Any one have to wait until after AF is late for a BFP?

In the hospital ladies... Had some extremely light bleeding today but I never had any bleeding with my son... Very scared about to find out if this is the start of a miscarriage or not... Please pray I need support now more than ever... Can't stop crying and worrying about the worst possible scenario...
Ultrasound in one hour... Please pray for me I am so afraid. Luckily the bleeding has slowed to almost nothing. But I feel kinda crampy... Hoping this baby sticks... I want this baby more than my next breath...
Ultrasound in one hour... Please pray for me I am so afraid. Luckily the bleeding has slowed to almost nothing. But I feel kinda crampy... Hoping this baby sticks... I want this baby more than my next breath...

is it red or brown? and you may just have a hematoma and need proesterone! dont worry yet :)
I had my ultrasound and it has been confirmed that I have miscarried :'( I am so numb from the crying. In lots of pain just waiting for it all to pass...
Hi ladies!
Kla - thank you for asking how things are with me, to be completely honest, I am extremely disgusted in myself for getting so wrapped up in my own problems :( I should be (and am) extremely grateful for the people and things in my life and for the new people I've met. hoping you are going well :)
Amanda - I want you to know that whatever happens, you have some wonderful ladies here who will give you great advice, and on a side note I know a friend of a friend who had some light bleeding at the start of her pregnancy and it turns out that when she went to the hospital and had an u/s they found they were pregnant with twins! I truly do hope you are ok, I've never been through any of what you're going through so I can only be here for you <3

I've pretty much given up on ttc, it's gotten to that point where I keep thinking that's it, I have a baby shower to go to on Saturday so I'll just keep buying little baby things for that family and also for my cousin who is expecting their bub in Dec :)
I'm hoping I have not upset anyone here, I seem to always be doing that :( please let's know if I overstep any lines...
I only wish the very best for all the ladies here ---/--@
Oh Amanda- I am so sorry!!!!!! What a terrible thing for you to be dealing with and I'm sorry I didn't see your posts sooner! Cry all you need to and find comfort in your loved ones and that beautiful boy of yours. Sending lots of love and prayers your way!!!

Paigies- i haven't seem you post anything that would upset anyone! Sometimes I think stepping back and letting things just happen to you instead of trying to make things happen is just why our bodies need us to do. Wishing you all the best!!!

MrsD- are you still around? How are you doing?
Oh, I am so so so terribly sorry for you Amanda! I feel terrible about my previous post now :( take the time you need! Everything else can wait! Just know that we are here for you if you ever need to talk :) please please take care <3 xx
You're exactly right kla :) thank you.
Amanda - I am so so sorry. Had a cry when I read your post. 3 of us were pregnant and now 2 have lost our babies. It is so heartbreaking. I am thinking of you, praying for you and sending you lots of hugs. And I know EXACTLY what you're going through so if you need to talk, you know where I am. Thinking of you hun. How are you feeling?
KLa - I'm ok. Physically better. I got a call from the hospital yesterday and HCG level has gone now. So it's the closure I needed but I still broke down in tears when I heard. It's "good news" as I can move on but it's all over with now. Feeling really upset lately but work is keeping me busy. How are you KLa?
Times have got a bit tough on this board ladies but we all need to keep staying together. We will get there in the end and have our babies. And we'll all be asking KLa for advice as she will have done it all by then!
Keep the faith ladies xx
Thank you ladies it has been a terrible September: 3 family deaths and a miscarriage.... I just want this month to be over and start fresh. My son is too little to understand but he is a very perceptive litte guy and has been extra cuddly and loving towards me and my husband is very supportive. We are gonna wait one cycle before tying again as our doctor recommended. Just so hard to accept it.

Of course this morning after I got home from getting my prescription I noticed a baby bunny laying in the grass being attacked by birds I scared off the buzzards and sat in the grass with the bunny in my arms until his little heart stopped. What a terrible day it has been. I am so gutted and numb... I am to the point where I am angry with God for allowing all these terrible things to rain down on our family at once like this... Trying to be positive but right now I just don't want anything but to hold my son close and realize just how lucky I am to have him in my life. I will give him an earthly sibling some day... I just don't know when...
Wow - so sorry Amanda. I hope this month ends soon for you and things will be better next month.
Hello ladies,
Just wondering how you are all going? It's been a little while :) what's been going on?
Amanda, it sounds like you have had an absolutely terrible time of late :( I hope things pick up soon and you can smile again <3
Kla, how is your pregnancy going?
Moni, any news? My fingers are crossed for you :)
MrsD, how are you? Are you ok?
Loves to you all
Hey all - was out of town for work last week and been busy this week catching up. Looks like the problem is hubby's little guys - they were not happy with his test results - not horrible but not good either. They want to retest him in a couple of weeks. So far my tests have come back good. I am waiting for AF to arrive to schedule the rest of the testing - expecting her today or tomorrow. Once all the testing is done, we will meet with the doctor to discuss options. I'll try to keep you posted...

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Hi Paigie's mumma
I'm doing ok thanks. Still feeling a little bit down and very tired! I really just want to move on now and I'm hoping I can begin to do that after I have my follow up consultation at the hospital next week. However, I am still awaiting the arrival of my AF. It's been over 5 weeks since my op but still no sign of AF. I know it can be delayed but I just want it now, so then we can move on and think about TTC again.
How are you doing?

Moni - good news about your test results. Sorry to hear about hubby's results. Hopefully you'll feel better once you sit down with doctor and discuss some options.

How's everyone else doing?
AF came so my final tests are scheduled for next week with the HSG test next Friday. I am going to take a break from temping and try not to come online too much until we have figured out a plan of attack. Looking into getting supplements for the hubby to boost his numbers.

Anyway - I'll check back periodically - hoping for good news by the end of the year for you all!!
Hi ladies- sorry for the absence- phone crashed and couldn't get on. New phone now- woohoo :)
Paigies- I'm doing great, thanks! We had an ultrasound two weeks ago and could see baby moving and wiggling around... Then just heard the heartbeat Thursday which was awesome. Next sono is Nov 15- when we can find out what it is if we want to. Still deciding what we are going to do. How are you doing??
MrsD- how's school going? Sorry to hear AF hasn't shown- my fingers are crossed for you that she shows soon and you can fully move on!
Moni- sorry to hear about your hubby. At least now you have some answers and can hopefully find a solution!
Hi ladies I haven't been recently because I was having a rough time so I immersed myself in work but am now feeling a bit better. Hope to ttc again soon. Just waiting for my first post MC AF... The time it is taking is horrid but hopefully everything should be good and be straightened out soon.

Baby dust to us all!!
Congratulations KLa! It must be so exciting seeing the little one move about and hear the heartbeat! How are you feeling? Hope work isn't too exhausting for you!
School is good thanks. Very busy but I have a lovely class and being immersed in work has been exactly what I have needed to take my mind off things.
Speak of the devil...AF turned up on Friday night. Was sad initially as it all feels so final. But it is such a relief and I feel more positive now. Beginning to feel ready to move on. I have my follow up appointment at the hospital on Tuesday and I will ask when I can TTC again. Hopefully soon! I really hope to be pregnant before my original due date. I think it'll make the whole thing a little easier.
Hope you're all well!
Ok so I need advice ladies... My hcg went down to zero very fast after my miscarriage within a few days... I kept temping and seen my ovulation spike which was confirmed with OPKs on Sept 26th. Fast forward to today I started feeling kind sick in the am. So for shits and giggles I used a left over OPK and got a faint positive... I was doing some reading saying you can use OPKs as a makeshift pregnancy test but it can't go the other way. Apparently LH and hcg are almost identical and an OPK can pick up both. Hpts however can only detect hcg. I am not getting my hopes up but my chart looks so awesome and believable to be the early days if a new pregnancy... Can anyone shed some light??

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