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Any other feb 2014 babies?

TTBabyMakes4: Glad your scan went well too. I’ve not been brave enough to tell anyone other than my Mom and one work friend. I want to be safely in the 2nd trimester then I’ll shout it from the rooftop :happydance:.

GottaLaugh: I made myself sick with worry Googling things :cry:. I realized it was just making me more sick so I just stick to this website (and I’ve started avoiding the doom posts), the American Pregnancy Website and LiveStrong has been good too. I bought 2 pregnancy books which I’ve now returned and I unsubscribed from those Week by Week emails—it was just too much and I found myself worrying over the smallest thing. I’m still very anxious but now it’s not that on-edge stress I was experiencing from information overload. Can't wait to hear about your scan results :dust:

DreamInColor -- I like your advice and I understand where you are coming from, especially about the googling. When I was ttc, at times, I got myself so sick and crazy, anxious and sleepless. I don't want to go there again. I mostly stick to this forum too, but do also love to read about the different stages the baby is going through! I also have a Mayo clinic pregnancy book that is proving to be helpful. I think whatever works for the individual to stay sane during the first trimester! I think it's also good to remember that every pregnancy is different and unique.
Welcome KerryGold, happigail & mel28nicole!!!
Kerry and happigail --sending big well wishes for your upcoming scans.
happigail -- do you know when they will be doing your first scan?

Wishing us all a great start to the coming week with only good news, positive scans, low nausea and mild fatigue :)

I've still not even made a booking in appointment. I'm in this place where I am terrified as soon as I get anyone professional involved, everything will go wrong. I'm going to make an appointment tho, so I get a 12 week scan.
DreamInColor -- I like your advice and I understand where you are coming from, especially about the googling. When I was ttc, at times, I got myself so sick and crazy, anxious and sleepless. I don't want to go there again. I mostly stick to this forum too, but do also love to read about the different stages the baby is going through! I also have a Mayo clinic pregnancy book that is proving to be helpful. I think whatever works for the individual to stay sane during the first trimester! I think it's also good to remember that every pregnancy is different and unique.

TTBabyMakes4: You're absolutely right with that. Since this is my first, as soon as I found out I went out and did what I have seen all my girlfriends do which is load up on information, but that has really not worked for me while I know that many of them absolutely loved the books and weekly updates etc :shrug:. As the weeks progress it's just a matter of each individual finding what works best for them as you said, but I wanted to share what works for me right now.
DreamInColor -- I like your advice and I understand where you are coming from, especially about the googling. When I was ttc, at times, I got myself so sick and crazy, anxious and sleepless. I don't want to go there again. I mostly stick to this forum too, but do also love to read about the different stages the baby is going through! I also have a Mayo clinic pregnancy book that is proving to be helpful. I think whatever works for the individual to stay sane during the first trimester! I think it's also good to remember that every pregnancy is different and unique.

TTBabyMakes4: You're absolutely right with that. Since this is my first, as soon as I found out I went out and did what I have seen all my girlfriends do which is load up on information, but that has really not worked for me while I know that many of them absolutely loved the books and weekly updates etc :shrug:. As the weeks progress it's just a matter of each individual finding what works best for them as you said, but I wanted to share what works for me right now.

DreamInColor - you are right in that I need to step away from Google. All it's doing is feeding my craziness - even when I read good statistics on viability after heartbeat. I just can't move beyond thinking my age = bad egg = chromosomal issue = ultimate miscarriage. I wish I knew nothing and was blissfully happy. I bought a pregnancy/baby magazine yesterday hoping by doing so I could prove to myself I could be positive enough to justify buying it. I'm hoping by playing jedi-mindtricks on myself it'll help me be positive.

I had some brown this morning when wiping, so of course I'm nervous even though my doctor said expect some bleeding/cramping due to the sch and/or fibroid thing.

Scan is in 7 hours. So, expect an update in about 8 :winkwink:
Still waiting to hear back on my blood work to see how far I am! :( Made my first appointment for July 23rd. I'll be getting more blood work done before that though. I hate getting blood drawn! :(
Still waiting to hear back on my blood work to see how far I am! :( Made my first appointment for July 23rd. I'll be getting more blood work done before that though. I hate getting blood drawn! :(

Geez -- they are really making you wait for the results of that blood work! Glad your first appoint has been set. July 23rd is right around the corner ;)

My hubby faints, like out-cold-sometimes-pees-himself-faints, when he has to give blood. It's awful and kind of weird. He can watch the most gross horror film and not bat an eye or even if someone else gets cut, he's fine, but when it comes to his own blood....nope! I tried to prick his finger once for a few drops of blood for a biometric screening kit and he was out cold on the kitchen floor in a matter of seconds.
Still waiting to hear back on my blood work to see how far I am! :( Made my first appointment for July 23rd. I'll be getting more blood work done before that though. I hate getting blood drawn! :(

Geez -- they are really making you wait for the results of that blood work! Glad your first appoint has been set. July 23rd is right around the corner ;)

My hubby faints, like out-cold-sometimes-pees-himself-faints, when he has to give blood. It's awful and kind of weird. He can watch the most gross horror film and not bat an eye or even if someone else gets cut, he's fine, but when it comes to his own blood....nope! I tried to prick his finger once for a few drops of blood for a biometric screening kit and he was out cold on the kitchen floor in a matter of seconds.

HAHA! MY husband is the same! Yesterday at work he clipped something with his shin and gashed it a bit and he was down for the count. He knows it is going to happen, he told his workers, I'm going to pass out for a second, just hold my head. LOL! He scared me silly once on Christmas Eve, thought he had a heart attack, passed out cold and hit his head on the oak table leg. For him it's not just blood (although blood does it) but extreme pain that happens quickly. I hope he can handle the delivery room. :)
hinkybinky -- Congratulations and welcome! Your son is 2 1/2 -- what a great age, but I'm sure it must be a little exhausting right now:wacko:

Ah, thanks :flower:

Yes, it can be pretty tiring! I also work part time as a teacher, with 8/9 year olds, roll on the 6 week summer hols! I am also going back full-time in Sept, with a class of 6/7 year olds. Getting a bit concerned about that, but mainly trying not to think too far ahead.
Hi ladies!

Scan update: My 8 weeks 1day scan measured 8 weeks 1 day and had a normal heartbeat. Whew!

I asked my doctor if we could hear the heartbeat; he said there really isn't a point right now because it looks normal (he sees heartbeats all the time so is familiar with what looks normal), and to hear it uses more power/higher frequency and he doesn't like to use more than necessary. Which was fine with me.

So, I'm feeling more hopeful than last week as each week I make it through I feel like I've crossed a mini finish line.

My next scan is at 9 weeks 1 day. I'm anxious, as usual!

Anyone have any upcoming scans or appointments?

How is everyone feeling? At 8 weeks my all-day nausea kicked in (though no vomiting), exhaustion, headaches, slightly sore boobs, feeling really full and bloated with no appetite but my stomach growls with hunger. So, I'm feeling pretty crappy but I'm not complaining.

That's so exciting!! My first appointment is Monday. I have no idea when I'll have a scan, but I'm anxious to have everything mapped out finally!
Still waiting to hear back on my blood work to see how far I am! :( Made my first appointment for July 23rd. I'll be getting more blood work done before that though. I hate getting blood drawn! :(

Geez -- they are really making you wait for the results of that blood work! Glad your first appoint has been set. July 23rd is right around the corner ;)

My hubby faints, like out-cold-sometimes-pees-himself-faints, when he has to give blood. It's awful and kind of weird. He can watch the most gross horror film and not bat an eye or even if someone else gets cut, he's fine, but when it comes to his own blood....nope! I tried to prick his finger once for a few drops of blood for a biometric screening kit and he was out cold on the kitchen floor in a matter of seconds.

HAHA! MY husband is the same! Yesterday at work he clipped something with his shin and gashed it a bit and he was down for the count. He knows it is going to happen, he told his workers, I'm going to pass out for a second, just hold my head. LOL! He scared me silly once on Christmas Eve, thought he had a heart attack, passed out cold and hit his head on the oak table leg. For him it's not just blood (although blood does it) but extreme pain that happens quickly. I hope he can handle the delivery room. :)

With my hubby, it's apparently the thought of his own blood leaving his body that is the issue. At least as far as I can tell. If it helps, with our daughter, he was absolutely great in the delivery room. I had a very long labor with some minor complications and he watched it all and was really a champ about it. No passing out, at all!

Looking forward to hearing the update from your appointment this Monday!
gottalaugh -- Yay!!!! Awesome! Great news on your scan!

I'm with you on the nausea with no vomiting, although, I thought that was about to change 5 minutes ago in the bathroom....but apparently still no vomiting. I am nausea pretty much all day. I don't remember having it this bad with my daughter. I thought I would eat and feel better, but not so much this time. And yes, feel a lot of hunger as well. Trying to eat small frequent meals, but already gaining weight :( I was avoiding ginger ale to begin with because of the sugar, but broke down this morning and started sipping it and it's actually helping.....I think.

Oh well, I need to keep my eye on the prize! This is all worth it.
Hi ladies!

Scan update: My 8 weeks 1day scan measured 8 weeks 1 day and had a normal heartbeat. Whew!

I asked my doctor if we could hear the heartbeat; he said there really isn't a point right now because it looks normal (he sees heartbeats all the time so is familiar with what looks normal), and to hear it uses more power/higher frequency and he doesn't like to use more than necessary. Which was fine with me.

So, I'm feeling more hopeful than last week as each week I make it through I feel like I've crossed a mini finish line.

My next scan is at 9 weeks 1 day. I'm anxious, as usual!

Anyone have any upcoming scans or appointments?

How is everyone feeling? At 8 weeks my all-day nausea kicked in (though no vomiting), exhaustion, headaches, slightly sore boobs, feeling really full and bloated with no appetite but my stomach growls with hunger. So, I'm feeling pretty crappy but I'm not complaining.


Congratulations--I'm so glad that your scan went well! Every week and every appointment does in fact feel like a milestone :happydance:

I'm also having the all-day nausea and have been trying all sorts of ginger-related remedies and SeaBand-type stuff to minimize the feeling. Like you I don't have any vomiting but I'm just exhausted from the constant sick feeling. I go in to see my doctor on Monday (at 8w2d) and I'm going to ask for some anti-nausea medicine because I can't function at all. I'm a professor and don't have to go back until August so I'm just hoping to get this under control before then.

Congrats again :flower:
I'm 8 weeks tomorrow and I have my midwife appointment at 9+6 and the. My scan probably around 12-13 weeks, hoping to be confident enough to be fully in here then!
Booked in with MW today.

I have a scan tomorrow morning. Follow up from 10 days ago. Praying for a HB.

I'm so terrified! :cry:

Booked in with MW today.

I have a scan tomorrow morning. Follow up from 10 days ago. Praying for a HB.

I'm so terrified! :cry:


Good luck for tomorrow :hugs: Looking forward to seeing your update tomorrow with exciting heartbeat news x
YAY!! Back from my first appointment and I get to have a scan Wed morning to check dates because of my previous m/c's! I'm so excited. Otherwise it was the normal boring appt.
I'm 8 weeks tomorrow and I have my midwife appointment at 9+6 and the. My scan probably around 12-13 weeks, hoping to be confident enough to be fully in here then!

Sounds like we are a day apart (8 weeks Wednesday for me). Glad things are moving along and looking forward to you being totally "in" on this thread :)
Booked in with MW today.

I have a scan tomorrow morning. Follow up from 10 days ago. Praying for a HB.

I'm so terrified! :cry:


Wishing you super, super good news tomorrow! Please keep us updated. Ahhh, I'm feeling for you right now. Try to relax and get rest up for tomorrow.
YAY!! Back from my first appointment and I get to have a scan Wed morning to check dates because of my previous m/c's! I'm so excited. Otherwise it was the normal boring appt.

Good stuff! Glad you got your scan scheduled. Two short days away! It's your hubby's first? Is he able to come to the appointment with you on Wednesday?

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