Any other feb 2014 babies?

How's everyone doing/feeling? I'm already getting tired easily. Feeling like it's too early for this, but probably due to being a little older this time around. And shouldn't my uterus already be stretched out by now??? Maybe it's from sitting in an office chair all day, but annoying pressure in lower abdomen on and off all day.

Hope all are doing well. The weekend is almost upon us :)
How's everyone doing/feeling? I'm already getting tired easily. Feeling like it's too early for this, but probably due to being a little older this time around. And shouldn't my uterus already be stretched out by now??? Maybe it's from sitting in an office chair all day, but annoying pressure in lower abdomen on and off all day.

Hope all are doing well. The weekend is almost upon us :)

I was tired a couple weeks ago - maybe it is our age! I know what you mean about uterine pressure, kind of a fullness, right? My bbs are a little sore, otherwise nothing much.

Anyone have fun plans for the weekend?

I had a scare yesterday: when wiping after peeing I had blood. Not spotting or brown blood, but red blood. I wiped again out of shock and there was more. It was so out-of-the-blue as I'd not had any spotting or cramping. I called my dr and he had me come in immediately.

He did a scan and we saw a heartbeat which was exciting but I was so scared and worried I was still crying. We also saw a small clot (sch), and a small fibroid/polyp thing on my cervix. He thinks these are causing the bleeding and not affecting the baby.

The weird thing is that I was scheduled to have a 1 cm submucosal fibroid removed a couple weeks ago (obviously cancelled as I found out I was pregnant!), and we didn't see on the scan yesterday, but the sch was where it was. Also, the fibroid/polyp thing is new - we never saw that before - and since it's literally at the entrance to my cervix there is no way it could have been missed before.

He thinks it might be detaching itself and working it's way out, and that's what is on my cervix. He could have easily snipped it off, but we decided not to because if I do end up miscarrying we don't want to think in the back of our minds that there was a correlation.

I was admitted to the hospital for a couple of nights so they could keep an eye on me, I go home tomorrow and have a week of bedrest at home. Hoping to have a scan tomorrow before I'm discharged, then wait til the 29th for my 7 week 2 day scan.

The bleeding stopped after a few hours, then turned into brown while/after peeing, now nothing.

Dr said 'normal' will now mean some bleeding and mild cramping going forward, and to only freak out if I have severe cramping or a lot of bleeding. He told me that many healthy pregnancies experience some type of bleeding and to try to relax.

I keep reminding myself that I can't control this and worrying is useless. I have to trust my body will do what is best for the baby. But despite this I'm a mental basketcase. :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
gottalaugh -- I'm so sorry to hear about your scare. I can only imagine how that must have felt. I am glad that everything is okay. It sounds like your doctor is really on top of things, which is great. That must have been super exciting hearing your baby's heartbeat! I'm hoping that we get to at my first appointment. I guess we'll see!

So you go home tomorrow? Bed rest for a week - ugh, however of course we do whatever is best for the pregnancy :) Actually, I wouldn't mind at least a couple of days of bed rest. Watching some T.V., reading a book - sounds pretty good right now. I feel like it's run, run, run all the time lately. I guess you will need to be keeping your mind busy on bed rest, so that you don't let it run wild as I know it's so easy to do (from experience).

No big plans this weekend, biking riding and a movie tomorrow with the family :) and may need to work some Sunday :(

Hang in there this week! Keep your chin up and positive thoughts.
TTBabyMakes4 - thanks for your concern! It's been a rollercoaster couple of days. Apparently once a hartbeat is heard chance of miscarriage decreases so I'm clinging to that! Can't wait for you to hear your baby's heartbeat on the 1st.

Yes, a week of bedrest will be relaxing though you are SO right about trying to keep my mind from obsessing about my upcoming scan on the 29th! I've got my work pc so I might login to keep from driving myself insane.

A bike ride and movie with the family sounds really nice, have fun! I used to workout a lot but am too scared to the past few months with my miscarriages. Boo! I'm promising myself if I make it to 12 weeks I'm going to start swimming again.
gottalaugh -- So are you home now? How are you feeling? Hope the rest of your weekend went well. Well, that is very true about the decrease in mc probability after hearing the heartbeat. I've read that the chances decrease drastically from a statistical viewpoint.

I do get nervous with the physical exercise too, so I understand that. I just gained so much weight with my first and now I'm six years older and 10 lbs heavier to begin with, so I'm really trying to eat right and exercise.

We were on mountain bikes yesterday and I was keeping to the easy trails and my husband was pushing why I wasn't doing the harder ones. He is such a duff sometimes. Our daughter was there and we are not telling her until after we get the all clear at the first doctor's appt., so I just looked at him incredulously. He has a hard time being sympathetic or understanding sometimes. He drove me crazy by the end of the day yesterday, I'm sure part hormonal and not totally his fault. I laid down and took a 2 hour nap today and it still didn't register with him that I'M PREGNANT AND TIRED!!!! I finally said to him this afternoon for him to google symptoms of pregnancy in first trimester - that I'm not making it up! He apologized and I'm hoping will try a little harder. He's been under stress between finishing up his degree, working FT, as well as losing his father unexpectedly a few weeks ago, I know that I need to be patient, but patience does not feel like my forte right now. Sorry for the venting! Okay - back to being productive I go!
TTBabyMakes4 - Vent away; that's why we are here! It sounds like your DH has a lot on his plate and once you gently reminded him that you ARE PREGNANT he got it. I love that you told him to google 'pregnancy symptoms.' As you said your hormones are crazy so you're probably not as patient as normal and he needs to be aware of that.

It made me laugh reading that he was pushing you to do the harder trails - totally reminds me of my DH. A couple weeks ago he suggested I go for a run and I gave him probably the same look of death you gave your DH. While I know exercise doesn't cause miscarriage and is important during pregnancy, I'm taking it embarrassingly easy until I'm lucky enough to get to 12 weeks.

Am home now and camping out either on the sofa or in bed. Starting to feel a little queasy, especially at night, and having some light cramping/pressure. I always read about pulling/tugging sensations but I wouldn't describe what I'm feeling that way. But, no spotting, and no real cramping, so hoping all is ok.

Fingers, toes, eyes, legs crossed!
gottalaugh -- how are you feeling? I don't blame you for taking it easy on the exercise for a few weeks after what you've been through. I think the pressure and light cramping is totally normal, at least it has been for me and I've read it's common. Mostly just feeling tired now. Very, very little nausea so far, so hoping for the best there. Some days I get a little nervous about my lack of symptoms, but then I remind myself how early it is. Hitting 6 weeks tomorrow and with my first I don't remember any substantial morning sickness, but that pregnancy seems eons ago. Well, with my first I was so oblivious since I didn't expect to get pregnant (wasn't trying and was actually trying to prevent at the time!) that I didn't realize I was pregnant until I was about 1.5 weeks late and then the boobs tipped me off. Oh, well, I guess I do have that symptom full on this time! Painful top front - ugh!

Oh and don't get me wrong about our first....regardless of not trying, I wouldn't change a thing for the world. I'm looking forward to her not having to be an only child anymore :)

Looking forward to hearing how you are feeling. I hope all is well with you!!!
TTBabyMakes4 - funny how with your first you were oblivious...and with this pregnancy you're hyperaware! I know what you mean about lack of symptoms; sometime I think the mild symptoms I have (sore boobs, uterine sensations, nausea) are fading and I freak out.

Right now my boobs are a little sore, and I'm intermittently queasy with a dull headache. I can't tell if I'm feeling increased fatigue or just bored from laying around all day. If I didn't know I was pregnant I'd think I'm coming down with something as I feel 'off.' Some brown when wiping, but nothing alarming going on down there.

I keep reminding myself of all the googling I've done on 'fading symptoms' where women go on to have healthy pregnancies.

Which did you find worse - the two week wait or the wait to 12 weeks?

Three days until my scan, 5 until yours! Eeeeeks!

Anyone else have any upcoming scans?

I want to do one of those cute ticker signatures but am waiting for my doctor to officially give me a date! I know they're on my scans but he said once the baby reaches 10mm it's more accurate than it is now.
TTBabyMakes4 - funny how with your first you were oblivious...and with this pregnancy you're hyperaware! I know what you mean about lack of symptoms; sometime I think the mild symptoms I have (sore boobs, uterine sensations, nausea) are fading and I freak out.

Right now my boobs are a little sore, and I'm intermittently queasy with a dull headache. I can't tell if I'm feeling increased fatigue or just bored from laying around all day. If I didn't know I was pregnant I'd think I'm coming down with something as I feel 'off.' Some brown when wiping, but nothing alarming going on down there.

I keep reminding myself of all the googling I've done on 'fading symptoms' where women go on to have healthy pregnancies.

Which did you find worse - the two week wait or the wait to 12 weeks?

Three days until my scan, 5 until yours! Eeeeeks!

Anyone else have any upcoming scans?

I want to do one of those cute ticker signatures but am waiting for my doctor to officially give me a date! I know they're on my scans but he said once the baby reaches 10mm it's more accurate than it is now.

Hello ladies--hope I can join you all. I'm 36 and this is my first. I'm due on February 15th, 2014.

I'll have a scan on Monday 7/1 so I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing a heartbeat even if I can't hear it yet. I've had light nausea for the past few days, and cramping from the start but otherwise I feel pretty good.

I didn't anticipate the worry that comes along with waiting for scans :shrug:
TTBabyMakes4 - funny how with your first you were oblivious...and with this pregnancy you're hyperaware! I know what you mean about lack of symptoms; sometime I think the mild symptoms I have (sore boobs, uterine sensations, nausea) are fading and I freak out.

Right now my boobs are a little sore, and I'm intermittently queasy with a dull headache. I can't tell if I'm feeling increased fatigue or just bored from laying around all day. If I didn't know I was pregnant I'd think I'm coming down with something as I feel 'off.' Some brown when wiping, but nothing alarming going on down there.

I keep reminding myself of all the googling I've done on 'fading symptoms' where women go on to have healthy pregnancies.

Which did you find worse - the two week wait or the wait to 12 weeks?

Three days until my scan, 5 until yours! Eeeeeks!

Anyone else have any upcoming scans?

I want to do one of those cute ticker signatures but am waiting for my doctor to officially give me a date! I know they're on my scans but he said once the baby reaches 10mm it's more accurate than it is now.

Hello ladies--hope I can join you all. I'm 36 and this is my first. I'm due on February 15th, 2014.

I'll have a scan on Monday 7/1 so I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing a heartbeat even if I can't hear it yet. I've had light nausea for the past few days, and cramping from the start but otherwise I feel pretty good.

I didn't anticipate the worry that comes along with waiting for scans :shrug:

Welcome! My first scan is Monday too and I understand the nervousness. Well, I'm torn between super excitement and the flashes of worse case scenario popping in my head, but trying to stay in the moment and in this moment all is good with the pregnancy.
gottalaugh -- I still think the 2 week wait is worse than the 12 week. I went through sleepless nights, anxiety, frustration, etc. in the 2 week wait month after month. I still have some of the anxiety, but I am sleeping MUCH better. Maybe it's also easier for me to choose, since I have not had to go through the pain of a m/c. I might feel differently if so.

I wouldn't stress about symptoms/lack of symptoms at 7 weeks. If I remember right, with my 1st, I felt fine as far as nausea and tiredness and then it hit me like a ton of bricks (the fatigue more than the nausea), but I don't remember exactly when....maybe 7-8ish? Either way, everyone gets different degrees of symptoms at different weeks. I had a co-worker that was sick from week 5 on and another that had no nausea at all. Also, since you are on bedrest, it would be hard to spot fatigue.

I called my dr.'s office today and spoke with an OB nurse. They didn't have me scheduled for a sonogram, but I told them how far along I was and she went ahead and set me up for a scan right after my appointment with the doctor! SO GLAD I CALLED!!! I'm excited, but a little nervous. Natural, I guess.

Hope you are feeling well today. A couple more days and then hopefully you will get the green light from the doc and all good news :)
DreamInColor - welcome! Can't wait to hear how your scan goes! :)
gottalaugh -- I still think the 2 week wait is worse than the 12 week. I went through sleepless nights, anxiety, frustration, etc. in the 2 week wait month after month. I still have some of the anxiety, but I am sleeping MUCH better. Maybe it's also easier for me to choose, since I have not had to go through the pain of a m/c. I might feel differently if so.

I wouldn't stress about symptoms/lack of symptoms at 7 weeks. If I remember right, with my 1st, I felt fine as far as nausea and tiredness and then it hit me like a ton of bricks (the fatigue more than the nausea), but I don't remember exactly when....maybe 7-8ish? Either way, everyone gets different degrees of symptoms at different weeks. I had a co-worker that was sick from week 5 on and another that had no nausea at all. Also, since you are on bedrest, it would be hard to spot fatigue.

I called my dr.'s office today and spoke with an OB nurse. They didn't have me scheduled for a sonogram, but I told them how far along I was and she went ahead and set me up for a scan right after my appointment with the doctor! SO GLAD I CALLED!!! I'm excited, but a little nervous. Natural, I guess.

Hope you are feeling well today. A couple more days and then hopefully you will get the green light from the doc and all good news :)

TTBabyMakes4 - OMG, I'm so glad that you called your doc! Yes, yes, you MUST get the scan on Monday!Keep positive and be excited!:happydance:
Today's scan update!

Today I'm 7 weeks 2 days based on LMP, but I ovulated on CD day 15..maybe 15 and a half :p)

I woke up this morning and my boobs felt fine, no nausea, no uterine sensations. I was so worried and prepared myself for today's scan to be devastating.

But we saw the heartbeat, and CRL measured 11mm which is 7 weeks 1 day. Doctor said everything is looking normal and I have an EDD of February 13th.

Next scan is 8 weeks 1 day (yes, I'm obsessive about scans and get them almost weekly).

Doctor said I should try to relax and stop obsessing over symptoms because they are not a guarantee of either a good or bad pregnancy.

Can't wait to hear how all your upcoming scans go! I know we've got a couple coming up on Monday.

gottalaugh -- Yay!!!!!!! Awesome news!!!!! :happydance::happydance:

Now it's time to relax and enjoy your pregnancy :)
Fantastic news! :) So glad all is well!

I don't even have my first appt until a week from Monday. . .I don't think I'll have a scan until 12 weeks. GASP. HA! Living vicariously through everyone else and their scans. :p
TTBabyMakes4: Thanks for the welcome! I do wish I could let go of the worry but I’m just trying to accept it as a new part of my life . Glad that you called your OB office and were able to get your sonogram scheduled—wishing you a great experience!

GottaLaugh: Congrats!!! Wonderful news :). I’ll be 7weeks 2 days at my scan on Monday so I’m also hoping to see a heartbeat :). Will update you all on Monday.

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