on opks

Stay positve! Dont give it. we all have bad days, but we all are here for you! Hope today is a better day for you! :)
I lost my last baby at 4 weeks on february 26th. so I am trying this march too.

welcome my dear! :flower:

We're still waiting for our 1st BFP on this thread!!

How do you get the stuff at the bottom of your page I found the cute little things but how do you get them on your page??

You need to add them onto a signature on your profile, they need to be in a url format I think!?

Hope everyone is feeling ok today - Hnaskiz how is the bleeding? Im back at work and had a horrid morning, already cried twice and got a horrible headache too. Just the afternoon and meeting to go.

Im still keeping all things crossed for a bfp this month (even though Im yet to get my bfn following mc), think the pma really helps me to stay focused. Im going to give the soy a go once af arrives, my cycles were all over the place before I was pregnant (anywhere from 33 - 64 ish days), so am hoping it will make me regualr and I can try every month instead of every 3 months!

Lots of :hugs: to you all, you have kept me sane for the past 2 weeks. :thumbup:

Thank you! I am going to give it a try!
Hello ladies :hugs: I hope everyone is feeling ok today. :flower:

I went to work and had a very busy day which was good as it stopped me brooding and meant I didn't think about this horribleness for most of the day.

I've been pain free pretty much all day and the bleeding has stopped (again - I'll only believe it when it's been more than 48 hrs)! So HUGE improvement on yesterday! Up down, up down, up down, it's an emotional pogo stick!

I have to go back for bloods tomorrow again but am hoping to put it off til thursday as I don't fancy a morning in the EPU with my LO!

:hugs: to everyone.
:hi: ladies!!
been off awhle and Ive had a great read... picked up on some things I didn't know like Honey and tomato... too bad hubby doesn't like tomato anyting except for ketchup but he hardly ever eats it with anything...

Im 8dpo today and am also feeling like it's not my month, testing this Friday so we'll see what happens.. if it's a bfn this cycle, I am thinking or rather will be taking Soy... I O fine I think I may need a boost, cuz well, Im getting up there in age and hopefully that boost will help me :rofl:... i will be taking it CD3-CD7...

keeping everything crossed for all of us!!!

Hello ladies :hugs: I hope everyone is feeling ok today. :flower:

I went to work and had a very busy day which was good as it stopped me brooding and meant I didn't think about this horribleness for most of the day.

I've been pain free pretty much all day and the bleeding has stopped (again - I'll only believe it when it's been more than 48 hrs)! So HUGE improvement on yesterday! Up down, up down, up down, it's an emotional pogo stick!

I have to go back for bloods tomorrow again but am hoping to put it off til thursday as I don't fancy a morning in the EPU with my LO!

:hugs: to everyone.

I'm glad you are feeling somewhat better.. progress is progress! :thumbup: Mine was like that- lighter and then heavier and then light spotting and then BOOM gone, it seemed to stop immediately. I hope it disappears for you really soon! :)

And I Hope your blood work comes back with no HCG!
:hi: ladies!!
been off awhle and Ive had a great read... picked up on some things I didn't know like Honey and tomato... too bad hubby doesn't like tomato anyting except for ketchup but he hardly ever eats it with anything...

Im 8dpo today and am also feeling like it's not my month, testing this Friday so we'll see what happens.. if it's a bfn this cycle, I am thinking or rather will be taking Soy... I O fine I think I may need a boost, cuz well, Im getting up there in age and hopefully that boost will help me :rofl:... i will be taking it CD3-CD7...

keeping everything crossed for all of us!!!


You;re not too far from testing! :happydance:

I am still considering Soy- same thing cd3-7.. How much of it do you plan to take dosage wise?
You;re not too far from testing! :happydance:

I am still considering Soy- same thing cd3-7.. How much of it do you plan to take dosage wise?

I plan on taking it like this:
CD3 - CD6: 160mg
CD7: 200mg

I still haven't bought my Soy, did you? what kind did you buy?

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