Any other irregular gals out there?? Let's stick together! (TTC#1 FORUM))

Posting a little update: After several follicle scans including one this morning, it appears I O'd on Saturday (I had a positive OPK, and O pain all day!). Just waiting to hear back from the clinic about my progesterone levels. If they're elevated, then that means the Clomid did its job (whether the swimmers got to their destination in a timely manner is a whole other matter.). Fingers crossed that I get more good news!

Congrats on finally getting AF Ursula!
Hello ladies,

I have been off of BC for a month now. I have been on it almost solid for 14 years to help with PCOS. For the last 2 weeks, I've been experiencing "early pregnancy" symptoms. However, people keep telling me that it may be a progesterone surge and not pregnancy due to being off of the birth control.

I've been off of it a few times in the 14 years, but I've never experienced all of these symptoms, usually just breast tenderness and moodiness, but no more than typical PMS signals for AF. Now there are more symptoms and more intense than AF.

What does everyone think? Hormones because of BC or pregnancy?
Welcome Atuck2!

Only way to know for sure is to take a test! I can only tell you from my own experiences. I was on BC for 10 years and have briefly stopped various brands multiple times but I never had any withdrawal symptoms. Until I stopped BC for good that is. When I officially quit BC I had raging hormone symptoms. Wicked mood swings, headaches, fatigue, major breast tenderness...

The challenging thing is early pregnancy symptoms can mimic PMS symptoms which can also mimic some ovulation symptoms. I say, take a test! That's the only way to know for sure and not just speculate! Good luck!!
Hey ladies! It's my first time posting on Baby and Bump. :) I thought I would jump in on this thread, and just say I understand! My cycles have been around 25 days lately, and before they were 28 and 27... just kept getting shorter!
The naturopath prescribed my progesterone to help increase my luteal phase... I haven't taken it every month lengthening it to around 29-30, and when I don't, it's been right back to 25 days!
Welllllll, this month, I didn't take the progesterone, expecting 25 days, and now I'm at day 34!!!!!! I've never had it this long!
I started taking the progesterone last night, just in case!!! But I'm too terrified to test! I would hate another disappointment, or to hear, "You're not pregnant, but ____ is wrong with you!"
Anyone experience this before? :nope:
inkedlady88, I'm so glad Clomid is working for you! I am on CD 18 with my first cycle of clomid. I had EWCM yesterday and today and this morning I got my first positive OPK! I was getting really nervous that it wasn't going to happen but looks like my body is gearing up to ovulate...I am now keeping fingers crossed that it will!
@2ducks I'm working with an RE. I was referred to her by my OBGYN.

My best friend just told me she's pregnant. She got pregnant on their honeymoon two months ago. I'm trying really hard to be happy for her but I'm so resentful. Any advice on how to deal with the resentment? She knows about our struggles and I didn't indicate to her that I'm resentful. I was happy and supportive. I am happy and supportive but it's just hard...

Ooooh, I totally can empathize! In the past 13 months since I started ttc my best friend got pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. I am happy for her and her husband but getting baby pictures texted to me is like a constant reminder of what I am struggling so hard to have. We live in different states and don't see each other too often, it took me a few months to digest her pregnancy. Eventually I was able to find some genuine happiness for her and her husband. When I am having a hard ttc day and get some pics from her I don't look at them, wait a couple days to get over it and then respond with how adorable her baby is. Every time I see a pregnant woman in public I stare at her like a hungry vampire...
Ursala- I'm so glad AF finally came and went!

MEpride- I haven't heard any connections about PCOS and gestational diabetes but many women with PCOS struggle with balancing their blood sugar. I also have noticed great changes since starting the PCOS diet. My acne has cleared, my hair is growing back, I also lost 5 lbs and am keeping it off. It doesn't help me ovulate unfortunately but I feel pretty good and I'm sticking with it!

As for me I have had EWCM yesterday and today and turned an OPK positive this morning! I am on CD 18 of my first clomid cycle, hopefully this means i am gearing up to ovulate for the first time!
OMG 2ducks! This is great! Have you ever had EWCM without clomid? I am very glad Clomid seems to work for you!

Same Ursala, I am glad that AF showed up!

I see that things are moving up for everyone, and I surely hope it is now our turn to get a very BFP, as we have all being working hard for it over this past year or so!

On my side, I am at 6dpo today, my fingers are stilled crossed and crossed and crossed... I have experienced some bloating and breast tenderness but I now know for sure that it does not mean anything...
I have been drinking fresh lemon juice for detox (apparently it's good to balance hormones), 2 cups of mint tea per day, and multivitamins to support it all, hopefully it helps with my prolactine and androgenes issues, so they both leave my progeterone to work properly (lol, I realize this is quite caricatural, but this is how I picture it...)

Let's hope... Have a great day!
Looks like I ovulated two days ago. I have had a two day temp spike. I will be getting a blood draw next Tuesday to confirm. Looks like I found the right dosage of clomid for me. This is my first TWW!
GL 2ducks!

Today is 7 dpo and this TWW is killing me! I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it's hard!
Hiiii everyone. I'm so happy I found this thread! I'm 25 ttc#1 and have had irregular cycles since I started menstruating. They've run tests in the past and always told me "everything was okay" just my cycles were on the longer side. Since I was not TTC at the time, doc only suggested BC. I took BC for a short period of time because I had adverse reaction to it. I've been NTNP since November 2015 and actively trying since January of this year. This is my first cycle trying to temp and it has been ...interesting... All the things I read about it made it sound so simple but my temps have been erratic and my CM pattern is not a pattern at all....anyway the software I've been using to track my data determined that I ovulated and puts me at 14dpo today. I've been testing with wondfo since 10dpo all bfn with the exception of a faint/strange line at 11dpo (which I am convinced was a faulty test). I promised yesterday that I was out and would not test until Monday. Woke up this morning, temp is still "up" and I'M CONSTIPATED which is just a red flag for me since I'm super regular in that arena. I tested w SMU and BFN. I just feel so frustrated! We have a party to go to later tonight and I wish I could just have some drinks and forget about it but that small glimmer of hope that "I could be" pregnant doesn't even let me enjoy that......what gives ?!? Just wanted to rant, hope you guys don't mind x
Yay 2ducks for a first 2ww!!!

Quick update: I think I ovulated cd 14 (cd 16 today, so I'll see what ff says tomorrow). ALL my opks have been negative, but I have heard they don't work well with women who have pcos. What do you gals think?
That's been my experience Ursula! I stopped using them as I never once got a positive but I do ovulate, just infrequently. It's a waste of money in my opinion.
Thanks MEPride! I think I'll just stop them this cycle and use up what I have left next cycle if I don't get a BFP.

Ff marks today as 3dpo. First TWW! :)
Today is 10dpo/cd29. Started spotting after a bm (tmi!) this morning. I've had a total lack of typical PMS symptoms aside from slight cramping during this TWW. Looks like AF should be here in full force tomorrow. I knew there was no way the universe would let me get pregnant on my first month of Clomid, because that's how my life works.:nope: I'll have to ring my RE in the next day or two and let her know. On to Clomid round two in a few days I guess.
GL 2ducks!

Today is 7 dpo and this TWW is killing me! I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it's hard!

How are you doing? I am 7dpo, went for blood word to confirm today but I know I ovulated because my temps have been consistently high.
Inkedlady88, I'm hoping af stays away!! Keep us updated :)
Sadly, my spotting went full on flow by 11am. On to Clomid round two. I rang the clinic and let them know this round didn't pan out, while choking back tears. The nurse said she would let my RE know and consult with her whether or not to increase my dosage for this next round as I ovulated so late (cd 19/20). I'm also wondering if they'll prescribe me progesterone to deal with my luteal phase defect, I had made my RE aware that I had suspected I had an LP defect at our initial appointment.
Inkedlady88: Boo af! :( Progesterone might be a good idea if you find you have issues with your LP to begin with. Also hoping they increase clomid for you too! Keep us all updated with what they do.

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