Any one else hoping to get pregnant in March?

:happydance: for your smile.
Think I may get back on to my doctor then as want to check my levels!
wow just watchd it..
hey i cant believe how much i feel for a sperm now ...

how did you get it?? i just clicked on the link and it told me it's blocked in this country due to copyright :shrug:
I watched in through the Channel 4 website - try that.

I'm still bleeding (a little) so not sure we'll be ready to DTD this weekend, but maybe. I think we'll be taking the 'try it and see' approach too. We'll just do the BD every other day for as long as it takes to either get af or a BFP!

I've never done OPK's or temps or anything. Just looked at CM - seems to work well for me. Obviously this month may be a little different but I'll still be looking out for it - and doing extra BD if it shows up!

yeah got it through that, lot more respect for :spermy: now :haha:

I was awfull after my MMC I just all i wanted to do was :sex: so i could get pregnant again, as soon as the bleeding stopped i was pecking my DH head didnt take much as hadnt DTD in weeks but everytime we DTD i would start to bleed again, one time DH actually stopped half way through cos i started to bleed. Im sure thats why iv got a secondary infection :shrug: should have waited but just couldnt the desire to be PG was emense.

DH now refusing to do anything till i have finished my antibiotics, cant blame him really :hugs:
Glad you managed to watch it, I copied the link and googled it, it is an amazing programme. Just come back from the doctors and wish I hadnt gone. Was very positive this morning and got told to wait 3 months, why I replied, just because! Oh great Mr Dr, thank you! Absolutely no reason and in fact he then said I can try straight away if I want. No chance of bloods being taken, they dont do it so have bought some cheap preg tests to see if levels have dropped enough to get a bfn (never thought Id want one of those!). Doctor was unsympathetic and rubbish really.

Lintu - how long did the bleeding continue for during :sex: I was hoping to give it a go this weekend but worried now!
Cornish - That is rubbish. Sometimes I depsair of the medical profession. I think a lot of doctors say three months becasue apparently that is how long we grieve for (on average) and so instead of telling us to go for it if we feel emotionally ready, they say wait three months. It's one of those things where they're given information but don't really know how to use it.

Lintu - So sorry you've ended up with an infection. You poor thing, that must be horrible. I shall take your advice and leave it as long as I can to DTD. I was just going to wait until bleeding stops but perhaps I'll give it a bit longer now. Thank you for sharing and warning us! :thumbup:

I shall be testing again with cheapie hpt at the weekend and hoping for a BFN, but I'm not really expecting it. I have a vague recollection of the midwife in the EPU telling me that if I was still + after two weeks I should seek help. Seems to me that lots of women have been + for longer than that and it's perfectly normal? This whole thing is so weird, and everyone tells you something different :growlmad:

ANYWAY, I hope everyone is managing to see through the clouds and past the immediate future to our beautiful babies. I'm really beginning to get there now. Mainly thanks to all of you. :hugs:
I've made my OH start taking multivitmains to make sure those sperm are super healthy! :happydance:

Bless him he's also started running... It's made me realise he wants this as much as I do and he's willing to do whatever it takes to get there.

:hugs: to everyone this morning. I'm feeling super positive today so sending PMA your way.

Just a suggestion- my DH had a poor SA- low count and low morphology- we put him on a multivitamin AND zinc, folic acid, and omega 3- all known to help improve :spermy: so if you can- have him take those too- in a few months my DH's #'s were DRAMATICALLY better- also when I got preggo- so he is still doing those things- also cut out drinking on occasion too. The good thing with men is that there ARE things that can help! :thumbup:
Glad you managed to watch it, I copied the link and googled it, it is an amazing programme. Just come back from the doctors and wish I hadnt gone. Was very positive this morning and got told to wait 3 months, why I replied, just because! Oh great Mr Dr, thank you! Absolutely no reason and in fact he then said I can try straight away if I want. No chance of bloods being taken, they dont do it so have bought some cheap preg tests to see if levels have dropped enough to get a bfn (never thought Id want one of those!). Doctor was unsympathetic and rubbish really.

Lintu - how long did the bleeding continue for during :sex: I was hoping to give it a go this weekend but worried now!

Don't worry about bleeding with :sex: It maaaaaay happen- but if it's been a few days since you've bled~ your cervix should be closed- just take it super easy the first time. My first time with DH about a week ago went GREAT! :blush: And I've been with him again- everything totally fine.

Btw- I JUST got a BFN after 2 weeks post d&c- it CAN take 2-3 weeks- I think that is the norm. I would say if it takes longer than that- it does warrant talking to your doctor.

I wouldn't worry about waiting to start TTC either~ unless there was some complication~ just wing it the first month and then start trying more actively!

Ok- we need to start posting :bfp: 's now! :) :thumbup:
Holly - Thanks for the tips!
I don't think OH has any fertility issues as we've managed to conceive very easily in the past - we're just making sure that the sperm that get through are the best possible quality!! The multivitamin he is taking has got zinc and selenium in it - both of which are good for sperm. I chose it specially!!

I've started being really good about what I eat as well as taking the prenatals, and am drinking gallons of water. I'm hoping this will mean that my eggs are good quality too! Like I say, conception never been a massive issue for us but keeping them is a different story. :wacko:

Roll on BFP's - I can't wait to hear about them..... x
Thanks Hanskiz and Holly. Doctors visit did put me down and then the BFP made it worse as no hope of ovulation coming anywhere near if hormones are still high:growlmad: How many days should I leave it before I test again? Do they drop as quickly as they rise?

Think Ill see if we can give things a go this weekend, just to keep the :spermy: healthy. Will see if he will take some of those vitamins too - which are the best for men? He has no problems as we do have a 2 yr old, but jsut to keep things tip top!

Congrats on your bfn Holly, keep us updated for ovulation signs. WInging it is the way forward!:happydance::happydance:
Glad you managed to watch it, I copied the link and googled it, it is an amazing programme. Just come back from the doctors and wish I hadnt gone. Was very positive this morning and got told to wait 3 months, why I replied, just because! Oh great Mr Dr, thank you! Absolutely no reason and in fact he then said I can try straight away if I want. No chance of bloods being taken, they dont do it so have bought some cheap preg tests to see if levels have dropped enough to get a bfn (never thought Id want one of those!). Doctor was unsympathetic and rubbish really.

Lintu - how long did the bleeding continue for during :sex: I was hoping to give it a go this weekend but worried now!

My Dr told me there is no medical reason why i cant TTC straight away, the only reason they say to wait till first AF is so they have a LMP date to go off, nothing else. She said as long as emotionally i was ready then i could just go for it.

I was 9 weeks to the day when i had my ERPC and it took nearly 4 weeks to get a :bfn: 3 weeks 5 days to be exact.

it was only spotting and rairly on my pants, it lasted for 3 weeks, thats why i found the infection went back to Dr's cos was still spotting :shrug: and she swobbed me just to be on the safe side. But everyone is different hun, i only had one day of actual bleeding and that was the day of the ERPC the rest was spotting everyday then occasional

Good Luck :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks Lintu, I wish my Dr was as nice, he just seemed to be quoting a book and didnt want to talk about it with me at all. Maybe he was unsure?!
Im trying to think of what my levels could be as I had a mmc, had my erpc at 12+1 but baby died at 9 weeks, would my levels have carried on going up even though baby had died? So would I have 12 week levels or 9 week? My erpc was on 24.2, so have they been dropping one week or 4 (from when baby died).So confused?!!!>??? Any help????

:hugs: and good luck to you too.x
Im trying to think of what my levels could be as I had a mmc, had my erpc at 12+1 but baby died at 9 weeks, would my levels have carried on going up even though baby had died? So would I have 12 week levels or 9 week? My erpc was on 24.2, so have they been dropping one week or 4 (from when baby died).So confused?!!!>??? Any help????

Me too! I have no idea, can't seem to find any info on this. :wacko:
yeah they continue to rise until the placenta detaches hun, thats the problem with MMC your body still thinks your pregnant and everything is working.

I was 9 weeks but bean was 6, you need to go from 12 weeks cos thats how far along your body thought you were, if your body had realised at 9 and stopped the hormone you would have lost naturally :hugs:

hope that helps :hugs: theres a recent study thats says if you get caught within 6 mths of MC, statiscally you have a H & H 9mths & birth
Thanks once again Lintu :flower: Understand your frustration hanskiz, its very annoying when you cant find anything out and the doctor wont help you, just thought if I could get a blood test then Id know how long I have to wait for the level to drop. From what Ive just looked at levels are at their highest around 12 weeks so I think I might be in for a long wait. My poor body took so much effort to get those levels up :cry:
i have had really bad ovulation type cramps today and now feel really bloated and heavy that is consistent with ovulation for me too, so fingers x'd my AF starts in the next few weeks and i can get going again. Should note my scope hasnt picked up and ferning, so i dont think i have actually ovulated, everything i have read says not to read too much in to any symptoms until first AF shows up cos its just your hormones re booting

its really frustrating when you cant get any info, iv been inwardly digesting medical journals :haha: my DH laughs and tells me im too well informed, i read everyhting!!
Thanks Hanskiz and Holly. Doctors visit did put me down and then the BFP made it worse as no hope of ovulation coming anywhere near if hormones are still high:growlmad: How many days should I leave it before I test again? Do they drop as quickly as they rise?

Think Ill see if we can give things a go this weekend, just to keep the :spermy: healthy. Will see if he will take some of those vitamins too - which are the best for men? He has no problems as we do have a 2 yr old, but jsut to keep things tip top!

Congrats on your bfn Holly, keep us updated for ovulation signs. WInging it is the way forward!:happydance::happydance:

From what I understand- just as the levels should double every 48 hours- they should drop in half about every 2-3 days- but if there is retained tissue in there- it could be longer. Just a suggestion- I bumped up my activity level and noticed after I did that- the spotting stopped. I started running again- and during the run, I DID have heavier spotting- but then BOOM it was gone- and it makes sense - like it sped the process up. Exercise gets the blood flowing down there and the moving around helps loosen things up - so I would recommend that perhaps to expedite the process?? It was very clear- ran for 2 days- slightly heavier spotting while I ran- and them completely NOTHING and then the BFN soon after.. so just a suggestion. Now, I wouldn't go killing yourself or hurting yourself- but just help get things moving around and be as active as possible!

Weird on the congrats for a BFN :haha: But I totally agree!! :thumbup:
i have had really bad ovulation type cramps today and now feel really bloated and heavy that is consistent with ovulation for me too, so fingers x'd my AF starts in the next few weeks and i can get going again. Should note my scope hasnt picked up and ferning, so i dont think i have actually ovulated, everything i have read says not to read too much in to any symptoms until first AF shows up cos its just your hormones re booting

its really frustrating when you cant get any info, iv been inwardly digesting medical journals :haha: my DH laughs and tells me im too well informed, i read everyhting!!

That would be awesome!!! I know what you mean about wanting to get going again!! I've read the same thing too about not reading into symptoms- quite frustrating! I told my DH- I don't know my body AT ALL right now!! :nope:
Yeah it's pants, I'm really struggling I'm a bit of a control freak not being able to control any of this is insane!!!

I was told I couldn't run till the bleeding stopped cos of hemorrage :shrug:
lintu- hm - I wasn't told that AT ALL about running- I was told I could resume normal activities as long as I was up to it - exception of anything "in there" for 2 weeks. I DID take it easy when I did and I jumped off the treadmill every 15 minutes or so to check how much I was or was not bleeding.. and monitored it- but it wasn't bad- it was less than AF but stronger than spotting.

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